Deep Into The Earth - Alternative View

Deep Into The Earth - Alternative View
Deep Into The Earth - Alternative View

Video: Deep Into The Earth - Alternative View

Video: Deep Into The Earth - Alternative View
Video: Deep into the Earth 2024, September

The underworld for humans has always been the embodiment of the mysterious, alluring, but at the same time frightening. The myths and religions of various peoples, to one degree or another, are associated with the underworld and its inhabitants. In the past, the underworld was definitely an inaccessible place for humans, but due to the development of technology and various sciences, the idea of a journey deep into the Earth no longer seems so fantastic. The modern computer world with rapidly developing technologies provides researchers with tools that were not available to scientists of past centuries.

If you look at the history of this issue, then science fiction writers paid attention to it first of all. Thus, in 1864, Jules Verne wrote a work "Journey to the Center of the Earth", which was based on the theory of the hollow earth. The main characters of the novel, Professor Lindenbronn and his nephew Axel, make an incredible journey into the interior of the Earth through the mouth of a volcano. Moving through the mysterious caves inside the Earth, travelers reach the underground sea, swim across it on a raft, and then return upward through the cave. At that time, the theory of the hollow earth was perceived naturally. A little later, the theory of the Earth begins to dominate among scientists, in which there is no place for any cavities. Its general meaning is as follows. It is assumed that in the center is a solid (or liquid core) with a temperature of several thousand degrees,and under tremendous pressure. Further, according to scientists, the underground space is filled with a mantle (a substance in a semi-molten state). Above is the cooled crust. In one form or another, such an idea of the Earth has been preserved in official science to the present, however, in connection with the latest research carried out, in particular, with the use of superdeep wells, it is clear that modern ideas about the underground world have nothing to do with reality … A number of scientists again turned their attention to the theory of the hollow earth. Modern computer technologies have made it possible to simulate a number of processes occurring in the underworld, but the answer to a number of questions can only be obtained by direct research.the underground space is filled with a mantle (a substance in a semi-molten state). Above is the cooled crust. In one form or another, such an idea of the Earth has been preserved in official science to the present, however, in connection with the latest research carried out, in particular, with the use of superdeep wells, it is clear that modern ideas about the underground world have nothing to do with reality … A number of scientists again turned their attention to the theory of the hollow earth. Modern computer technologies have made it possible to simulate a number of processes occurring in the underworld, but the answer to a number of questions can only be obtained by direct research.the underground space is filled with a mantle (a substance in a semi-molten state). Above is the cooled crust. In one form or another, such an idea of the Earth has been preserved in official science to the present, however, in connection with the latest research carried out, in particular, with the use of superdeep wells, it is clear that modern ideas about the underground world have nothing to do with reality … A number of scientists again turned their attention to the theory of the hollow earth. Modern computer technologies have made it possible to simulate a number of processes occurring in the underworld, but the answer to a number of questions can only be obtained by direct research. Such an idea of the Earth is preserved in official science to the present day, however, in connection with the latest research carried out, in particular, with the use of superdeep wells, it is clear that modern ideas about the underground world have nothing to do with reality. A number of scientists again turned their attention to the theory of the hollow earth. Modern computer technologies have made it possible to simulate a number of processes occurring in the underworld, but the answer to a number of questions can only be obtained by direct research. Such an idea of the Earth is preserved in official science to the present day, however, in connection with the latest research carried out, in particular, with the use of superdeep wells, it is clear that modern ideas about the underground world have nothing to do with reality. A number of scientists again turned their attention to the theory of the hollow earth. Modern computer technologies have made it possible to simulate a number of processes occurring in the underworld, but the answer to a number of questions can only be obtained by direct research. Modern computer technologies have made it possible to simulate a number of processes occurring in the underworld, but the answer to a number of questions can only be obtained by direct research. Modern computer technologies have made it possible to simulate a number of processes occurring in the underworld, but the answer to a number of questions can only be obtained by direct research.

Of course, the best option for exploring underground depths is an apparatus with a crew inside. The idea of such a hypothetical underground boat originated in the first half of the 20th century. In 1937, Grigory Adamov publishes the novel "Winners of the Subsoil", the heroes of which set off on a rocket-like underground boat to explore the underworld. This unit was equipped with drill bits, as well as sharp knives capable of crushing any rock, and was capable of speeds up to 10 km / h underground.

Quite a lot of works are devoted to this topic, but is it possible to create something similar in reality? There are good reasons to believe that such studies have taken place. And although at that time there were no modern computers and a global navigation system, the engineering thought of that time is surprising even today …