If Tomorrow Is War: What About Fighting Spirit? - Alternative View

If Tomorrow Is War: What About Fighting Spirit? - Alternative View
If Tomorrow Is War: What About Fighting Spirit? - Alternative View

Video: If Tomorrow Is War: What About Fighting Spirit? - Alternative View

Video: If Tomorrow Is War: What About Fighting Spirit? - Alternative View
Video: If tomorrow brings war | Rock cover [RUS/ENG/CZ] LYRICS 2024, September

Every day on TV they show something military and threatening: they say, just stick up! I have been living in the world for a long time, but I don’t remember that. Even in the era of the extended arms race, Reagan's "Star Wars", the neutron bomb and the film "Letters from a Dead Man" about the consequences of an atomic catastrophe - this was not the case. On the contrary, then the USSR did not rattle its weapons, but rather tried to show its own and foreign public that we had less weapons than a potential enemy, and that what we had was not offensive at all, but mostly defensive.

This was indicated by the colorful book "Where does the threat to peace come from?" Published in the early 80s, in response to the Pentagon edition about the Soviet military threat. And it was impossible to imagine such that submarines and nuclear missiles flashed on TV.

It seems to me that the current military-technical conversations are more reminiscent of the pre-war propaganda of the late 30s: "And on the enemy's land We will smash the enemy with a little blood, a mighty blow."

You can understand our current leadership. All these heroic and even shappy-handed conversations have one addressee - the United States. And one goal is to convey to the consciousness of their leadership that, with all our losses and losses, today we are capable of inflicting unacceptable damage on them, as they say themselves. Therefore, it is better not to mess with us. This is probably the only position that is possible in the current circumstances, since today's Russia cannot achieve military parity with NATO in all respects, as it was in the Brezhnev era.

But I'm not actually talking about that. The atmosphere in the world is tense. The intensity is downright pre-war. In such an atmosphere, sparks are enough for a big fire. Yes, he is already on fire in many places. And the fire, although it has some patterns, does not obey clear rules. Especially does not obey our desires and predestinations. Everything can go not at all the way you want and think.

And it is quite possible that you will have to fight not only in virtual, and not only with propaganda weapons. That will take and blaze, for example, Venezuela - a new Cuban missile crisis. Or in Ukraine: the most incredible scenarios are often realized in life. And there is no need to be carried away by the comforting thought that robots are fighting in modern warfare. Perhaps people will have to fight, as it has been since the beginning of time. And this war may become not the work of robots or some specially trained professionals far from all of us, but of all of us.

But are we, our children, ready for such a turn of events? Morally first? Because the main thing in any war is not guns and rifles, but fighting spirit. It was Napoleon who spoke, and he is not alone.

What do we have with this? Here's what. The modern generation has been brought up outside the idea of duty. So they taught: “I don't owe anything to anyone. Not me for the state, but the state for me. If it doesn’t suit me, I’ll choose another”. Isn't that how those who are now 20-30 years old were brought up? Exactly. Are you talking about patriotism? Well, to wave flags is still all right, but to go to die … This is very doubtful.

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But that's not all. These kids were brought up without duties, discipline, duty. Force? It's horrible! Do this out of neurotic children! You can't punish anyone either. To tell the loafers that he was loafers would violate his rights, and the teachers are afraid of this. As a result, socially disabled people and moral paralytics are massively formed: he might have wanted to do something, but since childhood he was not used to any effort or to any self-overcoming. He was taught this way: I do it while it's cool, and then I quit, it's not mine.

Five-year imprisonment in some vague universities, where there is no demand, only strengthens this disability. Since it is not necessary to work today, the young man often hangs out for years in some sketchy places, volunteer projects, etc.

This can be a real problem! And it will not be solved in a year or even in a five-year period. But it is necessary to decide. Raising the will and character of the younger generation is a matter of people's survival at any time.

Before the Great Patriotic War, at least they were aware of this. Arkady Gaidar devoted all his work to this task - to educate the younger generation for the inevitable war.

However, the participants in the war themselves felt bitterly that not enough had been done. In the novel by Konstantin Simonov “The So-Called Personal Life. From Lopatin's Notes”, written many years after the war, the headmaster, a military invalid, ardently supported the division of schools into women and men, where boys should be educated as warriors. “He just shakes when he recalls the beginning of the war, that we were not ready for it:“It was we, the teachers say, that brought up the wrong thing, it was not the way to educate. I, he says, already in the war, realized it on my own skin, when I commanded the boys, who, without having time to do anything, perished! - says his student.

If this director had seen today's high school students, it’s hard to imagine what he would say. Probably would have gone crazy. Our country has never been so ready for work and defense as it is today. And the entire aggressive policy of the Kremlin against this is powerless: the personal example of successful fellow citizens educates people, which in our case is terrible.

Tatiana Voevodina