Aliens Will Not Allow Earthlings To Unleash The Third World War (part 2) - Alternative View

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Aliens Will Not Allow Earthlings To Unleash The Third World War (part 2) - Alternative View
Aliens Will Not Allow Earthlings To Unleash The Third World War (part 2) - Alternative View

Video: Aliens Will Not Allow Earthlings To Unleash The Third World War (part 2) - Alternative View

Video: Aliens Will Not Allow Earthlings To Unleash The Third World War (part 2) - Alternative View
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Flying saucers have already disabled their strategic missiles several times.

Seemingly successful launch

Lieutenant and now Professor Robert Jacobs served at Vandenberg Missile Base in California from 1963 to 1966. He headed a team that, using optical instruments, tracked test launches of Atlas ballistic missiles.

In 1964, the lieutenant was assigned to film all the tests. So that later the specialists could consider in slow motion the details of the active phase of the flight, when the booster stages of the rocket are triggered and separated. Because at that time it happened quite often that Atlases exploded.

In August, a special telescope was brought from Boston University. With its help, it was possible to shoot objects that were several hundred kilometers away. In September, the filming began.

“The launch was successful,” Jacobs recalls. - At least so it seemed to us. Nothing exploded. Through the binoculars, all three steps were seen to separate. A movie camera connected to a telescope recorded all this. For a while, we even observed a training warhead flying towards the Pacific Ocean. But the warhead quickly disappeared from sight. As I later recalled, I disappeared into a cloud.

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I saw it, damn it

Jacobs claims that this was the first telescope footage of a flight. And the next day, the satisfied lieutenant sent the developed film to the headquarters to the chief, Major Florenz Mansmann. And the next day he called him.

“Apart from the major, there were two civilians in the office in strict gray suits,” Bob continues. “There was a 35mm projector on the table. And the same film was loaded into it.

"Look what happened," Mansmann said gloomily …

The lieutenant thought he screwed up the filming. But it turned out to be very clear … A lone warhead was already flying across the screen. And then something else appeared in the frame. Literally fell from above.

“I saw that an object began to accompany the warhead,” Jacobs vows. “It looked like two folded saucers with a half of a ping-pong ball glued on top. A real "flying saucer". She shot a beam straight out of this half. I entered from the other side, fired again. It flew under the warhead and fired a beam at it again. Then she returned to her starting position, released the fourth beam and quickly climbed up, leaving the frame. The warhead went off course and flew down steeply …

The former lieutenant emphasizes that the events developed at an altitude of over 100 kilometers and at a speed of about 15 thousand kilometers per hour. His testimony, first published in 1982 in the newspaper The National Enquirer, he accompanied very emotionally: “I saw it! I saw it, damn it!"

People in gray

During the demonstration, civilian guys in gray suits did not say a word. Then they cut off the "most interesting" part of the film, put it in a case and left, returning, however, the rest. The lieutenant is still wondering who they were. CIA? FBI? The major does not know either. But after the published revelations of Jacobs, he confirmed in writing: everything was as he said.

“Then, in 1964, Mansmann asked me not to talk about what happened,” Jacobs recalls. “For my own safety. And when I was leaving the office, I stopped. And he advised, if someone suddenly asked about those frames, to say that they had captured the flashes of laser rangefinders.

The lieutenant was silent for 18 years. Nobody even asked him. I didn't even have to lie about lasers, which at that time were not even in the US Army.

“One day I suddenly thought,” says Jacobs, “no one officially obliged me to keep a“military secret”. Well, I told you. And … Nothing happened. Apparently those guys in gray know their stuff well.

Mansmann, who became a Ph. D. and worked at Stanford University, was found by renowned ufologist Lee Graham. The former major, who remembered the film well, stated without hesitation that, in his opinion, the object was man-made, probably controlled by aliens. And they fired, of course, not from a laser. And the rays that eventually shot down the warhead were most likely plasma ones.

They look around

Naturally, the question arises: why the government (not only the US) is silent about the aliens? But who should you ask? After all, even the US presidents were unable to clarify the UFO situation for themselves.

- I personally talked with Clinton, Ford, with Carter, - said the famous American ufologist James Fox. - Each of them assured that he was trying to figure it out. And it got nowhere.

At the same time, someone is picking up convincing evidence that it is aliens who are operating on Earth. So, there is some organization that works outside of government control - are people either in black or in gray? And she may have her own logic. Suddenly, the leadership of this "special forces" sincerely believes that the truth about the aliens will plunge the planet into chaos. Or the aliens themselves do not want to establish official contacts yet.

“Possibly,” Fox agrees. “Otherwise they would have landed at the White House or on Red Square. By the way, Edgar Mitchell (the astronaut, the sixth to set foot on the moon. - Ed.), Looking into my eyes, said about this: James, imagine that you are in a very distant world. Perhaps you should sit, think, look around …


Edgar Mitchell believes aliens are not warlike. Maybe they work here in general as peacekeepers. The earthlings themselves are trusted to deal with local conflicts. But if there is a threat of a global nuclear confrontation, they will intervene. They have the technology. The rocketeers are witnesses.