The Invisible World - Plasmoids - Alternative View

The Invisible World - Plasmoids - Alternative View
The Invisible World - Plasmoids - Alternative View

Video: The Invisible World - Plasmoids - Alternative View

Video: The Invisible World - Plasmoids - Alternative View
Video: 007 GUI with Python: How to place widgets with a Frame 2024, September

If you look at the sky on a clear day, it seems that it is absolutely clear. But it lives its own life, invisible to people. It is literally teeming with strange objects visible only in the bright rays of the sun.

The whole sky is filled with them. Interestingly, objects move only from bottom to top. With different angles and different speeds. The sizes of objects are also different. But the movement speed is very fast, so we slowed down the video by four times. The flight path of the objects, as well as the speed with which they move, made it possible to exclude the possibility that these are plant seeds or insects.

These millions of strange objects are not visible to the human eye. Even a video camera is able to see them only if they are illuminated by the bright rays of the sun. What is it? Perhaps these are the so-called plasmoids - an energetic form of life that exists on Earth, in parallel with human civilization.

What are these plasmoids? This is a plasma system structured by its own magnetic field. Plasma is hot, ionized gas. An example of this is ordinary fire. Plasma has the ability to dynamically interact with a magnetic field, to keep the field in itself. And the field, in turn, orders the chaotic movement of charged plasma particles. Under certain conditions, a stable but dynamic system consisting of a plasma and a magnetic field can form.

Magnetic-plasma structures are widespread, for example, on the Sun. The most important processes on the solar surface (torches, spots, flares) are of a magnetic-plasma nature. The same nature - and for all kinds of structures in the solar corona - a hot (millions of degrees) 'aura' surrounding the relatively cold (60,000 total) solar surface. When flares occur on the Sun, plasma streams and magnetic-plasma formations - plasmoids - scatter from it in all directions at a speed of several hundred kilometers per second. When they reach the Earth, they cause changes in its ionosphere, magnetic storms, which significantly affects biological, geological, mental and even historical processes.

Plasmoids are also present on Earth. The Earth is surrounded by a hot (up to 10,000), rarefied layer of plasma - the ionosphere (starting from an altitude of 50 km) and a magnetic field, forming several nested radiation belts at altitudes from 2400 to 60,000 km. The Earth's radiation belts are a real reserve for all kinds of plasmoids, mainly of solar and galactic origin.

Plasmoids are also found in the denser layers of the Earth's atmosphere, even near its surface. The most common plasma phenomena here are lightning and fire. But not only. A number of scientists (F. Georgitsa, J. Constable and L. Bokkone) discovered the presence of plasma formations invisible to the eye near the Earth's surface. They called them critters, i.e. 'creatures'. Critters are recorded by modern sensitive scientific equipment. According to L. Bokcone, they have the form of amoeboid structures, drops, dolphins, 'griffins', move at speeds of up to 1500 kilometers per hour at various heights, hover over large fires, over large industrial complexes, and follow air liners. They gravitate towards areas with radioactive or magnetic anomalies.

The sources of terrestrial plasmoids can be not only the Sun and the interstellar (galactic) medium, but also the energy of the Earth's interior, often escaping to the surface through geological faults.

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In recent years, scientists have discovered more and more facts that speak of a close relationship between solar activity, the state of the Earth's ionosphere, geological processes and man-made disasters.

Plasmoids living in the Earth's radiation belts (mainly of solar and galactic origin) can descend along the lines of the earth's magnetic field into the lower layers of the atmosphere, especially at those points where these lines most intensively cross the Earth's surface - namely, in the regions of the magnetic poles (north and south). Some expeditions to the region of the South Magnetic Pole in the middle of the 20th century (Soviet, American) encountered unusual luminous objects floating in the air and behaving very aggressively towards the members of the expedition. They were named the plasmosaurs of Antarctica.

Thus, plasmoids are quite widespread on Earth. They can have a high degree of organization, show some signs of life and even intelligence. Such facts are considered and analyzed in the above-mentioned book by Maxim Karpenko.

The solar-plasmoid hypothesis states that the Sun, being a gigantic reservoir of highly organized, intelligent plasmoid life, serves as its main source in the solar system. In particular, earthly life is of solar origin. Highly organized solar and terrestrial plasmoids could play a key role in the origin of life and intelligence on the young Earth. In the early stages of evolution, they could become a kind of active 'crystallization centers' for the denser and colder molecular structures of the early Earth, directing evolutionary processes towards the complication of molecules and the formation of complex molecular complexes, and then the simplest organisms.

Plasmoids became, as it were, internal 'energy cocoons' of emerging biochemical systems. They 'dressed' in relatively cold and dense molecular clothing, becoming the control centers of the complex electrolyte system of primary living organisms. The aura around biological objects, which is now recorded by sensitive physical devices, is the outer part of the plasmoid 'energy cocoon' of a living being. The energy channels and points of Eastern medicine are the internal structures of the 'energy cocoon'. Science is now closely approaching the study of these phenomena.

The plasmoid model overcomes the most important vulnerable point of the generally accepted ideas about the emergence of complex chemical systems by random combinations and chaotic mixing of simple molecules - namely, the devastatingly low probability of such a process. As critics note, it is more likely that a hurricane sweeping through the scrap metal dump will collect a brand new Boeing, it is more likely that Pushkin's poem Eugene Onegin will be formed from randomly scattered letters, than complex proteins could be synthesized from simple substances of the primary Ocean of the Earth by simple mixing molecules. In the plasmoid hypothesis, everything falls into place - chemical processes on the young Earth did not proceed chaotically or independently, but were directed by highly organized plasmoid evolutionary designers. It should be noted,that the generally accepted hypothesis recognizes the need for the presence of certain plasma factors, namely, powerful lightning discharges in the atmosphere of the early Earth. In laboratory conditions, they were simulated by electric sparks, through which a mixture of simple substances was repeatedly driven.

Not only the birth, but also the further evolution of the protein-nucleic acid systems proceeded in close interaction with plasmoid life, with the latter playing the guiding role. Over time, this interaction became more and more subtle, rose to the level of the psyche, soul, and then the spirit of increasingly complex living organisms. The spirit and soul of living and intelligent beings is a very thin plasma matter of solar and terrestrial origin.

Indirect confirmation of this can be found in cultures, mythology, and religions of different peoples. Since ancient times, many phenomena in the spiritual life of a person have been associated with fire, the fiery element. Zoroastrians, for example, revere fire as the main spiritual element. In the Old Testament, God appears to Moses in the form of a burning bush - a burning bush, and Isaiah - in the form of a fiery seraphim. The fiery transfiguration of Jesus Christ on Mount Tabor is known from the New Testament. In ancient Greek mythology, Prometheus brings people a spiritual gift in the form of heavenly fire. Finally, the spiritual world in the Roerichs' teachings is the Fiery World.

Many cultures practice ritual purification of space with fire. In essence, this is the destruction of pathogenic plasmoid life forms with the help of a coarser plasma of fire.

Let us also recall the multitude of solar myths of different peoples, which unequivocally indicate the solar source of spiritual life. This is the religious worship of the Sun in Ancient Egypt up to the attempt of Pharaoh Akhenaten to monopolize the solar cult. This is also the solar culture of Mesoamerica. In Ancient Russia, three solar deities were worshiped - Dazhbog, Khors and Stribog. The sun god Mithra is one of the main characters in Zoroastrianism. Probably, there is not a single people on Earth where the Sun would not be among the most important deities, would not be considered a symbol of enormous spiritual power and life-giving energy.