Cats Came To Our Planet From Sirius And Have The Genome Of Aliens In Their Bodies - - Alternative View

Cats Came To Our Planet From Sirius And Have The Genome Of Aliens In Their Bodies - - Alternative View
Cats Came To Our Planet From Sirius And Have The Genome Of Aliens In Their Bodies - - Alternative View

Video: Cats Came To Our Planet From Sirius And Have The Genome Of Aliens In Their Bodies - - Alternative View

Video: Cats Came To Our Planet From Sirius And Have The Genome Of Aliens In Their Bodies - - Alternative View
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Many people notice the unusual abilities of pets, which are intelligent and do not feel the need for such contact. Experts consider cats to be extraterrestrial creatures that came to our planet from Sirius, which have an alien genome in their bodies.

You can consider this information as fiction, but history has preserved many documents about animals that appeared after the Great Flood. Legends say that they were created by the gods, and scientists still do not know where the fluffy beauties with superpowers came from. Most of the information was preserved in the Egyptian papyri, because the ancient inhabitants considered them deities and erected temples in honor of cats, and also mummified them after death. The priests knew many secrets of their favorites, who arrived on Earth together with their heavenly masters. Perhaps there is a civilization of extraterrestrial beings in outer space that possessed high consciousness and spirituality, but could also change the shapes of their bodies, which did not have a high density. Therefore, the goddess Bast is depicted with the head of a beast and the figure of a woman. Besides,cats had access to secret rooms in pyramids and temples, where people were not allowed to enter.


During excavations, scientists found many small doors designed for individuals who rested in rooms where time changed its course. This allowed heavenly travelers to get to their home planet or to a parallel world, after which they conveyed earthly requests to the gods. No one doubts the cat's clairvoyance, which helps animals to consider the energy of objects and a person, and then they immediately begin to remove unnecessary negative. Such abilities were used by the Atlanteans, who are well versed in genetic engineering. They helped the pets absorb bad impulses with their bodies, but after the change, the assistants began to age and die quickly, although they could have reached 100 years earlier. Graceful predators can find their way home, perfectly orienting themselves in unfamiliar places, but until now scientists cannot find answers to questions that repent of these factors.


Pino the cat returned to the owner, having overcome the 200-kilometer route, although he was exhausted and had wounds on his body. Experts were at first skeptical about media reports, and then decided to conduct research and understand the reason for the behavior of individuals. It turned out that they have a sixth sense, helping to find the right path. The American scientist Morel implanted electrodes with sensors in the brain of four-legged volunteers, which were located in places responsible for vision. Even with closed eyes in cats, impulses continued to appear in the organ, but at the same time they gave sound signals inaccessible to human hearing. Most of the nerve cells immediately reacted to such processes, so the experts concluded that these creatures have a high acoustic sensitivity. Previously, they did not even suspect how complex the body of home helpers is,having a vision better than human six times. They can recognize the owner at a 100-meter distance and calmly react to sunlight, but in the dark, the organ of hearing becomes a reference point for animals.


This also applies to the mustache and eyebrows, along with small hairs on the legs. At first, scientists assumed that they belong to secondary physiological characteristics, but then they noticed that cats become depressed if they are deprived of such necessary supplements, and also cannot leave a dark room without them. Thanks to their ability to land on limbs while twisting their tail to reposition their torso and hold their heads correctly, the experts were able to help the astronauts. When they are in a weightless state, their legs make similar movements, allowing them to maintain a comfortable state. After such discoveries, many experts called cats aliens, and also noted that extraterrestrial individuals differ from their counterparts in expressive eyes and mind, but they also like to communicate with people and can appear in their dreams. Also, pets quickly read the thoughts of the owners, noticing the dangers that threaten them in advance. There are many cases when these handsome men saved lives or could heal a person from headaches, high blood pressure and arthritis. Some extraterrestrial predators can be aggressive and cause damage on purpose, trying to conquer territory and get rid of rivals.

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The Slavs also deified cats, as the list of their patrons speaks volumes. An earth animal is the guardian of treasures and shows its shimmering eyes under the soil if valuables are hidden in this place. Bayun can deprive any brave man who dares to catch him with the help of songs or spells, and Lyub protects the marriage bed of the spouses, and always looks like a ginger cat with big ears and an arrowhead in his teeth. His opponent was a black brother with a henbane branch, who quarreled the couple and prevented them from conceiving offspring. Kolovershi were always servants of the brownie and could bring other people's supplies or money to the owner, and while their patrons were sorting out the relationship after the theft, cats became the cause of disorder and broke dishes. Wise creatures have a connection with space and have knowledge, and they can also be invisible scouts of distant civilizations,fighting any evil on our planet.

Reshetnikova Irina