Chronovisor And Vatican - Alternative View

Chronovisor And Vatican - Alternative View
Chronovisor And Vatican - Alternative View

Video: Chronovisor And Vatican - Alternative View

Video: Chronovisor And Vatican - Alternative View
Video: "Voices From DARPA" Podcast, Episode 15: The DARPAnthropologist 2024, September

It is argued that the chronovisor, a device that allows you to extract pictures of the past from information fields ("The Chronicle of Akash"), is an invention of the Catholic monk Alfredo Pellegrino Ernetti. He was born in 1926, and in the middle of the twentieth century, for a long time he headed the department of prepolyphony (ancient music that existed until the 10th century AD) at the conservatory on the island of San Giorgio. He made friends with prominent physicists of that time and all his life dreamed of hearing in the original the famous opera "Tieste", which made a splash in Rome in 169 BC.

It is possible that it was this dream of his, as well as his friendship with physicists, that prompted him to create his invention, especially since Alfredo knew very well about the "Chronicles of Akasha" from the works of E. Blavatsky. Whatever it was, but already in 1972, he announced in an interview with a Roman journalist from the newspaper "Domenica del Corriere" about the invention of a device that made it possible not only to hear sounds from the past, but also to receive pictures-images of those events, including seeing and hear the conversations of people from the distant past.

As evidence of the work of the chronovisor, the monk presented a lifetime photograph of Christ, proving his existence as a historical person. However, instead of pleasing the Vatican, this invention shocked the Pope and the Vatican cardinals. And it is precisely this seemingly illogical reaction of the Vatican that testifies to the fact that this device functioned perfectly.

What is so concerned about the Vatican? And the thing is that the use of this apparatus by mankind would endanger the entire history of mankind, falsified over millennia, And it would learn the truth that the history that is written in school textbooks and scientific literature, in fact, has very little in common with real historical events.

Certainly, the Vatican, under whose patronage the global project of falsifying history was carried out, as well as the forces behind it, could not allow mere mortals to use the chronograph. And not only simple ones. Therefore, the Vatican decided to disassemble this device, under the pretext that it could be used by "the mafia or leaders similar to Hitler and Stalin" to destroy human civilization (parasitic system).

As for the chronograph, the first to speak about it was the American scientist Baird Spalding, who told about it to his friend, Austrian Peter Crassus. Spalding, according to him, was personally present at the launches of the chronovisor and even became one of the few people of our time who heard the famous Sermon on the Mount of Christ live. And, of course, the opening possibility of verifying the correspondence of Christ's speeches with the texts given in the Gospels, too, could not but cause serious concern for the Vatican cardinals. Therefore, their decision on the fate of the chronograph was unanimous.

It is no coincidence that Ernetti's friend, the French priest Francois Brune, who wrote the book "Chronoprojection apparatus - the new secret of the Vatican," noted that the inventor himself did not object to the Vatican's decision, since the chronograph could become the undertaker of the existing (parasitic) civilization and official historical (falsified) science … I think that the revealed truth about the existing religions of the “biblical project” would also not be in their favor.

And of course, the Vatican, as one of the main focal points for falsifying history, could not allow all this. It is not for nothing that many artifacts and genuine historical documents that are considered lost forever are kept secret from all mankind in its multi-level underground storage facilities. And if they are made public, then "there will be no stone unturned" not only from the official history, but also from the religions of the "biblical project." But can all this genuine knowledge really destroy our civilization, or will they only destroy the parasitic Satanic Pyramid of Power built on a thousand-year-old lie and deceit?

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