World War III In - Alternative View

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World War III In - Alternative View
World War III In - Alternative View

Video: World War III In - Alternative View

Video: World War III In - Alternative View
Video: БИТВА в WORLD WAR 3 НАЧИНАЕТСЯ 2024, September

Many people with special trepidation read the current news and closely follow the peculiarities of the development of political relations between different states. In different countries, situations are regularly heating up when dealing with foreign policy issues, hot spots often appear in news publications, and terrorist organizations are increasingly deciding on attacks by civilians. As a result, society is often interested in whether a third world war is expected in 2018 and what the aggravation of ties between countries can lead to. Psychics and well-known predictors determine how high the risks are regarding the repetition of two sad military experiences.

Potentially hazardous factors

Experts note that the potential threat comes directly from Europe. In fact, this opinion is erroneous. European countries are engaged in their own recovery and analysis of the economy, so the development of conflicts with opponents for the EU becomes extremely unprofitable. It can be noted that Europe will do everything possible to preserve peace and may even have a positive impact on conflicts in other countries.

In addition, it should be clearly understood what role Russia can play in the third world war in 2018. Taking into account the existing conflict between the two neighboring states, Russia and Ukraine, the issue is of particular importance. In fact, the development of the ATO will not lead to the beginning of the third world war, so there is no real threat from military events. Regularly extending sanctions against the Russian Federation help to ensure that the chances of a successful outcome in the conflict can still be properly used. However, one should not forget that Russia and America are real adversaries, but in fact, a certain state of affairs persists for a long time and ceases to be as dangerous as one might have initially assumed.

Basis of conflicts

Waiting for 2018 to arrive, the third world war, which could begin in a new form, continues to excite civilians. This is facilitated by the development of nuclear weapons and the possibility of active use of the media to disseminate information that is not available for complete blocking. The large-scale conflicts that unfolded in the first two wars no longer threaten society. While there are no direct risks, it is important to understand what to prepare for.

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Experts fear that Europe may be to blame for fueling conflicts. It is the EU that is currently playing the role of peacemaker, which is a potential risk factor. This influence leads to the fact that relations between Russia and the United States of America may aggravate, as a result of which regular exacerbations inflate particular tension on the population of some of the largest countries. The EU's peacekeeping function in Donbas and the regular extension of sanctions also lead to aggravation of relations between Russia and Europe, which turns out to be an additional risk factor.

Taking into account the different interests of Europe, Russia and America, one can guess that at present there is a kind of information conflict, in which the entire Internet is involved. Experts note that in the 21st century it is not necessary to use nuclear weapons and troops to inflict damage on the enemy side, because the active distribution of certain news publications leads to the possibility of undermining the economic and political stability of the entire state.

Rumors have been circulating lately regarding conspiracy theories. It is believed that the Masons, who created a secret religious society back in 1717, still plan to achieve their goal and reduce the population of the planet by several times, since the overpopulation of planet Earth is dangerous. Freemasons are confident that just such a number of residents will contribute to strengthening the economy and politics around the world, controlling the use of resources that cannot be replenished under the influence of natural factors, and improving the ecological situation. Overpopulation of the planet can be prevented only if in the near future a situation is created that leads to a large-scale war. Guided by such a theory, the risk of developing even a nuclear war is noted, which for the majority of the population in reality turns out to be extremely disadvantageous.

What do the prophets say?

First of all, it should be noted that Wanga did not report anything about the third world war for 2018. Carefully studying the predictions of other prophets, references can not be found either in Nostradamus or Messing. The only thing is that all prophets warn of the potential difficulties that all mankind will face. Great predictors also note the aggravation of relations between two neighboring countries, namely, Russia and Ukraine. Many predictions are already coming true, making it possible to understand how important the pursuit of peace and prosperity is.

People believe not only Vanga, Nostradamus, Messing, but also the elders. Different versions of the prophecies do not eliminate potential risks, so it is advisable to listen to the words of wise people to prevent serious consequences. So, what could be the true prediction of the elders about the third world war in 2018, and what should we prepare for?

1. Kasian predicted a serious tectonic catastrophe that would destroy the homes of many people. Ecology will not withstand such shocks, so difficult times will come for all living things. Moreover, the risks are increasing due to the potential use of atomic missiles and chemical weapons. If all of Kasyan's predictions come true, society will still face disease and environmental disaster, and the way out of this situation cannot be found quickly, and the necessary drugs will not be enough.

2. The seer Myudhiazl predicted the active construction of residential buildings and the lack of territory, material problems. Such a situation will lead to the fact that people will no longer forget about the spiritual world and will not be able to listen to their hearts. As a result, there will be an additional risk for the development of a serious armed uprising.

3. The Optina elder Ambrose, who lived in the 19th century, predicted a world war. At the very beginning, the Lord will send people terrible diseases. Subsequently, a world war will begin, which will serve as a path of extermination. In fact, after the death of Ambrose, two military conflicts have already occurred, so it is difficult to understand whether he spoke about past events or the prophecy should come true in the future.

4. Elder Jonah of Odessa predicted bloodshed on the territory of Ukraine. However, it was noted that Kiev admits its own mistake, which manifested itself in excessive trust in the Western patron. Trusting the words of Jonah, one can believe that the ATO is not the basis for the subsequent development of a large-scale war. At the same time, Saint Matrona predicted a conflict between neighboring countries, which would lead to military operations and the involvement of many countries of the world in them.

5. Elder Christopher, who died at the end of the 20th century, was confident that the different interests of states would lead to a full-fledged war. In addition, Russia must become one of the most active participants in the upcoming war. After armed conflicts and the use of modern weapons, only a few can survive. A military conflict must develop rapidly, after which the ecology cannot be restored and the survivors will face irreversible consequences.

Will there be a third world war in 2018? The answer to this question depends only on the actions of people. A potential background for the development of a large-scale conflict, the words of the prophets should contribute to correct thinking and a clear understanding of which way out of tense situations to use to further prevent a war that destroys all living things and destroys the fate of many people.