How To Calculate The Genius - Alternative View

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How To Calculate The Genius - Alternative View
How To Calculate The Genius - Alternative View

Video: How To Calculate The Genius - Alternative View

Video: How To Calculate The Genius - Alternative View
Video: Watch This Russian Hacker Break Into Our Computer In Minutes | CNBC 2024, July

We call individual people geniuses, say, for outstanding discoveries in some area … Meanwhile, until recently, there were no clear criteria for defining genius in science. And yet, by some features it is possible to establish whether a person has at least the potential inclinations of a genius. This is the conclusion reached by most of the world's scientists.

It would seem that a person whose level of intelligence is "off scale" can be called a genius. But the fact is that there are many types of intelligence (say, visual-spatial, body-kinetic, or musical) that cannot be "measured" by standard IQ tests. Such a person may lag behind in physics or mathematics, but at the same time show outstanding ability for literature, music, painting or other things.

Experts believe that the key to genius can be thinking outside the box and the wisdom of life, which usually comes with experience. Previously, it was believed that genius is an exclusively innate quality. But that is not all. So, what qualities should a genius person possess?


They say about such people: "A talented person is talented in everything." If you surpass those around you in several areas at once - for example, in mathematics, drawing and sports, then you have every chance of becoming a genius. But this is precisely about exceptional talents and skills, and not just about ability.

Hypersensitivity and hypersensitivity

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These people perceive information coming from the outside much more deeply and subtly than most, and they process it much more successfully. They often pay attention to things that others simply do not attach importance to, they have great intuition.

Others often consider such a person too vulnerable, self-centered and uncommunicative, defining their type as "introvert". However, it is these qualities that contribute to the deepest analysis of the external data obtained, and also protect the introvert's psyche from overload.

High degree of curiosity

Even in childhood, such people love to ask questions - they need to know everything about the world around them. At six years old, reading volumes of an encyclopedia may be their favorite pastime. Not to mention the fact that they avidly read books on a wide variety of topics.

They have a lot of interests, they love to study and usually have several higher educations, not counting various courses. Moreover, they study not for the sake of obtaining a diploma and a profession, but for the sake of new knowledge. They also love travel and extreme sports, as this gives them new impressions of the world.

True, they constantly need "feeding", so they often cannot do one thing for a long time, be in one place or maintain a relationship with one person: in this case, they feel dissatisfaction with life and sometimes depression.


Such people are demanding of themselves and those around them. They thoroughly monitor and check everything. They can redo the work many times in order to achieve the perfect result, and they require the same from others, so it is difficult to deal with them.

There is also a negative component to this. If such a person does not achieve perfection, then he quits work. He may never finish writing a book, painting, opera, dissertation, because he does not know how to bring his project to perfection, but simply a good result is unacceptable for him. But some people learn to harness the energy of perfectionism and do great things.


A genius person knows how to set a goal and tune in to the final result. Such a person will not waste time on unpromising, from his point of view, activities. If the work does not argue, he will begin to look for "workarounds", offer non-standard solutions, which can cause misunderstanding among others … If the achievement of the final goal does not require the participation of other people, such a person has a higher chance of achieving what he wants.

Thanks to dedication and a clear vision of the end results, he really often achieves outstanding success, since he has some kind of driving force leading him to the goal.

Of course, if you or someone you know has one or two of the characteristics discussed above, then this does not yet give reason to call a person a genius. But if there are at least three such qualities, this is already a reason to think …