Who, How And Why Sells The Soul On The Internet? - Alternative View

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Who, How And Why Sells The Soul On The Internet? - Alternative View
Who, How And Why Sells The Soul On The Internet? - Alternative View

Video: Who, How And Why Sells The Soul On The Internet? - Alternative View

Video: Who, How And Why Sells The Soul On The Internet? - Alternative View
Video: Rilès - THE HEARTBREAK v2 2024, July

There are dozens of people on the Internet offering to buy other people's souls and calling themselves intermediaries in this deal with dark forces. More people are eager to sell their own souls.

They are ready to turn to charlatans of all stripes, pay money for rituals and buy strange and expensive ingredients for these rituals like dried frog skin and mouse legs - all in order to exchange their souls for the fulfillment of their desires. Where did the obsessive desire to play with your own soul come from, and what happens to people who decide to make a deal?


On his website - the stories of those who have already sold their souls about what happened after that. Typical confessions look like this: after the sale of the soul, a dramatic change occurred in life - money appeared, sores disappeared, beautiful women and luxury came. Confessions - photos of the authors. These are people of different ages and sexes living in Russia and abroad. It is impossible to verify the authenticity of these stories and the portraits attached to them, but something is known about the author of the site.

He calls himself a buyer of other people's souls and prefers to be called Doctor Werewolf or Lord Darkness. He claims to be an intermediary in the deal with the dark forces to sell the soul. Those who agree to the deal are sent a dark contract - with monograms, Gothic drawings and the text: "I (full name) are ready to sell my soul to the devil in exchange for the fulfillment of my desires." Desires are discussed in correspondence with the so-called. A “doctor”, and he has three conditions for them: you cannot wish for something for other people, you cannot wish for peace and well-being in the whole world, and you cannot desire that desire be associated with charity.

The "Doctor" himself, as he himself declares, does not take money for his soul. But on the other hand, very soon he adds that he takes money for an intermediary ritual, as a result of which the soul is transported to the new owner.

The name of "Doctor", his website and ICQ number are on the "black" lists of Internet scammers - people who once took money for various services, and then did not provide services. In total, there are several dozen people in these lists, walking on the net, who, like the fictitious "Doctor", are inviting to sell souls - this number alone suggests that the "shower" business is set in grand style.

Promotional video:

Each of the persons on the list pretends to be a magician or psychic. Everyone has an e-mail with satanic and occult symbols in the name. And about each of the users leave about the following reviews: “I got money and disappeared”, “I stopped communicating”. And they also say: "Perhaps the same person is hiding under a number of names and postal addresses."


The man who asked not to be named describes how people who call themselves intermediaries in the sale of souls to dark forces act. He was in correspondence with "Doctor Werewolf" and, in his own words, tried to exchange his soul for good wealth.

“To begin with, he asks to send a photo in order, as he himself says, to estimate the value of the soul. Together with the picture, you must also list your desires. After that, the answer came: the ritual of consultation with the dark forces was carried out, your soul really has value, and desires in exchange for it will be fulfilled. But. In order for the act of sale and purchase to take place, supposedly, one more ritual must be performed. For him you need ingredients, the cost of which must be paid. In my case, it was an amount in the region of 8,000 rubles.

The "doctor" suggested that I buy the ingredients myself or send this money to him so that he or his assistant could buy them themselves. It is clear that I myself could not get things from this list, so I sent the money to an e-wallet. The next day the contract came. signed it, scanned it and sent it to him. Very soon he replied that the agreement was approved "above", and that within a month the first wish would come true.

When a month passed and nothing happened, I wrote to the "Doctor" again. He asked to send a photo of my apartment. Looking at it, he said that "white energy" is very strong in the apartment, and that it interferes with the fulfillment of desires. He said that it was necessary to carry out "vilification", and also asked to remove from the house everything that might be connected with the church. This was the last letter I received. Nothing more came from him. Although I myself wrote him many more letters …"

“As ingredients for the ritual, I was asked to get such things: dried frog skin from ten frogs, white cat hair, 13 mouse legs. Or they offered to send money, and then the intermediary will buy the ingredients himself,”writes a user of one of the Internet forums.

“I had to collect the ingredients myself. "The magician" will probably be crazy when he gets them, "another user replies in the forum thread.

Despite the obvious absurdity and charlatanism, one thing confuses when reading these forums - the number of people who want to sell their souls. The Internet is replete with sites discussing UFOs, magic and supernatural phenomena. Each of them has a discussion thread, where users of all ages and social strata actually beg: "Someone buy my soul!"

Magism as a phenomenon

Games for the sale of souls can cause psychosis, severe mental disorders, and also lead to spiritual damage to a person, believes the priest and rector of the Institute of Christian Psychology Andrei Lorgus.

“A person loses the ability to think adequately, loses reference points and, ultimately, loses his own identification. Having decided to sell his soul, he assumes - of course, completely naively - that he will leave his personality at the disposal of some outside force. He expects that someone will now decide everything for him and do for him. All this is very similar to the behavior of a child who thinks: adults take responsibility, and I have only toys and entertainment. Such behavior of an adult can lead to the regression of the personality and the disintegration of its structure."

The widespread use of services for the sale of souls, according to the priest, is due to the lack of religious enlightenment: “In conditions when it (religious enlightenment - author's note) is in an undeveloped state, obscurantism, ignorance and Satanism flourish. All this is not new for Russia, and, by and large, it has always been like this here: rituals were performed in the villages, fortune-telling was done in cities and dishes were twisted. Magism is very widespread in the popular mind, and even among Orthodox people. I often face its consequences and sacrifices in my practices as a priest and a psychologist”.

“The state itself is playing the magic card to distract the population from real problems,” the expert continues. - Look what is being promoted in the media, on the Internet and on TV - the endless battles of psychics. And even schools, where today they are compulsively suggesting to play Halloween, are not spared this propaganda."

In addition, atheistic propaganda plays an important role, the expert believes. “The vast majority of people simply do not believe that they have a soul. And they think like this: why not sell what is not there? Not to make money, as they say, out of thin air? On the basis of unbelief, all this becomes a game, and the fear for one's spiritual identity disappears."

To stop the spread of magism, according to Archpriest Andrei Lorgus, spiritual enlightenment and extensive missionary activity can. “All these measures will not yield immediate results. These are processes that lay the foundation for decades, he concludes. "But alas, there are no other ways to suppress all these new phenomena."

Mikhail Bokov
