Mountains - Hallucinogens - Alternative View

Mountains - Hallucinogens - Alternative View
Mountains - Hallucinogens - Alternative View

Video: Mountains - Hallucinogens - Alternative View

Video: Mountains - Hallucinogens - Alternative View
Video: Mountains | Beautiful Chill Mix 2024, September

In the east of Kazakhstan, there are the Aiyrtau mountains, which tourists have long called hallucinogenic. The fact is that many who climbed to their peaks immediately had hallucinations.

These are actually not simple, but very mysterious mountains. According to one of the scientific versions, the Ayyrtau mountain range was formed in the distant past from fragments of a huge comet that fell to Earth. The mountains really consist of some strange, as if unearthly black rock, although the researchers did not find anything fantastic in these stones.


Nevertheless, the Aiyrtau mountains attract and then discourage travelers, in some incredible way influencing human consciousness. For example, a resident of Novosibirsk, Arseny Smirnov, having visited here, says that at the top he suddenly saw that the whole earth below began to sway in waves, as if it had turned into a kind, very terrible sea. Some climbers see strange sculptural figures here, with burning eyes and much more, which in the mountains, and indeed in reality, simply cannot be.

There are also auditory hallucinations, say, blows, hum, as if people were not on the top of a mountain, but in some kind of fortress. Some tourists even hear singing, and it is very terrible - unearthly. Perhaps, some researchers suggest that the matter is not even in the rock, although it is strange, too black, but in the electromagnetic anomaly that affects the consciousness of the people here. In any case, a person in the Ayyrtau mountains often feels the same as when taking light drugs. Hence the popular name - "Mountains - hallucinogens".


True, the influx of drug addicts to the Aiyrtau mountains is not observed. Firstly, it is not so easy to climb to the top, and secondly, the effect on human consciousness of these places is somewhat different from the narcotic one. It can be compared rather with a collision of a person with something unusual, mystical, mysterious, which causes more fear and panic than the euphoria that drug lovers strive for …