Stalin's Hard Humor - Alternative View

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Stalin's Hard Humor - Alternative View
Stalin's Hard Humor - Alternative View

Video: Stalin's Hard Humor - Alternative View

Video: Stalin's Hard Humor - Alternative View
Video: Le STALIN Has Arrived 2024, July

The tough character of Joseph Stalin was known throughout the world. However, the Leader of the Nations also had a very developed sense of humor, although his interlocutors did not always have time to laugh. Here are some examples of Joseph Stalin's bright wit that went down in the history of our country.

How much do we sell our homeland

The designers initially decided to call the legendary "Victory" even more patriotic - "Rodina". To which Stalin asked: "And how much, comrades, will our Motherland be sold in our country?" Naturally, the name was immediately changed.


Fleet section

After the war, a serious question arose: what to do with the captured military fleet. Stalin voted for partition, Churchill put forward a counter-proposal - to flood. "So you drown your half," Stalin said.

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A question of envy

Stalin looked askance at the military leaders who had famous mistresses. The ill-wishers somehow reported that Marshal Rokossovsky was meeting with Valentina Serova. Stalin was silent and the earpiece asked a second time, they say, what are we going to do? To which Iosif Vissarionovich replied: “Well, what are we going to do…. We will envy!"


Flags and emblems

In one of his interviews, a foreign journalist asked the Leader of the Nations why this is Mount Ararat on the coat of arms of Armenia, although in fact the mountain is not located on the territory of Armenia. Stalin was not at a loss and asked, in turn, why a crescent moon is depicted on the coat of arms of Turkey - after all, it is also not in Turkey.


Theatrical humor

The production of Glinka's opera Ivan Susanin was checked by a commission headed by its chairman Bolshakov. And he decided that the ending needed to be changed (the phrase "Glory to the Russian people!" Seemed seditious). Stalin imposed his resolution on the decision: “I like the proposal as a whole, but let's do it a little differently. We will leave the final, but we will remove Bolshakov!"



One of the professors of Moscow State University built a dacha for himself after the war for a lot of money. Upon learning of this, Stalin invited him to a private conversation. At the end of the conversation, he asked the professor if the rumors were true. He replied - they say yes, that's right. Then Stalin said: "Thank you from the orphanage to which you gave this dacha!" And he sent the professor to Novosibirsk to teach.