Krasnoyarsk Pyramid - Alternative View

Krasnoyarsk Pyramid - Alternative View
Krasnoyarsk Pyramid - Alternative View

Video: Krasnoyarsk Pyramid - Alternative View

Video: Krasnoyarsk Pyramid - Alternative View
Video: Пирамиды Красноярска. 2024, September

Vintage photo:


I found several photos on the network:


and information from the forum:

“I took this photo on 09.25.09 at about 17.30 Krasnoyarsk time. The mountain (pyramid?) Is located about 20-22 km to the East of Krasnoyarsk along the highway along the railway (towards the village of Zykovo-Prim.). It is clearly visible from the train, it stands right next to the "piece of iron". If you go east and stand facing the direction of the train, then 40-45 minutes after departure from Krasnoyarsk, it will appear on the left side, a hundred meters from you. Water class, pure spring. Only now they told me that someone once measured the background, the radiation is high. Strange … Around the sea of springs, no one is talking about any more. Now about the form. Anyone interested can watch it from the satellite: 55 ° 54'47.15 ″ N 93 ° 10'35.14 ″ E, thanks to mirabo for the coordinates. For those who find it difficult to search - a triangle that goes around the village (Kamenka, I don’t remember). On-site observations. The orientation is wrongnot to the cardinal points. The shape is correct, provided that the western slope existed (it seems that the western side was simply demolished to the middle, and even during the construction of the road the southwestern corner was torn off). the two remaining faces are even, flat (very correct). As for the material, I'm not a geologist, I won't say. However, on one stone I could see a light brown arrow, framed by a darker outline. Photo on a mobile phone did not work, I could not drag the stone from the place - it was too heavy. Will I find it next time? So I ask you to refer the unsubstantiated arrow to my imagination. General impression. The construction is really artificial, too correct (if, of course, it is continued logically). However, this is a purely subjective opinion that any second grader can bomb out.” Looked at Google Earth at the coordinates:The shape is correct, provided that the western slope existed (it seems that the western side was simply demolished to the middle, and even during the construction of the road the southwestern corner was torn off). the two remaining faces are even, flat (very correct). As for the material, I'm not a geologist, I won't say. However, on one stone I could see a light brown arrow, framed by a darker outline. Photo on a mobile phone did not work, I could not drag the stone from the place - it was too heavy. Will I find it next time? So I ask you to refer the unsubstantiated arrow to my imagination. General impression. The construction is really artificial, too correct (if, of course, it is continued logically). However, this is a purely subjective opinion that any second grader can bomb out.” Looked at Google Earth at the coordinates:The shape is correct, provided that the western slope existed (it seems that the western side was simply demolished to the middle, and even during the construction of the road the southwestern corner was torn off). the two remaining faces are even, flat (very correct). As for the material, I'm not a geologist, I won't say. However, on one stone I could see a light brown arrow, framed by a darker outline. Photo on a mobile phone did not work, I could not drag the stone from the place - it was too heavy. Will I find it next time? So I ask you to refer the unsubstantiated arrow to my imagination. General impression. The construction is really artificial, too correct (if, of course, it is continued logically). However, this is a purely subjective opinion that any second grader can bomb out.” Looked at Google Earth at the coordinates:that the western slope existed (it seems that the western side was simply demolished to the middle, and even during the construction of the road the southwestern corner was torn off). the two remaining faces are even, flat (very correct). As for the material, I'm not a geologist, I won't say. However, on one stone I could see a light brown arrow, framed by a darker outline. Photo on a mobile phone did not work, I could not drag the stone from the place - it was too heavy. Will I find it next time? So I ask you to refer the unsubstantiated arrow to my imagination. General impression. The construction is really artificial, too correct (if, of course, it is continued logically). However, this is a purely subjective opinion that any second grader can bomb out.” Looked at Google Earth at the coordinates:that the western slope existed (it seems that the western side was simply demolished to the middle, and even during the construction of the road the southwestern corner was torn off). the two remaining faces are even, flat (very correct). As for the material, I'm not a geologist, I won't say. However, on one stone I could see a light brown arrow, framed by a darker outline. Photo on a mobile phone did not work, I could not drag the stone from the place - it was too heavy. Will I find it next time? So I ask you to refer the unsubstantiated arrow to my imagination. General impression. The construction is really artificial, too correct (if, of course, it is continued logically). However, this is a purely subjective opinion that any second grader can bomb out.” Looked at Google Earth at the coordinates:and even during the construction of the road, the south-western corner was dug). the two remaining faces are even, flat (very correct). As for the material, I'm not a geologist, I won't say. However, on one stone I could see a light brown arrow, framed by a darker outline. Photo on a mobile phone did not work, I could not drag the stone from the place - it was too heavy. Will I find it next time? So I ask you to refer the unsubstantiated arrow to my imagination. General impression. The construction is really artificial, too correct (if, of course, it is continued logically). However, this is a purely subjective opinion that any second grader can bomb out.” Looked at Google Earth at the coordinates:and even during the construction of the road, the south-western corner was dug). the two remaining faces are even, flat (very correct). As for the material, I'm not a geologist, I won't say. However, on one stone I could see a light brown arrow, framed by a darker outline. Photo on a mobile phone did not work, I could not drag the stone from the place - it was too heavy. Will I find it next time? So I ask you to refer the unsubstantiated arrow to my imagination. General impression. The construction is really artificial, too correct (if, of course, it is continued logically). However, this is a purely subjective opinion that any second grader can bomb out.” Looked at Google Earth at the coordinates:framed by a darker outline. Photo on a mobile phone did not work, I could not drag the stone from the place - it was too heavy. Will I find it next time? So I ask you to refer the unsubstantiated arrow to my imagination. General impression. The construction is really artificial, too correct (if, of course, it is continued logically). However, this is a purely subjective opinion that any second grader can bomb out.” Looked at Google Earth at the coordinates:framed by a darker outline. Photo on a mobile phone did not work, I could not drag the stone from the place - it was too heavy. Will I find it next time? So I ask you to refer the unsubstantiated arrow to my imagination. General impression. The construction is really artificial, too correct (if, of course, it is continued logically). However, this is a purely subjective opinion that any second grader can bomb out.” Looked at Google Earth at the coordinates:that any second grader can bomb.” Looked at Google Earth at the coordinates:that any second grader can bomb.” Looked at Google Earth at the coordinates:


Promotional video:


It can be seen that the north-western part of the object has been destroyed. This was done during the construction of a railway, which is only a couple of hundred meters away, and possibly a highway. I went, took some photos:


View on the road towards Krasnoyarsk.


The neighboring hills do not have such smooth edges.


At the foot, next to the road, “Rock layers” are placed at an angle to the surface.


An interesting stone at the foot. Heterogeneous. Blotches of another breed are visible. On my own I will add that these are not just inclusions, this is a layered structure not typical for natural granite, and most importantly - the remainder of the plaster on the verge of a fragment!


The road is on the left. Likewise, the "rock layers" are at an angle.


Another interesting stone at the foot.

Consists of large stones, poured (according to modern concepts) into concrete (geopolymer concrete). A layer of plaster was applied on top, consisting of fine gravel with mortar (GPB), and whitewash on top of the plaster. Whitewashing, as you know, is mainly used for indoor applications. So - this stone, possibly, is part of the inner wall of the object (room), which was destroyed during the extraction of the rock.


Place the plaster with magnification.


Geopolymer concrete? (with increase)


This same stone from a greater distance.


Locals take gravel for their needs. A spring is visible on the right.


View in the direction from Krasnoyarsk.


I think that in ancient times significant efforts were made to the object to bring it to such a geometry. The object is very similar to the Primorskie pyramids. And also badly destroyed to smooth out the impression of what he saw. Anyone who has any other information on the topic of this object - post it in the comments. PS:


A similar object in the Crimea.


Another similar facility in Russia. Evenkia, Krasnoyarsk Territory, with a destroyed peak.

Coordinates: 62 ° 32'46.87 "N 91 ° 54'14.35" B Near a triangular hill with two equal sides: E91 ° 58'16.58 ″ N62 ° 32'58.46 ″