Ufologists Have Explained The Love Of Aliens For The Crimea - Alternative View

Ufologists Have Explained The Love Of Aliens For The Crimea - Alternative View
Ufologists Have Explained The Love Of Aliens For The Crimea - Alternative View

Video: Ufologists Have Explained The Love Of Aliens For The Crimea - Alternative View

Video: Ufologists Have Explained The Love Of Aliens For The Crimea - Alternative View
Video: Robbie Williams' experience with UFO's | 60 Minutes Australia 2024, September

Local observers call the Baydar Valley and Mount Ayu-Dag the center of attraction for brothers in mind. Unidentified flying objects were also repeatedly seen at the Angarsk Pass and Chatyr-Dag.

The science of ufology, which was born more than half a century ago, continues to cause skepticism in scientific circles, since it is still at the stage of forming basic concepts. However, the endless stream of eyewitness accounts of the observation of "objects" and even contacts with "pilots", still makes the world listen to ufologists.


One of such event-rich, alien-related places is the Crimean peninsula. Local ufologists call the Baydar Valley and Mount Ayu-Dag the center of attraction for brothers in mind. Unidentified flying objects were also repeatedly seen at the Angarsk Pass and Chatyr-Dag.

In early November, an eyewitness filmed a video of a floating ruby ball flickering and slowly moving in the sky over Sevastopol on his smartphone. The luminous object, which was observed by several local residents at once, after some time disappeared into the darkness. This video is still gaining views on the Internet.

Skeptics believe that this "object" could be an ordinary sky (Chinese) lantern of a rounded shape. However, according to ufologist Anna Azhazha, unidentified flying objects "were known for a very long time, evidence of them appeared in ancient religious sources, where they were depicted in the form of balls and needle-like objects."

There is also a version that the Crimean "phenomenon" of newcomers to the people is just an atmospheric phenomenon. Ufologist Sergei Alexandrov, a member of the public research association "Cosmopoisk", a spacecraft design engineer and astronautics historian adheres to this opinion:

- Considering the so-called video evidence of UFOs, one should not lose sight of the fact that there are many people speculating on this topic. There are many special photomontage programs available now. Eyewitnesses send video materials to our association "Cosmopoisk", they also contact from television, however, in 95% of cases it is not a UFO, but either an edited recording or recorded unusual atmospheric phenomena. The expert examination makes it easy to find out the authenticity of the video, so I am sure that the video of an unidentified flying object from Sevastopol requires careful analysis.

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According to ufologist Aleksandrov, numerous evidences about UFOs speak more about the technical development of society - over the past 15-20 years, new opportunities have appeared for fixing objects than about a surge in alien activity.

- For example, plates have been appearing in Altai for a long time, but if earlier local residents did not even pay attention to them, now the crowd of tourists with telephones does not miss a single opportunity to capture a meeting with humanoids, the expert emphasizes.

Time will show whether we can hope that extraterrestrial civilizations will never be hostile towards earthlings. But Sergei Aleksandrov believes that our planet is not the target of the aliens - "they are using the planet as a transit point to their present destination."

A somewhat different opinion is shared by the head of the Enio Research Center for Applied Eniology, ufologist Viktor Rogozhkin, who believes that the Earth for aliens is like a zoo where creatures that destroy each other live:

- UFOs are always observed in places of activity of military operations, - emphasizes the ufologist, commenting on the appearance of unidentified objects in the sky over the Crimea and in eastern Ukraine.

According to Rogozhkin, earthlings are just chess pieces for aliens - we collect gold for them, produce and transfer plutonium, and supply biomaterial.

- Up to sixty million people undergo rotational seizure, - the expert notes. - About six million inhabitants of the planet disappear irrevocably. Therefore, there is nothing surprising in the fact that our civilization is artificial, albeit suffering from global schizophrenia, but still providing the necessary service to aliens. For example, the planet produces 600 times more gold than is used for banking and jewelry.

However, we are talking not only about pumping out the earth's resources, but also about the basing and residence of alien beings on Earth. The ufologist cited as an example underground submarine bases located under the Crimean mountain Ayu-Dag. Alien activity is also observed on Ai-Petri.

- Once a Crimean woman approached me with a request to help her husband cope with alcohol addiction. She handed over a photo of her husband taken on Ai-Petri. After some work on the photographs, we saw UFOs hovering in the sky above Ai-Petri.


Viktor Rogozhkin explains this case by the fact that the aliens are no longer even hiding. They live on Earth among us. Human perception of the three-dimensionality of the world narrows the angle of view, and yet even in these conditions we can see "different". On the one hand, the aliens specially created for us orthodox science, limiting the human consciousness, like a sheep in a pen. But the Universe is really very complex, like an endless nesting doll. On the other hand, the aliens are watching to see if we will be able to refrain from self-destruction - we are not the first, not we are the last.

- We are a pseudo-intelligent civilization, the aliens are signaling: it's time to turn on the brains! What is happening in Crimea now are significant events in their own way. The activation of aliens on the peninsula is a warning so that people are ready, the ufologist sums up.

Therefore, no matter what happens on Earth, representatives of extraterrestrial civilization are watching all this, and their main task is to save the planet, since it is still a deposit of resources useful for aliens. And whether humanity will survive, whether we will succeed in preserving our civilization, or whether we will perish from the thoughtless hand of the owner of a nuclear suitcase - depends only on our choice.

Yulia Shelkovenko