The Most Terrible Myths About The Great Patriotic War Have Been Exposed - Alternative View

The Most Terrible Myths About The Great Patriotic War Have Been Exposed - Alternative View
The Most Terrible Myths About The Great Patriotic War Have Been Exposed - Alternative View

Video: The Most Terrible Myths About The Great Patriotic War Have Been Exposed - Alternative View

Video: The Most Terrible Myths About The Great Patriotic War Have Been Exposed - Alternative View
Video: «Child 44». Red Cynic's Movie Review 2024, September

On the eve of the Victory Day celebrations, a standard set of "myths about the war" is popping up on the Internet again. Well, those where "Stalin is worse than Hitler", "the USSR - and was the initiator of the war", "filled with corpses" and other "millions of raped German women", as well as "turned white in the US war, and the Soviet Union only slightly participated.

These myths do not change from year to year, and knowing that again this information wave will rush through the vastness of the network, it is worth once again exposing the most popular of them. Fortunately, there is a lot of historical research on this topic, and you just need to convey this information to the widest audience.

It must also be remembered that all this talk about the Second World War, they are only partly about the past. Mainly all these myths about our present and future. Undermining our glorious past, the titanic efforts and sacrifices of the Soviet people during the Great Patriotic War, Russophobic propagandists are simply trying to show that Russia is a monster. Was in the past, will drop out now and will be so in the future. A country incapable of anything other than mass murder and looting. Which itself also provoked Hitler.

Therefore, in fact, it is necessary to expose this mythology every year as it appears in the current information agenda.

So, one of the popular tales in the liberal, oppositional environment is the myth of the friendship between Stalin and Hitler, and that German weapons were “forged in the USSR”. A number of historians have already spoken on this occasion. For example, relatively recently, the researcher of the Second World War Yevgeny Spitsyn in his interview once again spoke about who and how exactly "forged the weapon of the Millennial Reich."

And this is during the period of "interbellum", between the First and Second World Wars, there were economic interests of the United States and Britain with France and other "European democracies." Who, in fact, until the very end of the 30s were much more afraid of the USSR than of Germany and fascism. Actually, it was the Europeans who supported, for example, the separation of territories from Czechoslovakia. And in general, Germany's campaign "to the East."

As for the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact and the active indignation of the “progressive public” about this, Spitsyn explains: “Stalin simply outplayed European geopoliticians in one click. He, in fact, having signed a pact a week before Hitler's attack on Poland, brought down the entire multi-rover and structure that had been born in their heads a few years earlier. They came simply in indescribable horror. The winners of the diplomatic battles of the 18th, 19th, and 20th centuries believed that they would fool anyone. Not circled!

Hitler signed a plan for war against Poland, code-named Weiss, in April 1939, that is, 4 months before the signing of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact. Hitler attacks Poland. It is clear that he will not stop at Poland. Where should he go next? According to the plan of the strategists in Paris and London, Hitler was supposed to move further east. He himself wrote about the "living space" in the East. And they were already sitting in anticipation, they brought him to power for this. And what is Hitler doing ?! He signed an agreement with the USSR and moved his hordes westward. And we know very well how it ended for European countries.

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That is why the pact causes burning hatred among members of our liberal public. Stalin defeated European diplomacy and strategy even before the start of the war."

Similar information about how the West "moved" Hitler's Germany to the East, how it provoked a war with the USSR, was given in 2016 in his article by historian Alexander Chausov: “The year 1925 is coming, in which the Locarno conference is taking place.

By and large, it was she who determined the advancement of the Third Reich, primarily to the East. For example, in the paragraph that Germany undertakes to respect the territorial integrity of the Western European powers. But somehow everyone forgot about Eastern Europe. The second point - the Locarno agreements in a very streamlined form recognized the right to “consolidate all Germans in a single sovereign state”.

And, what is especially important, now the aggressor state was considered the one that was the first to attack just another Western European state. In 1933, Hitler came to power in Germany, and, in fact, the first thing he began to do was to translate the Locarno Agreements into practice the way he understood it.

It looked something like this: the Reich seized another territory, violated another clause of the Versailles accords, carried out another militaristic initiative, and then declared that "on this the interests of Germany are completely satisfied." And the European allies "believed" this. Well, people go to the East, it doesn't touch us too much."

In other words, the West fed and nurtured the fascist monster, and only entered the war with it when it turned out that this monster did not intend to obey the West and act in its global interests.

One way or another, but the USSR was attacked by Germany. And the won for our country was very difficult. We have suffered millions in losses - and there are also several "myths" about this. Firstly, about the "filled up with corpses" and that the entire Red Army was captured by the Germans. Therefore, the USA and the allies defeated Germany. Who fought during the last stages of the Great Patriotic War and entered Berlin - in this case it is not very clear. But where propaganda myths are created, logic does not seem to matter.

In this regard, the answer is again given by the historian Yevgeny Spitsyn: “For example, the same prisoners who were taken in the first months of the war, they said that almost the entire Workers 'and Peasants' Red Army was captured in the first months of the war - there, 5 million people. This is a lie that some people still post. Serious historians specially engaged in this calculation - in the first weeks of the war, about 500-550 thousand were captured. Near Kiev, too, the number of prisoners went to hundreds of thousands, but not 650 thousand, as liberal historians say, about 430 thousand. This is, of course, a lot, but it is not three million people."

At the same time, the researcher emphasizes, “the most important result of border battles, the Smolensk battle, the battle for Kiev, etc. was that Barbarossa's plan collapsed. They knocked Hitler off the schedule. A lightning war did not happen, and Hitler lost the war already in 1941. This was clear to everyone. The only question was in the time when the back of Hitler would finally be broken. Therefore, all those who fought in 1941 should pay the lowest and most sacred bow for the fact that with their lives, in fact, predetermined our victory in May 1945”.

But that's not all. Those who "wade" through the "rubble of corpses" and "the valor of allies" stumble upon the notorious German women. In the amount of two million rapes. These figures, as it turned out last year, were invented by Anthony Beevor, a British Sovietologist and, logically, a fierce Russophobe. He derived two million rapes from nine (!!!) known cases of violence. By the way, all the guilty Soviet soldiers went to court. Yes, unfortunately, such deplorable things have happened, but the perpetrators were subject to inevitable punishment, and such cases were vanishingly few.

In parallel with the rape, the Western and our liberal public are telling quite ridiculous things about "theft of bicycles." Allegedly, a Soviet soldier tried to steal a bicycle from a Berliner and was captured on camera during this activity. As it became known back in 2010, the soldier was buying a bicycle. At least in the explanatory entry for this photograph it is written exactly like this: "Russian Soldier Tries to Buy Bicycle from Woman in Berlin, 1945".

And finally, we are "treated" with a phrase that is attributed to Zhukov, Voroshilov, Stalin, Peter I in general, or Apraksin, about "Don't regret the soldier, women still give birth" - which is a typical propaganda hack without references to primary sources. But nevertheless, it is in use among our "liberal community", which thus shows "the entire inhumanity of the Soviet system."

In general, all this, of course, is sad. And the fact that on the eve of Victory Day one has to write not about the outstanding feat of the Soviet people, but to expose the dirty tricks that pour on this feat from all sides is a sad reality of today. It is also sad that very few people in the USA and Europe already know the outline of those historical events. But there the case of anti-Russian propaganda is put on stream.

The main thing is that we, in Russia, remember everything correctly, and understand that we are alive thanks to the huge sacrifice of our ancestors.

As for the "myths", the wind of history will scatter them too.
