An amateur astronomer from Aztec New Mexico was observing the constellation Kance Venatiti using his telescope when he saw an amazing red luminous object that flew a huge distance in space in just three minutes.
An eyewitness says:
May 8, 2018 in his backyard, doing astrophotography. My target that spring night was a pair of galaxies, NGC4631 and NGC4656 in the constellation Canes Venatici.
My equipment was equipped with a 103mm apochromatic refractor and a Canon EOS 6d DSLR. XX. I shot 3 minute sub-frames. The object appeared in one of my subframes when it crossed the field of view.
My first impression was that they were satellites or airplanes. One of my submitted photos shows how quickly the subject moved through the frame during this particular 3 minute exposure.
I just continued to shoot more than three minute frames of the galaxy field with the intention of removing this frame from my total set of 15 frames that will be posted later.
Promotional video:
The subject never appeared in any of my other shots, and I did not see anything like it that night.
The dimensions of the galaxy through which the object flew (NGC4631) is approx. 10 'x 1.5' arcs. Thus, the object would be quite small. Its astronomical magnitude was estimated at 8.0 - the case of Mufon 91964.