Albert The Great - Predictions - Alternative View

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Albert The Great - Predictions - Alternative View
Albert The Great - Predictions - Alternative View

Video: Albert The Great - Predictions - Alternative View

Video: Albert The Great - Predictions - Alternative View
Video: 7 shocking predictions for 2020 and beyond 2024, September

Albert the Great's predictions

Albert the Great (c. 1193–1280, Albert von Bolstedt) was a Dominican monk with a strange biography and a mysterious life - a medieval German natural scientist, philosopher, theologian, alchemist and astrologer. It is believed that he is the creator of the "golem" (artificial man - "homunculus"). There is a legend that one of the students of Albert the Great, the famous Thomas Aquinas, fled from him after he saw that one of the dolls, which was standing in the corner of the room, suddenly moved, stretched out her hand to him and spoke in a human voice. Thomas Aquinas himself also wrote about this.

But, despite this kind of legend, Albertus Magnus is considered the author of a number of remarkable discoveries, including logarithms. Norbert Wiener, the father of cybernetics, named Albert the Great as one of the forefathers of modern cybernetics.

The book of Albertus Magnus "Oracles" has survived to this day. She has now received the subtitle "Alchemical Riddles". The book contains some information on alchemy and a number of predictions for the period almost up to the XXIV century. However, there are no exact indications of dates, or any details of certain events.

Albert the Great - predictions:

People will discover a large coast at a great distance from the Pillars of Hercules. This land will be populated by northern people who will fill it and make it a huge state. The state will be dominated by the cross.

This prediction was made even before Columbus discovered America. The phrase "the cross will rule" probably indicates the victory of Christianity in America.

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The German people will never be fully united, for Germany offended the spirit of the ancient Romans.

455 - after the barbarian king Geyserich burned Rome, the Roman augurs put a curse on the entire people of Germany and at all times. The augurs predicted that the German people would never be united and would remain divided into tribes, between which there would be no peace, only civil strife. In other words, the German people are deprived of the opportunity to become a great nation. And indeed, Germany has completely sipped strife. With rare exceptions throughout its history, there have been periods of unification, but then inevitably followed by division into several camps.

Germany will be on the brink of victory three times in a period of 700 years. She almost takes over the world three times.

The first attempt at a great victory was made in the 16th century, when Charles V of Habsburg was simultaneously king of the Holy Roman Empire and of Spain. This is a proud saying from those times: "The sun never sets in my empire." The second attempt was made by the Hohenzollern dynasty in the 19th – 20th centuries. And finally, the third attempt in the middle of the 20th century was made by Adolf Hitler, who unleashed the Second World War. Thus, as we can see, Germany was indeed on the brink of the desired victory three times in 700 years, but never achieved it.

People will be carried away by cars, automatic machines, but over time they will be abandoned like unnecessary children's toys.

A walking machine will be created in which people sit.

Man will fly to the Moon and Mars 700-800 years after the death of Albert the Great.

Albertus Magnus died in 1280. Adding 700 and 800 years to this date, we get 1980 and 2080 respectively. As you know, the first landing on the moon took place in 1969, so that humanity in some way even ahead of the time set by Albert the Great for flights to the moon. Now the development of a program for landing a man on Mars, as well as the development of the lunar territory is underway.

There will be flights to other planets and other worlds.

1000 years after the death of Albert the Great, angels will descend from heaven, as in antediluvian times.

1000 years after 1280 is 2280. Here, apparently, a UFO is described.

The period of the most terrible trials and sufferings of mankind will be 1000 years after the death of Albert the Great. Then the Golden Age will come.

New islands will rise from the ocean. The strange ancient island will show its peaks from the mountains from the waters behind the pillars of Hercules.

Like some others, Albertus Magnus predicted the possibility that ancient Atlantis would rise from the ocean floor.

Islam will last no more than 800 years after the death of Albert the Great.

Albertus Magnus is also not the only one who predicted the death of Islam as a religion in the middle - last quarter of the 21st century. 800 years from 1280 - 2080.

The devil will enter a person and the person will pray not in the name of God, but in the name of Satan.

The Temple of Satan has already been officially established. The first such temples began to appear timidly at the end of the 19th century, and in the early 20th century Aleister Crowley announced the creation of the Satanic Church. Nowadays the enthusiasm for these temples is actively growing. (Perhaps Zarathustra was not so wrong in calling for the physical extermination of the worshipers of evil?)

The world will be divided into three huge states. May God help resolve the dispute between them.

This is the last prediction of Albertus Magnus, at which the Oracles end.