The Mistress Of The Haunted House - Alternative View

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The Mistress Of The Haunted House - Alternative View
The Mistress Of The Haunted House - Alternative View

Video: The Mistress Of The Haunted House - Alternative View

Video: The Mistress Of The Haunted House - Alternative View
Video: July 1, 2021 2024, October

In 1992, the Fedorov family moved from Kazakhstan to Russia. With the proceeds from the sale of an old “penny” and a cozy three-room apartment in the center of Semipalatinsk, the head of the family, Ivan Pavlovich, bought a house on the outskirts of the town of Biysk in the Altai Territory

At first, the low price of the house alerted the Fedorovs. Ivan Pavlovich tried to find some kind of defect in the log structure. To no avail! Then he invited grandfather Vasily, who lived on a nearby street and worked as a builder until retirement, to inspect the dwelling. But grandfather Vasily also assured the new owner that, although the house was old, it was well-made … And about a month after moving in, strange events began to occur in the house. One day, the fifteen-year-old daughter of the Fedorovs, Marina, said that her cosmetic set was missing and accused her five-year-old sister Anya of stealing. She began to assure that she did not take Marina's things. For half a day, the whole family was looking for the disappeared set, until Ivan Pavlovich accidentally stumbled upon it in the attic.

Another time Fedorov's wife, Irina Nikolaevna, found a thick layer of salt on the kitchen floor in the morning.

One weekend, when the whole family gathered for the market after breakfast, the front door jammed. I had to break it open and then insert a new lock.

Someone is knocking on the floor

Soon, troubles literally fell on the Fedorov family. Then suddenly a fire almost happened due to the ignition of a gas burner, then one day, going down into the cellar, Ivan Pavlovich stumbled and broke his leg. Food spoiled even in the refrigerator. Households began to complain of headaches and fatigue, which they attributed to acclimatization.

One night, little Anya ran into her parents' bedroom and announced that someone was knocking on the floor in the nursery. Ivan Pavlovich went into the room where the children lived, began to listen attentively to the silence of the night, and suddenly he distinctly heard three short dull knocks from under the floor. Then there was a short pause, and the knocking was repeated again. Then the head of the family tapped the first rhythm that came into his head with the knuckle of his index finger on the floorboard. And immediately someone from below responded with exactly the same, but barely perceptible knock …

The next morning, left alone at home, Fedorov opened the floorboards of the children's room. A putrid smell hit his nostrils. The entire space under the floor was strewn with rat and mouse skeletons and decayed rags. Ivan Pavlovich raked out the garbage lying on the earthen cushion and returned the boards to their place … The

woman disappeared into the wall

Autumn has come. Returning from work one evening, Ivan Pavlovich decided to heat the bath. Going out into the yard, he noticed that a light was flickering in the window of their bathhouse, and smoke was coming out of the chimney. Deciding that it was his wife who had done her best for his arrival, Fedorov wholeheartedly whipped himself with a birch broom in a superbly heated steam room. Returning to the house, he, to his amazement, learned that none of the household members heated the bath …

Real panic arose when the Fedorovs' daughters ran out of their room screaming at night. It turned out that the girls saw a white woman suddenly rise from under the floor and, shaking her finger at them, disappeared into the wall.

For the next week Ivan Pavlovich stayed overnight in his daughters' room. Forgotten only for a short time by restless sleep, he tried to see what so frightened the children. Once Ivan Pavlovich put Marina and Anya in bed, and he settled down on an inflatable mattress by the window. Moonlight streamed from the window to the door through the loosely covered curtains. The electronic clock on the table in the corner showed half past one at night, and Ivan Pavlovich's heavy eyelids began to close. Another minute or two, and Fedorov would have fallen asleep, when suddenly he saw a grayish shadow on the moonlit path. Sleep was lifted from him. The next second, Ivan Pavlovich clearly saw a silhouette rising from under the floor. Here the silhouette took the shape of a plump woman with a high haircut. With her. a long robe fell down his shoulders. Rising above the floor in full growth,the woman swam up to the wall and after a moment disappeared into her …

Unexpected wealth

Having waited for the weekend, Ivan Pavlovich sent the household to the city, and he himself, having prepared a simple snack and putting out a bottle of moonshine, invited his friend, grandfather Vasily, and told him about the devilry that was happening in his domain. The drunken old man told the owner that such things have been happening here for thirty years - since his first mistress disappeared without a trace. Then the police charged her with the murder of an elderly woman, her adopted son, an alcoholic. However, the corpse could not be found, and the accusation collapsed due to insufficient evidence. Soon, the hostess's stepson left somewhere, and the owners began to change at the house, afraid of the mysterious events that took place within its walls.

After grandfather Vasily left, Ivan Pavlovich took the furniture out of the room and opened the floor again. As before, he smelled a sickening smell coming from somewhere below. Grabbing a shovel, Fedorov began to dig up the ground in the place where the ghost of a woman appeared, and soon, under a half-meter layer of soil, he came across a human skeleton with a fractured skull and half-rotted remains of a dress. Despite the terrible find, obeying an unconscious impulse, Ivan Pavlovich continued excavations. Soon the bayonet of the shovel hit some hard object. This object turned out to be a wooden chest covered with rusty plates, in which Fedorov discovered a large amount of pre-reform Soviet banknotes, as well as gold and silver jewelry with precious stones, apparently hidden by the hostess from dashing people …

The examination established that the remains found under the floor belonged to Yekaterina Matveevna M., the very disappeared mistress of the house, who was soon finally buried in the local cemetery.

The Fedorovs lived in this house for another six months, but the ghost no longer bothered them. And in the spring they bought a spacious apartment in a prestigious area of Biysk. And they were helped in this by the money received from the sale of the due part of the treasure discovered by Ivan Pavlovich under the floor of the children's room.