What If A UFO - These Are Our Descendants From The Future - Alternative View

What If A UFO - These Are Our Descendants From The Future - Alternative View
What If A UFO - These Are Our Descendants From The Future - Alternative View

Video: What If A UFO - These Are Our Descendants From The Future - Alternative View

Video: What If A UFO - These Are Our Descendants From The Future - Alternative View
Video: What If Aliens Are Future Versions of Humans? 2024, June

The theory explaining the appearance of unidentified flying objects on our Earth.

Montana University of Technology professor Michael Masters believes the emerging UFOs are our descendants from the future. On this occasion, he even wrote a work in which he shared his reflections on the origin of aliens.

If ordinary people have long formed the opinion that "flying saucers" are objects that have arrived from other star systems and planets. But Michael suggests that UFOs may come from the future.

To begin with, Michael Maestres is not just another pseudo-scientist who screams about aliens at every corner. He has a doctorate in anthropology and has studied a lot of evidence of human collisions with unidentified objects.


Most people claimed that the aliens were humanoids, similar to humans, with three fingers on their limbs. Gray skin color and large eye sockets were also noted. Some even claimed to understand our language.

The professor came to an unexpected conclusion: the aliens are not descendants of other civilizations, but our descendants from the future. Michael is sure that evolution, over the years, will make a person a completely different image, different from the present. It is even possible that we will be like those who are called aliens. Michael argues that we simply cannot understand that we are facing a "person" from the future.


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An interesting fact is that popular scientists, and not only ufologists and conspiracy theorists, began to study theories about UFOs.

It should also be noted that UFOs and "green people" are no longer the inventions of madmen. Science is gradually realizing that such things require careful study and publicity. She understands that this problem should be approached from a scientific point of view.