Why Is The Truth About Aliens So Scary For The World's Elite? - Alternative View

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Why Is The Truth About Aliens So Scary For The World's Elite? - Alternative View
Why Is The Truth About Aliens So Scary For The World's Elite? - Alternative View

Video: Why Is The Truth About Aliens So Scary For The World's Elite? - Alternative View

Video: Why Is The Truth About Aliens So Scary For The World's Elite? - Alternative View
Video: This Alien Channeler Says He Speaks to Extraterrestrials 2024, October

Today, the world elite can no longer completely hide the presence of aliens on our Earth, because thanks to the Internet, information about the appearance of UFOs in various parts of the planet, stories about contacts with representatives of alien civilizations, and much more are rapidly spreading. All this convincingly proves that the aliens have been here for a long time and are constantly watching us.


About aliens - a teaspoon per hour

However, the information that representatives of official organizations, for example, NASA, publish about UFOs, is so old, stingy and half-hearted that one can only wonder why they are even needed in the huge stream of other, unofficial information about aliens?


However, there is an explanation for this: the world elite is still afraid to reveal the real truth about life in the Universe, about aliens, parallel worlds and so on, to finally tell the true history of the Earth, since the Illuminati do not want to lose control over the slave minds of earthlings. Otherwise, their domination will come to an end, and then peace will reign on the planet, universal equality and boundless happiness for all.

However, aliens can invite earthlings to their game at any time, and then the world elite will have nothing to do but come to terms with it. And therefore, the Illuminati today are forced to publish information about UFOs, at least bit by bit, so that, if something happens, they have at least some excuse - we, they say, also covered this topic. Well, how could …

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What are the world's rulers afraid of? The fact that in the case of enlightenment of the consciousness of earthlings, the alien mind will have the right to contact us (according to the Universal law of free will, aliens have no right to interfere in our life and roughly change something in it). And then there will be a global awakening of all mankind, after which many things will have to be reconsidered on Earth, for example, the role of religions, money, art, not to mention politics and the military.


However, why are UFOs increasingly flying over us? Maybe aliens in this way demonstrate their presence, and thereby prepare us for an early contact? A contact that is unlikely to be prevented by the world government with all its ingenious machine of manipulating people's minds. In the meantime, earthlings continue to observe UFOs and joyfully state their appearance over the cities and villages of our blue planet.

How aliens can leave Earth

On our planet, many underground, underwater alien bases have been recorded, there are, apparently, even in volcanoes (at least in Mexico, surveillance cameras have more than once recorded how alien ships fly into the vents of fire-breathing mountains). However, it is not uncommon for UFOs to simply leave Earth, going to their space bases, which are on the Moon and Mars.

Most often, earthlings observing such a moment see a UFO simply disappear in the sky, since the speed of movement of alien ships by our standards is simply fantastic. However, residents of the city of Belmopan - the capital of the American state of Belize - recently witnessed a more understandable way for us to use a UFO to go into space. In the frames below the presented video, you can see how the device hangs in the sky for some time, blinking its lights, and then turns on the turbines and flies up sharply.

Flickering apparatus of alien origin over St. Petersburg

This UFO was seen by residents not only of St. Petersburg, but also of other settlements adjacent to the Northern capital. All who witnessed this unusual phenomenon in the sky note that a UFO in the form of a ball, bright orange light with flickering lights, flew over Vsevolozhsk, and over the villages of Priozernoye Highway and Luppolovo, and everywhere it was as if some outsiders were trying to approach it objects, however, disappeared a few meters from this ball.

The video was shot by a resident of Parnassus. On each of this material, a UFO with four tetrahedral lights can be clearly seen. The first impression is that this is some kind of modern helicopter or military drone. However, according to Internet users - residents of the Northern capital and its environs, this is not the first time they have seen such a UFO. And they think that maybe this is even some kind of target for the military, but their size compared to the same planes, as one Petersburg resident writes, observing a similar picture for the fourth time, is simply amazing.

Aliens are always where the war is

Alien ships continue to fly in the war zone over Syria. For example, Russian pilots have repeatedly encountered them in the sky, however, unlike the Turkish Air Force, the aliens are not aggressive, they are rather peaceful observers without the right to rudely interfere in military events.

Recently, we managed to shoot a very interesting video material, which captures the moment when a large base UFO in the form of a cigar gathers its smaller counterparts, apparently scouts, who fly up to the cigar-shaped apparatus in the form of small plates and "disappear" in its belly.

In the hot spots of our planet, where battles are taking place, aliens are always present. Not surprisingly, one of the UFOs even chased a Russian plane for a relatively long time, and ground forces constantly see unidentified aircraft in the sky. However, the soldiers are already accustomed to the fact that these may not be harmless alien ships, but military drones of the enemy, and therefore they try to hide at the first opportunity for a UFO to appear in the air. Otherwise, there would be much more video footage of UFOs over Syria …