The Facts About The Death Of Viktor Tsoi - Alternative View

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The Facts About The Death Of Viktor Tsoi - Alternative View
The Facts About The Death Of Viktor Tsoi - Alternative View

Video: The Facts About The Death Of Viktor Tsoi - Alternative View

Video: The Facts About The Death Of Viktor Tsoi - Alternative View
Video: Место гибели Виктора Цоя. Place of death of Viktor Tsoi. 2024, July

August 15, 1990 did not become the brightest star of Russian rock - Viktor Tsoi. It is not for nothing that they call him a legendary man: despite the fact that he passed away very young (at the age of 28), Choi left behind songs that are admired almost 30 years after his death. The official cause of the death of the legendary musician is an accident, but to this day there are new opinions and versions that contradict the fact that the singer simply fell asleep at the wheel and collided with the Ikarus that drove towards him.

Premeditated murder

The departure of such an iconic figure of Russian rock as Viktor Tsoi could not help but acquire numerous myths and legends. In particular, most of the fans of his work refused to believe that the death of their idol was an absurd tragic accident, so they even preferred to believe in the version of the murder. This can be explained by the fact that it is easier for a person to consider someone to be guilty than to come to terms with the inexorableness of the case. Many fans have long been convinced that the ill-fated accident was a carefully planned crime.

This version of events was also considered by people quite close to Tsoi. For example, Dmitry Levkovsky, administrator of the "Games" and "People's Militia" groups, notes: "… maybe I am paranoid, but I am still sure that it was a well-prepared murder … Tsoi became too serious an authority for young people, and if I released the Black Album, then at least lead the revolution."

It is noteworthy that the version of the accident is also refuted by an independent technical expert Yuri Antipov. He claims that all available photos of the famous "Moskvich" Tsoi are fake, because in those photos that can be found on the Internet, the registration number does not match the real one. In addition, the expert notes: “Something has clearly fallen on this car. We see the central part of the cockpit sagged, but the front part is intact. The damage to Tsoi's car should be completely different. " After analyzing all the possible circumstances of the incident, Yuri Antipov came to the conclusion that Tsoi's car was stopped long before the bus appeared, and the singer himself was rendered incapacitated, after which they pushed the car before turning, waited for the Ikarus to appear and sent it to meet him, staging an accident …

Nevertheless, Tsoi's friends and relatives believe that the musician did not have obvious enemies and ill-wishers capable of such an act, and the songs of "Kino" do not have the political and social connotation that was attributed to them after the death of the group leader.

Did Choi fall asleep at the wheel?

People close to Tsoi, even excluding the version of the murder, still cannot believe that he could fall asleep while driving. The director of the Kino group, Yuri Belishkin, notes: “I still cannot imagine that Tsoi fell asleep at the wheel. There is clearly something wrong! There remained an enduring resentment and surprise that the investigation was simply overwhelmed."

The fact is that for many years it was believed that the investigation proved that the musician fell asleep while driving. For example, in one article of the newspaper "Argumenty i Fakty" the author writes: "… analysis of brain cells indicates that Viktor Tsoi fell asleep at the wheel, probably from overwork …". In fact, in the Tukums district, where the accident occurred, at that time there was definitely no equipment necessary for such a study. Only the blood test of Tsoi and the driver of the "Ikarus" was carried out for the presence of alcohol: in both cases it was not detected.

Probably, the version that the singer fell asleep while driving was put forward by Erica Ashmane, the investigator in the case of his death. She noted the following: “In my subjective opinion, Choi dozed off at the wheel. The weather contributed to this. He was returning from a forest lake, where he had been fishing since six in the morning. This explanation seemed plausible to most of Tsoi's relatives, although it is still unknown whether he fell asleep or just thought about it on the road. We can only say for sure that the musician was absolutely sober, contrary to the popular belief about the state of alcoholic or drug intoxication at the time of death.

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Suicide version

The tragic death of the idol led many fans to think that he could commit suicide in such an amazing way. No matter how strange it may sound, it is this version that seems to the fans the most beautiful and logical: the author of the often gloomy and melancholic songs got tired of everything in the world and passed away. Supporters of this opinion argue it precisely with the latest texts of Tsoi, in which melancholy and loneliness are sometimes seen. But we must admit that such themes were characteristic of the work of "Kino" long before the death of their frontman.

In addition, it is noteworthy that this version is discussed mainly by the musician's fans, but not by his loved ones, who know better about his recent state of mind and completely exclude the presence of suicidal thoughts in Tsoi. On the contrary, relatives and friends note that the singer in his last summer was full of energy, enjoyed life and shared with them grandiose plans for the future. It is impossible to know for sure what else he would have done. But we can say with confidence that he was able to do the almost impossible - to leave his fans feeling that “Choi is alive!”.