The Spirit Avenged The Killed Cat - Alternative View

The Spirit Avenged The Killed Cat - Alternative View
The Spirit Avenged The Killed Cat - Alternative View

Video: The Spirit Avenged The Killed Cat - Alternative View

Video: The Spirit Avenged The Killed Cat - Alternative View
Video: mob rage vs kidnappers mob psycho s2 2024, September

It all started with the fact that we bought an old house in a remote village. I really liked those picturesque places: a dense forest, mighty spruces mixed with birch trees. Berries, mushrooms, animals of all stripes. The windows of the house look directly into the forest. Built in 1947. Under one roof there is a living room, a covered yard and a farm for livestock. Having received the keys from the former mistress, my husband decided to spend the night in our now house. It was winter…

After midnight there was a sudden loud knock on the wall. Thinking that someone wanted to come in, the husband left the house into the snow-covered courtyard, but saw no one.

There were no tracks in the snow either. He was surprised, but not scared. I returned to the house and went to bed. The husband was not shy and did not believe in devilry. At first, he didn't even tell me about this case. I knew that I would be worried, because nothing just happens.

And for sure! Then we learned that once the elder brother of the hostess hanged himself in the house. It was said that after that an icon of the Mother of God was pacified in the corner. The priest was summoned. After the consecration of the room, the myrrh flow stopped. But from that time on, someone started knocking on the north wall every night.

The year we finally moved to our new home, the winter was very harsh. Frosts down to -30 °. We had rabbits on the farm. We began to notice that someone was strangling young animals - newborn rabbits, placed with a female in a cage with a large cell. The husband complained to a neighbor. He replied that the ferret must have started up.

And then one night my husband took a gun and went to watch the criminal. I waited a long time. Suddenly he looks, from the attic, from the hole for the hay, someone jumped down. Without hesitation, he fired at the rustle in the darkness, and when he shone a flashlight, he saw that he had shot the cat, which was still from the old mistress. I regretted that it happened, I was upset, but what can you do!

And most importantly, you can't dig a grave - the ground is frozen. Bury it in the snow - it will float up during a thaw. You can't take it to the forest - it's chest-deep in snow. I thought and thought and decided to cremate him, already numb. He brought it into the room, put it by the stove.

When the fire broke out, he opened the door, took the cat by the paws and prepared to set it on fire. Suddenly a man's voice rang out in the silence:

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- You will pay for this with your daughter!

The husband froze in surprise. He began to look around - but no, there was no one in the room. “It seemed,” the husband thought, and nevertheless threw the cat into the oven. From that moment on, the voices haunted her husband constantly.


Spring has come. The husband was engaged in his own business in the garden. Baba Tanya, a neighbor, was walking past the gate. We said hello, my husband asks:

- Why can't you see anyone? Where are all the people?

- Why, today is Trinity, everyone has gone to the cemetery.

When the old woman disappeared from sight, a man's voice rang out again:

- If you don't go to the cemetery, you will come by force!

The husband thought: apparently, someone will have to bury. The answer was in my head:

- You will bury your daughter.

In June, the husband ruled the gate, suddenly, unexpectedly, Natasha's daughter arrived from St. Petersburg. She was very sad. Father asked:

- What happened?

She answered:

- I missed you.

When my daughter entered the house, the same voice sounded in my husband's head again:

- Last time I came - to say goodbye.

Indeed, her father did not see her again until the funeral.

Natasha died in a rather strange way: they could not get out of a deep swoon. Household neighbors - a doctor and a nurse - helped. And the ambulance arrived in 40 minutes. But Natasha could not be saved. It turns out that the suicide avenged the death of his cat …

L. K. SMIRNOVA, St. Petersburg