Anomalous Zones, Black Spots And Holes In Time - Alternative View

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Anomalous Zones, Black Spots And Holes In Time - Alternative View
Anomalous Zones, Black Spots And Holes In Time - Alternative View

Video: Anomalous Zones, Black Spots And Holes In Time - Alternative View

Video: Anomalous Zones, Black Spots And Holes In Time - Alternative View
Video: Monstrous Annihilation | Derelict Series, #3 | Sci-Fi Horror Creepypasta 2024, July

On our planet, there are many anomalous zones in which time can take its course. In such places, the clock hands may move slower or faster. Moreover, anomalous zones can be a kind of portals to the past or the future. What is the reason for the appearance of such zones on Earth is a mystery that no one has yet been able to explain. Did anomalous zones appear along with the birth of the Earth, or is this a manifestation of black magic? This is also an unsolved mystery.

Cursed hut. Eyewitness Vadim

This happened to me last summer. I decided to spend my vacation in my small town where I spent my childhood. For ten years I had not been here, it was necessary to put in order the old parental house, which has long been empty, and to prepare it for sale.

I wandered through familiar streets, among old, dilapidated houses. Despite a lot of trouble, the first day of my vacation began with bright feelings. Suddenly it started to rain heavily, even a downpour. And I had no choice but to hide from him in an old abandoned wooden house. Fortunately, the door was open and after a couple of seconds, I mastered a temporary shelter. An old, dirty and slightly broken mirror caught my eye. I touched him, and suddenly a feeling of deja vu enveloped me, as if I had already been in this house. Then I noticed an old staircase leading to the attic. It became curious, and I got up, only the attic was completely empty. Suddenly I heard footsteps below. It was a fragile, completely wet girl who, like me, decided to hide from the rain. I went downstairs, and two minutes later, we had a nice conversation with Ksenia.

The rain stopped, the sun came out, and Xenia hurried to the slightly open door.

-We'll see you again? - Without much hope I asked.

-Definitely! This house works wonders, the main thing is to believe in them.

The rest of the day I thought only about my new friend, it was difficult to concentrate attention on something else.

Promotional video:

“Don't go into that house, it's a dead place. The old witch cursed this place half a century ago. She lost her entire family, and after drinking the poison, she became an evil spirit. Even dogs avoid this house. Stay away from him."

An unfamiliar woman told me in a dream. A strange dream, but that girl was much more interesting than any doubts. An hour later I was standing at the old house. An old granny passed by, who must know everything in this city and about this house too. I stopped my grandmother under the pretext of finding out what time it was. And then he asked:

- And what is this house?

- Oh, son. It is said that the family who lived here many years ago practiced witchcraft. They all died on the same day, it is not known from what. They say they were poisoned. - answered the granny.

After these words, I felt somehow creepy. I immediately recalled the dream, but did not leave. I walked around the house, noticed that it also had a back door and went inside through it. It turned out that Ksenia was already in the house!

-Ksyusha, hello! - I immediately forgot about gloomy thoughts.

-A, Vadim, glad to see you again. Let's go upstairs to the attic, I'll show you my world. I did not pay attention to this phrase then and went up to the attic.

We sat and talked for a long time, for several hours, then held hands. This wonderful day was drawing to a close. Ksenia asked me to return home in the same way that I came. I just smiled and went out the front door.

It was already dark, I was walking down the street and could not understand what was happening, there was something wrong. I was approaching my house, the lights were on in its windows. Frightened, I carefully walked to the window. What I saw plunged me into a terrible shock. My long-dead parents, very young, my father is sitting in an armchair with a newspaper in his hand, my mother is preparing dinner, and next to her is a little boy. That boy was me. Cracking my head, in a fit of panic, I ran to the abandoned house and entered it through the front door. I caught my foot on an ancient chest of drawers and turned it over, and old-old black-and-white photographs fell out of the drawer, in which I recognized Xenia. I left the house through the back door, as Ksenia asked me. Time returned, and I fled the city that very night.
