LGBT Special Operation "Children-404" - Alternative View

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LGBT Special Operation "Children-404" - Alternative View
LGBT Special Operation "Children-404" - Alternative View

Video: LGBT Special Operation "Children-404" - Alternative View

Video: LGBT Special Operation
Video: Дети-404: жизнь ЛГБТ-подростков 2024, September

The construction of a children's LGBT community under the cover of the UN is part of the hybrid war of the West against Russia (who and why leads the VK group and the Children-404 website).

This article is proactive. Usually the reaction of our society to certain outrages corresponds to the proverb "Until the thunder breaks out, the man does not cross himself." Apparently, such a proverb appeared in Russia for a reason. But in this case, it is impossible to wait for the thunder, because when it breaks out, it will be too late to resist.

We have already written about the profound influence of perverts and their accomplices on modern politics. The promotion of LGBT rights, adopted by the United States, serves as a powerful weapon of destruction of culture, morality, family and, ultimately, state sovereignty, since a strong, morally healthy family is the stronghold of an independent state. Where the boundaries of cultural and moral norms are blurred and perverted, self-interest, selfishness, and betrayal flourish. And, of course, such depraved people have no time to protect the interests of the state. In pursuit of pleasure, they even abandon their children and betray.

International organizations, which, as it became quite obvious in recent years, are pursuing a pro-American policy, have also joined in the active defense of the sodomites. Recently, a message flashed: the UN introduced a special position of the LGBT defender on a global scale. According to the parent organization Family Watch International, the new position is called "LGBT Tsar". We do not know about the king - in the official press release he is named the Independent Expert on the rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people - but it is known for certain that he will collect complaints from perverts from all over the Earth and pressure governments in the appropriate direction. Representatives of Russia, as well as 17 other countries, opposed this position, but by a margin of 5 votes, it was nevertheless established.

However, promoting LGBT rights is difficult in Russia. Society is clearly not disposed towards this. And the more information about the orgy that is happening in the West, the clearer the protest of our citizens who do not want to have all this at home. Even such slang neologisms as "tolerasts", "liberasts", "Geyropa" testify to the mood in Russian society. From which side to go? What strings should you play? What kind of manipulation should you resort to in order to achieve your goals? This is what we want to tell you about.

"Onizhedeti" with special effect

The ram, we think, will again be the protection of children's rights. Not just simple ones, but “LGBT children”. The calculation is clear. The protection of children's rights is a new manipulative technology that replaces the exposed and therefore no longer effective "defense of democracy", which allowed the Western oligarchy to destroy or weaken many states. At the same time, children soon become adults, so by establishing the rights of “LGBT children”, they will have to be promoted when they grow up. This means that they will have to be endowed with rights that are still denied to them by our legislation: the right to marry, adopt children, work, without hiding their orientation, in children's institutions and law enforcement agencies, hold government posts, etc.

Promotional video:


The logic is impeccable, but there is one snag: where to get sodomite children, and in large enough numbers to inflate a social problem out of this with the help of mass media and declare them to be a special social group in need of protection? There are two obstacles on the way to the coveted goal: the ban on gay propaganda among minors and the lack of sexuality in Russian schools. The UN Committee on the Rights of the Child and officials of the Council of Europe have been convulsing for many years, demanding the cancellation of the first and the introduction of the second, but so far to no avail. The Orthodox Church and other religious denominations, parental communities, and honest child psychiatrists spoke out against it. Pavel Astakhov also played an important role,who addressed the head of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation with a negative assessment of the introduction of the subject of sex education into the school curriculum and criticized the proposals for the implementation of the Council of Europe Convention on the Protection of Children from Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Abuse, since this means the same sex gap, only under with another sauce.

Without removing the barriers to the intellectual corruption of minors, it is very difficult for conductors of sodomy to promote the "rights of LGBT children." They, of course, tried to jump over these barriers, organized a group on social networks, staged a picket at which a guy with a mouth sealed was standing - they say, the poor fellow is forced to remain silent about his "orientation". Thanks to the courageous speeches of the deputy of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg Vitaly Milonov and his assistant, the head of the St. Petersburg branch of the "People's Cathedral" Anatoly Artyukh, these jumps "over the barriers" were stopped. Roskomnadzor has included the Children-404 community on the list of prohibited ones, but the project coordinator Elena Klimova, although she was fined 50 thousand rubles by a court decision, does not want to appease. According to press reports, the online community has resumed its activities in an alternative public,and Klimova asked the St. Petersburg teenagers to anonymously describe their specific problems and promised to send the collected information to Svetlana Agapitova, the Commissioner for the Rights of the Child of St. Petersburg.

Less than 25 years later

Therefore, it is now necessary with tripled attention to monitor and suppress any attempts at intellectual corruption of children. Thank God, in this respect, the activity of society has noticeably increased, and it is important that it grow further. Moreover, lately, the authorities have finally begun to understand how dangerous flirting with the destroyers of healthy morals is. Several NGOs dealing with “AIDS prevention” have been recognized as foreign agents one after another. At the beginning of 2016, the Omsk NGO Sibalt and the NGO Sotsium in Engels were added to the register of foreign agents. In July, a similar fate befell two more organizations - "Esvero" and the Foundation. Andrey Rylkov. Moscow has also become interested in the political side of the activities of AIDS fighters. Information warfare specialists have come to the conclusion (less than 25 years have passed!)that AIDS prevention programs are part of the West's hybrid war against Russia, and that the most effective way to combat the spread of the infection is to promote a moral lifestyle, rather than distributing syringes and condoms. And certainly not a sex gap for children.

I would like to emphasize that the recognition of a non-profit organization as a foreign agent is by no means an empty formality. Earlier, according to RIA Ivan-Chai, the above and other NGOs acted as experts in the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation, determined the methodology of fighting AIDS and directed public opinion in the direction they needed. Now, we hope they will lose this opportunity.

Dangerous games with gender

You cannot turn a blind eye to manipulations with the so-called gender. The sodomization of children in the West, as a rule, begins not with the fact of physical molestation or rape, but with the fact that children are explained within the framework of “gender education”:

That is, with the help of gender manipulations, people from early childhood are disoriented, confused, driven crazy and pushed to perversions, sexual perversions. This is destructive not only for morality, but also for the psyche. Dangerous for both boys and girls. According to some scientists, girls are even more dangerous than boys. Long-term studies of the American professor, Dr. Lisa M. Diamond have shown that all the women whom she observed in the framework of her study over the course of ten years, after becoming lesbians, subsequently continued to "seek their sexual identity", and over the years their confusion in this regard often increased.

Let us note by the way that when a person experiences confusion about such basic ideas about himself as gender, this indicates a serious clouding of reason, confusion of consciousness. When confusion progresses, the patient may get confused not only in matters of sexual self-identification, but, for example, leaves home and does not understand who he is, where he is from, what his name is, etc. (A picture somewhat similar to Alzheimer's disease, senile dementia.)

Therefore, the parental community, and in a normal state and a responsible government, needs to suppress in the bud all "gender" experiments, which are in fact hidden propaganda of perversions. We must seek from Roskomnadzor to prohibit such destructive, unnatural propaganda on the Internet and in the media, in cartoons, films and books intended for children and adolescents.

Expert advice, consisting of competent, and most importantly, honest specialists, are called upon to play an important role here. But ordinary people should not doze, believing that someone will do something for them. Faced with the spread of such outrages, you need to contact the Prosecutor's Office, or even the Investigative Committee, keeping in mind that pedophiles are always behind attempts to corrupt children (including under the guise of education). And crocodile tears over the harassment of young gays are also propaganda passed off as sympathy. True protection, as we have already written, is the protection of children from corruption.

By the way, the latest scientific research has again shown that male homosexuality is extremely dangerous to physical health. Without going into details, let's say that even the intact lining of the rectum is permeable to the AIDS virus. That is why the overwhelming majority of HIV-infected people are homosexuals.

"Not!" dictatorship of sodom

If LGBT activists begin to present to society not anonymous ones, like the aforementioned Elena Klimova, but real children with unnatural sexual inclinations, the first question that should arise is "Who corrupted them?" And the competent authorities are obliged to investigate this issue in order to bring criminals to justice. Pedophiles should be held accountable to the fullest extent of the law, and in cases where other minors who are not yet subject to criminal responsibility are guilty of corruption, their parents or their substitute parents should be held accountable for improper upbringing. If the instigator of the lecherous actions was the presented teenager himself who had seen enough pornography, then again it is necessary to deal with his parents, and in some cases - with the teachers, since now children often watch pornography on smartphones.being within the walls of the school under the supervision of teachers.

And the depraved child, of course, needs psychological help. But not to create comfortable conditions for him for further debauchery, but to really heal. However, if the strategy of actions we have proposed is adopted, we think there will hardly be anyone who wants to show “LGBT children” with their first and last names.

The main thing is not to miss the situation. Western society slipped past the moment when it was still possible to stop gay madness, and now lives in conditions that can be called the dictatorship of Sodom. To us, an understanding of the impending danger gradually began to come.

“The leader of the traditionalists,” says the famous American psychologist Paul Cameron, one of the few Western scholars who openly opposes the dictatorship of perverts, “of course, Russia should be considered, led by Vladimir Putin, who defends family values and fights against the disintegration of society. If there were now elections for the president of the planet, Putin would have easily bypassed Obama. Indeed, unlike the American leader, he perfectly understands how the "crusade" for gay rights may end."

But in order to survive in such difficult geopolitical conditions, the authorities need the support of society. The very same civil society that our liberals dreamed about, but which in reality takes on a completely unwanted face for them.

Based on the article by Irina Medvedeva and Tatyana Shishova on the website