The Underground Computer And The Orion Empire - Alternative View

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The Underground Computer And The Orion Empire - Alternative View
The Underground Computer And The Orion Empire - Alternative View

Video: The Underground Computer And The Orion Empire - Alternative View

Video: The Underground Computer And The Orion Empire - Alternative View
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In 1929 in Western Europe, thousands of radio amateurs caught an unusual transmission. Someone named Nikomo, who introduced himself as an envoy of an extraterrestrial civilization, in four languages (English, Spanish, Russian and Chinese, two hours in each language) read a text that went down in the history of ufology as the Third Message of the KOH (Coalition Observer Squad) to humanity. At one time, this transmission caused a lot of noise, and the content of the message is still given in many books on UFOs.

The mystery hasn't been solved yet

Even among ufologists, opinions differ about the 1929 KOH message. Some consider the broadcast to be someone's skillful joke, and its content is banal and in keeping with the spirit of science fiction of those years. Many, however, tend to see more in all this. The broadcast itself on the radio, they believe, was an extremely difficult project for those times. In addition, the unknown Nikomo was clearly aware of the issues about which most scientists at that time had the most vague idea. For example, he knew about the theory of the expanding Universe, which had just been put forward in 29 (it was called erroneous in the message), and predicted that a world war would break out on Earth in 10 years. Some experts go even further, believing that the small text of the message contains a volume of information that only a large research institute could give. The efforts of the same institution are also required in order to analyze this information.


The message indicates that it is the third in a row. The first was sent to earthlings in 576 BC. e., and received it by the inhabitants of the largest city at that time, Apuradhapura. Second Epistle in A. D. 711 e. were awarded to the inhabitants of the city of Tkaatzetcoatl on the American continent, whom KOH considered the most "advanced" at that time. Already in 1929, experts were perplexed about this: it was difficult to choose a more inappropriate time and addressees. Aliens, for all their sagacity, it turns out, did not understand that the messages to the ancient Indians and ancient Americans would not reach modern humanity, even in the form of legends. KOH might just as well have turned to, say, the ancient Aleuts or the ancient Australian aborigines. By the way, what was discussed in the first two messages, the third does not say.

A gravity cyclone is approaching the Earth

Promotional video:

The main attention in the Third Epistle is paid to cosmology, reasoning about the fallacy of many concepts of earthly science, the shortcomings of human thinking and the nature of earthly civilization. “Humanity, in fact, has set up several experiments to create various types of civilizations,” we read in the text of the message. - Some of them were approved by the KOH. Unfortunately, different civilizations could not coexist peacefully when, in the process of development and spread, opportunities for direct contacts between them appeared. As a rule, a cruder and more primitive civilization, and therefore more brutal, destroyed a more developed and humane one. At present, the most primitive of all, the machine civilization, dominates the Earth. She embraced all of Mankind, keeps it under her control and will not allow a new civilization to arise,unless it destroys itself or if Mankind does not take the development of the world machine civilization into its own hands and gradually transforms it into another type of civilization, more necessary for an intelligent race …"


The purpose of the message was to urge humanity to negotiate with the Coalition Observer Squad in order to join the Galactic Coalition, which already numbers about 220 thousand intelligent races. For earthlings, this is vital: according to Nikomo, a gravitational cyclone is approaching the solar system, which can destroy the Earth. Therefore, earthlings must join the Coalition as soon as possible, no later than 65 thousand years after the direction of this appeal, so that the Coalition could help them prepare for the cyclone.

Here, probably, even the most gullible reader will doubt: aliens with their amazing knowledge of earthly affairs should have understood that their message would not meet anything but ridicule and bewilderment on Earth. Or did they seriously think that Earth governments would be concerned about a gravitational cyclone that would come in 65 thousand years? In 1929, humanity had no time for cosmic coalitions, and even less for gravitational cyclones. Collectivization was unfolding in the USSR, a bloody civil war was brewing in China, the Great Depression was raging in the USA …

Even those few scientists who believed in the alien source of the message shrugged their shoulders in bewilderment.

At the center of alien intrigue

But in 1996 the so-called Fourth message of KOH to earthlings followed, which seems to have clarified something. Or, at least, it gave cause for reflection.

Earthly governments, of course, ignored the message, and the press hastened to present it as someone's radio joke. There were considerable reasons for this, since the text was about absolutely fantastic things. It hardly spoke of cosmology and humanity, and not a word was said about the notorious gravitational cyclone. In general, when reading the Fourth Message, one gets the impression that KOH cares not so much about the fate of the Earth and its population, as the actions of various cosmic races competing with each other for influence on earthly affairs. In the message, KOH persuades humanity to take his side, KOH, in this struggle.


In particular, people are informed that the race of "grays" ("grace") intends to include the Earth in the Orion Empire and establish its own order on it. However, the Galactic Coalition, consisting of many cosmic worlds and on behalf of which KOH broadcasts, hopes that the earthlings will reject the claims of the Empire and join the Coalition. In ancient times, the "grays" placed a super-powerful computer in the depths of the Earth, and now they want to restart it in order to finally enslave the planet. When the computer is on, it emits certain vibrations that can put a barrier between earthlings and the spiritual knowledge of the Universe. Also, the computer can be used to stimulate stress, anxiety, quarrels, violence, paranoia, conflict and war.

Slaves of the Empire?

However, the situation at the moment is such that in addition to the "grays" several cosmic races are claiming the Earth and its underground computer. All of them have objects and bases on the planet hidden from earthlings, which appeared at different times. Reptoids, which have been present on Earth for 10 thousand years, consider themselves its only legitimate owners. The civilization of Sirius claims that the Reptoids once made a treaty with them, according to which they ceded their rights to the Earth to her. Representatives of the Pleiades insist that they should own the Earth, since they allegedly have a “spiritual connection” with humanity. Vega's messengers do not claim their rights, but they are ready to intervene in the quarrel at any time. The message also says that the "Grays" do not dominate the Empire, and in general they are just mercenaries. The Empire is ruled by a certain Orion civilization.


“Humanity allows the 'grays' to manipulate themselves, - says the Fourth Epistle. - Most people do not realize that now they are actually in slavery to the Empire. Among humans, only a few understand the real goals and objectives of the presence of the Orions and their "gray" hirelings on Earth. The Galactic Coalition is well placed to prevent imperial expansion, but it is waiting for people to see the threat themselves and ask for help."

The message does not contain anything concrete that could confirm this information. So you can trust him, but you can not. The fact that the aliens keep thousands and thousands of earthlings in direct dependence on themselves is not far from the truth. But it is also true that the information emanating from the aliens (and there has been a lot of it lately) is almost always contradictory and unproven. Telling us some information, the aliens seem to try to take us aside, confuse, direct us on a false trail. It is possible that the messages of the KOH are pursuing the same goal.
