The Cornflower-blue Smell Of Death - Alternative View

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The Cornflower-blue Smell Of Death - Alternative View
The Cornflower-blue Smell Of Death - Alternative View

Video: The Cornflower-blue Smell Of Death - Alternative View

Video: The Cornflower-blue Smell Of Death - Alternative View
Video: The Flower That Smells Like Death 2024, October

Sometimes people, completely devoid of the gift of foresight, suddenly begin to acutely feel that their interlocutor is doomed to die soon.

Often, no one can give an objective assessment of this phenomenon. And how can you explain your strange premonitions when you have a healthy blooming person in front of you and nothing portends a tragic ending ?! However, something suggests that he is no longer a resident in this world … What is this, a simple coincidence or a kind of clairvoyance?


There are many stories on the Internet about how this or that person suddenly begins to feel the presence of death. Here is the story of blogger Helvetti_Kissa: “I don’t consider myself a psychic, a spiritologist or anything else, I’m an ordinary person with whom unusual things happen … From the age of 5 I developed a phobia - I began to be afraid of one smell, when I hear it, I have legs become wadded.

He's not disgusting, it's not a stench, no, but the smell is terrible. The smell of sweet freshness … Like an armful of cornflowers … At the age of 5, I did not go to the garden, I was raised by my grandmother. And so my grandmother's friend died. There was no one to leave me with, and my grandmother took me with her to the funeral. We were sitting in the room where the coffin stood, I still did not understand such things at all, I was not scared, the only thing that scared me was the smell that hovered over the coffin, a mixture of cornflowers and the smell of a funeral silk pillow … since then this smell no, no, yes, and reminded of itself, and as soon as I heard it, I knew for sure something bad would happen. Here are three examples.

I was in my third year, went home - spring, everything is fine. I go into the entrance, get up and feel this smell, at first light, imperceptible. My heart was pounding wildly, my legs were sharply weakened and my hands were cold, it is very difficult to explain, but I seemed to feel SOMETHING - not a ghost, not a spirit, something else. As I climbed to my floor, the smell intensified … When I entered the hall, I saw that my grandfather was lying on the floor, dead …

… I had already graduated from the institute, was returning from work in the fall, it was already late, twilight. And so I again felt this smell in my entrance, only it was so strong and thick that I almost choked. Again my legs were taken away from fear, my hands became cold, and again the feeling of something alien, not evil and not good, just alien … My first thought: "Something happened at my house !!!" I jump over the stairs and realize that there is no such smell on my floor. And when I later went for a walk with the dog, my neighbor from the first floor was crying on the bench. Her dad died forty minutes ago …

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… We celebrated the New Year with a big company. There were people I knew as well as strangers. Fun, dancing, fireworks, at 12 o'clock in the morning everyone drinks champagne, congratulates each other and hugs … I congratulate and hug my friend Yana, a poet who is often depressed. And I smell the same smell again! But he is so light, I again get scared, the mood is ruined. And this smell is constantly with her, and even the smell of her perfume interrupts. All New Year's Eve I calmed myself: maybe her face cream smells like that? And on January 3, a sad text message comes to me that this Yana on January 2 threw herself from the 8th floor … I'm looking for an explanation for these phenomena! Can you give me a hint? What is it? Is that what death smells like?"

As a child, blogger t.kutuzova2011 for the first time felt "a terrible floral sugary smell, which persisted BEFORE and AFTER the misfortune for several weeks near the house where everything happened." Another blogger echoes her: his friend usually smells blood in such cases. Blogger Night tells his amazing story: “My grandfather was a heavy smoker, he smoked cheap cigarettes, so he smelled very strongly of tobacco …


Before his death, the smell of some kind of sweetness began to hover in the house, and when he was buried, after a while this smell appeared again! The most interesting thing was that it smelled only in one room, then the smell disappeared, some time passed, for example a week, it smelled again, only in another room. And my mother said that at night the house smells awful of tobacco. This continued until a year after the death of his grandfather. " Another confession: “My husband also smells this smell - sugary-sweet, floral. He often walked past the hostel, and there was a very strong smell, and a week later half of the house collapsed, people died."


Nandor Fodor, a Hungarian lawyer, journalist, and paranormal researcher, was one of the first to study this phenomenon, trying to understand why some people, as well as animals, feel the approach of death. In houses where the dead person is about to appear soon, a dog starts howling, a rooster sings at the wrong time, a cat hisses viciously and arches its back.

“Each of us is familiar with the cadaverous smell arising from the decomposition of organic tissue. The premonition of death is usually accompanied by a sharp exacerbation of the sense of smell. Why does a dog howl, feeling the imminent death of a person? It is possible that she simply perceives the first signs of decomposition, which begins in advance in the body of the doomed,”the researcher wrote.

Animals, for whom nature is an open book, react more sharply to these smells, but there are also people who have such a strong instinct. “A few years ago, my 12-year-old daughter ran out of the living room, screaming that she could smell death in her. The next morning a letter came in which announced the death of my cousin - he died at the very time when the girl had a premonition …

I knew a woman who, entering a house where someone was about to die, smelled the scent of chrysanthemums. The reason for this was a strange hobby in childhood: the girl loved to wander around the cemetery, and there were mainly chrysanthemums growing there, in other words, the smell of these flowers in her subconscious was directly related to death. However, this is only an answer to part of the question; how she managed to feel the approach of misfortune remains a mystery,”wrote Nandor Fodor.

As a result, he came to the conclusion: in some diseases, the body emits certain odors, which is due to the presence of butyl alcohol and its compounds in our body. Most likely, the mechanisms providing aromas to some somatic phenomena are sometimes, for some unknown reason, connected to psychosomatic phenomena.


American scientists have advanced even further on this issue. After a series of experiments, experts from the University of Chicago were forced to state: various psychological changes are found in old people about a year before their death. The doomed have a lower level of adaptability to reality, less energy, they are less prone to introspection.

Those who are on the verge of death lack persistence and aggressiveness, they are more submissive, docile and dependent in comparison with other old people. This suggests that dying is a much longer process than doctors are used to thinking.


Changes occur in the body of the doomed, as if preparing him for the inevitable. It is no coincidence that old people, who are about to die soon, often say: "I will not live even a year" or "I will soon die." How do they know this? It seems that this knowledge, which could be called the "call of death", arises in them on a subconscious level. In other words, there are more subtle harbingers of death - physical, psychological and mental, preparing a person to accept death.

Scientists are confident that solving this phenomenon will give them the opportunity to learn how to predict death long before any physical sign - thinness, pallor, pain. Dr. Morton E. Lieberman of the Preitzker School of Medicine is convinced: "It is quite possible that after proper training we can learn to recognize in years or months the moment of our natural death."

The question is different: if these signals from our subconscious will help us get rid of fatal ailments, this is one thing, but if the disease is incurable, then do we really need to know that the death warrant has already been signed?