"Mirages" Shot Down A Ship Of Gray Aliens Over The Kalahari Desert - Alternative View

"Mirages" Shot Down A Ship Of Gray Aliens Over The Kalahari Desert - Alternative View
"Mirages" Shot Down A Ship Of Gray Aliens Over The Kalahari Desert - Alternative View

Video: "Mirages" Shot Down A Ship Of Gray Aliens Over The Kalahari Desert - Alternative View

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On May 7, 1989, two Mirage fighters were raised from a military airbase in Johannesburg to intercept. The pilots were ordered not to stand on ceremony with the violator of the South African airspace and open fire to kill.

The downed unknown object fell in the Kalahari Desert, about 120 km from the border with Botswana. The fighter continued to circle over the crash site until the South African military arrived. The area around the object was so hot that the sand and rocks baked together. Radioactivity went off scale, and military equipment refused to work.

The strange aircraft was made of durable polished silvery material with no visible joints, and the windows were unevenly scattered around the side of the ship. In addition, the military saw that elements resembling a landing gear were extended from the bottom of the ship. The impression was that the ship did not fall uncontrollably from the sky, but was trying to land.

The search team opened the hatch and found two live crew members dressed in tight-fitting gray suits. After they were removed from the ship, it turned out that their heads with huge eyes were much larger than their one and a half meter bodies. In fact, the military report described creatures that most people call "gray" aliens.

The alien ship was immediately taken to a secret military base in South Africa, and all traces of the incident were wiped off the face of the earth. After that, the UFO was transferred to the Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, which is located in western Ohio, near the city of Dayton.

I wonder what happened next? …

Voronina Svetlana
