Ezekiel's Vision Is Possibly The First Description Of A True UFO - Alternative View

Ezekiel's Vision Is Possibly The First Description Of A True UFO - Alternative View
Ezekiel's Vision Is Possibly The First Description Of A True UFO - Alternative View

Video: Ezekiel's Vision Is Possibly The First Description Of A True UFO - Alternative View

Video: Ezekiel's Vision Is Possibly The First Description Of A True UFO - Alternative View
Video: Neil deGrasse Tyson Weighs in on Pentagon UFO Report and Alien Life | The View 2024, July

Ezekiel's story is one of the most fascinating stories found in the Bible, especially when viewed from a modern, technological perspective.

When ancient texts, legends and stories are examined and interpreted with “modern” eyes, we begin to realize that the distant past of the Earth is much more exciting and mysterious than we ever imagined.

When a person's mind is not bound by the narrow and strict beliefs of modern scientists, he begins to realize the fact that our ancestors were trying to tell us something.

It's no secret that there are millions of people around the world who are convinced that thousands of years ago the ancient ancestors were visited by beings, and they were not from Earth.

And one such visit is beautifully described in the Bible, in the book of the prophet Ezekiel

The vision of Ezekiel Merkab (in) s, the so-called Divine chariot-throne, gives a big run-up for different interpretations. Instead, many ancient astronaut theorists argue that the prophet may have seen a spaceship or some kind of space shuttle that landed on Earth in the distant past.

One of the most famous authors supporting this idea is Erich von Daniken, who has provided compelling evidence in his research pointing to an alternative explanation / interpretation of the Book of Ezekiel and what Ezekiel may have seen in the past.


Promotional video:

In von Daniken's book, The Chariot of the Gods, the author laid out the idea that Ezekiel's vision was nothing more than an encounter with the space shuttle rather than a divine chariot.

Scientist Joseph Bloomrich considered Deniken's theory implausible and decided to refute it. But the more he did research, the less self-confidence remained.

Eventually, he started writing a book.

Through his research, Bloomrich soon realized that Ezekiel may have been describing the landing of a spacecraft on Earth. He was so convinced of this that he patented his own version of the omnidirectional wheel.

The most important thing worth mentioning here is that Bloomrich himself, through his own research, realized that the description present in the Bible is possibly a description of a spaceship.

In the Book of Ezekiel, an ancient literary work that is one of the first to be written in the first person, unlike other books written in the third person, Ezekiel describes how a chariot approaches him as it descends from heaven.

This supposed chariot was driven by "humanlike" beings.

What does it mean? This means they were not human, but they may have been humanoid in nature, ancient astronaut proponents explain.

In addition, Ezekiel describes the landing of a "chariot," which sounds almost like a description of the landing of a spacecraft.

The storm, flash of lightning and bright lights described by Ezekiel looks like a modern spaceship descending for landing. Obviously, it was misinterpreted, like many other technologies in the past, as people who lived on Earth thousands of years ago in the absence of any such technology could not distinguish between advanced technology and "divine phenomena."

But what I find most interesting is that Ezekiel even describes the fire "feeding" the supposed chariot as "glowing metal":

Regardless, you can't deny that Ezekiel's description sounds pretty familiar, as we would describe modern-day spaceships taking off and landing on Earth.

However, Ezekiel describes not only the alleged "spaceship", but also describes its inhabitants:

In our time, more and more scientific discoveries of the past years turn out to be erroneous, but people still perceive science as the gospel. As beings of the third dimension, we are very limited in what we can perceive, and therefore we cling to the most comforting scientific perspective that is suitable for this 3D world. With billions of stars and galaxies, we are extremely arrogant and peripherally stupid to blindly follow ridiculous beliefs. It is nice to see that more and more people are "waking up", but they are not yet able to massively change the thinking of others. For whom it is more comforting to have a God who will watch over them and grant them admission to their imaginary heavenly kingdom. Death alone will bring truth to many, even if the truth is within us all, if we choose to see it.

Sorry, I'm boiling …