Roswell Secrets - Alternative View

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Roswell Secrets - Alternative View
Roswell Secrets - Alternative View

Video: Roswell Secrets - Alternative View

Video: Roswell Secrets - Alternative View
Video: Roswell: The UFO mystery that still haunts America | Planet America 2024, September

Death in the vicinity of the atomic bomb test site. - Hangar of the lost ships and enlonauts. - "Eldridge" in fantasy clothes. - Humanoids are like children. - Secret disasters.

The fact that the American authorities classified the fact of the catastrophe of the alien ship in Roswell was reported in the classified materials, which were partially disclosed in 1978. The crash of a spacecraft in Roswell (New Mexico) on the night of July 2, 1947 was the most sensational event in the history of the Earth and at the same time the most secret in the life of the United States. The ship crashed not far from Alamogordo, the place where the Americans tested a sample of the world's first atomic bomb two years ago.

One can only guess what causes led to the disaster in Roswell. The most plausible is the assumption that the aliens were near Alamogordo and the factories for the creation of American nuclear weapons for a reason. They saw an experimental atomic bomb explosion, investigated the consequences of the explosions in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. They considered the atomic explosion the most dangerous for themselves and wanted to get better acquainted with how earthly things were in this area, and for this they tried as often as possible to approach the place where the deadly weapons of earthlings were made. Whether they showed imprudence, whether there was a technical malfunction, or whether a maneuver was performed that surpassed the capabilities of even a super-controlled UFO, we are not given to know.

Other things could have happened. If we assume that the aliens were guided by the gravitational maps of the Earth, say, developed in a previous, remote in time from this visit, then not far from California, where constant shifts of the soil sliding towards the Pacific Ocean occur, some parts of the surface could be higher than the coordinates indicated on maps. And even the quick reaction of the pilots would not have helped. Something similar seems to be happening to the whales that are thrown onto the coast of California every year, since the gravity map of the ocean imprinted in their brain shows that this is where their breeding site is, while this part of the land has already slipped into the water. In addition, the aliens may have chosen to go at extremely low altitudes in order not to be detected.

There is another version of what happened. An unprecedented thunderstorm broke out that night. It is believed that one of the lightning could strike the alien ship and disable it. One way or another, he collapsed to the ground.

Many saw the flash, heard the impact, but several days passed before the crashed ship was discovered. Johnny McBoyle called from Roswell to Albuquerque to the radio station COAT, which he co-owned, and reported a sensation: “A flying saucer crashed near Roswell. I saw her myself. It looks like a crumpled aluminum plate. But as soon as the station operator was about to transmit this news further via teletype, the transmission was slowed down by someone's order. McBoyle himself, who had already been surrounded by the military, who had intercepted his message, told his colleagues from the radio station not to tell anyone about what they had heard. This happened on July 7, 1947.

But, of course, they failed to hide the news. Accidental witnesses saw strange dead - creatures similar to people, a warped disk. The interplanetary ship and its dead crew were urgently transferred to the US Air Force base in Wright Patterson, Ohio. There they were placed in Building 18a. A few years later, the Americans learned about what had happened after watching the fantastic film "Hangar 18". It was also shown on the Soviet screen and, in truth, was not so fantastic.

The truth about aliens, officially banned in the United States, began to be placed in fragments in films of fantastic content, among which Spielberg's film about "Type III" encounters is best known.

Promotional video:

Another film story was based on an experiment allegedly undertaken during the war by the US Navy with the warship Eldridge. On it, with the help of powerful solenoids-magnets, they placed equipment designed to disguise the ship from enemy radars. The Eldridge was first covered with some kind of green fog (reminiscent of the plasma of aliens), and then mysteriously … moved. The crew was seriously injured. It was claimed that Einstein applied something here from his research on gravity. The experience was highly classified. Subsequently, a filmed story appeared about a young man who, as a result of an experiment with solenoids, was transferred to the future and heroically rescued a ship called "Eldridge", captured by a typhoon spiral and doomed to eternal circling around the Earth. For all these years, the authorities were silent about Einstein's experiment or declared any talk about it nonsense.

It was harder to silence the Roswell catastrophe. The 509th US Atomic Bomb Squadron was located here, which was the only one entrusted to carry out sorties with a load of atomic bombs. Squadron Information Officer Walter Hoth issued a press release at the same time, in July, about a "disk" found near one of Roswell's ranches. His message was disavowed, claiming that a meteorological probe had been mistaken for an "object". This version was launched by Brigadier General Roger M. Ramey It was he who ordered the urgent delivery of UFO wreckage and dead pilots for further research at Wright-Patterson base.

The circle of people who were in the know was too large for the secret to be completely hidden. Let's listen to those who happened to visit the crash site. One of the first to arrive there on July 3, 1947 was Barney Barnett from the nearby town of Soccorro, New Mexico. Here's what he said: “I went on a business trip and drove up to Roswell when something large and metallic flashed in the headlights. It was a disc-shaped object about nine meters in diameter. While I was looking at it, other people arrived. They explained that they were members of an archaeological expedition. They studied the dead bodies that lay on the ground. I assumed there might be others in the car. The car split either from an explosion or from hitting the ground. I also went closer to the bodies. These creatures looked like people, but they were not. Round but hairless heads. The bodies were comparatively small to ours, but the heads seemed larger than those of humans. The gray clothes fitted tightly to them, they were without zippers, belts or buttons. It seemed that they were all men.

At that moment, an officer drove up, asked who we were, and announced that all this property belonged to the army. Other military men cordoned off the scene. We were ordered to leave and be silent about what we saw, as this is "our patriotic duty."

One of those present, Major Marcel, who later retired and settled in Louisiana, believed that the amount of debris that covered three quarters of a square mile could in no way be caused by the fall of the weather balloon. “There were various fragments, sometimes small, but brilliant, with hieroglyphic drawings on them, which none of those present was able to decipher. The wreckage was strong and elastic at the same time. They didn't look burnt. There was a lot of brown material here, very strong, like parchment.

All this was sent to Wright-Patterson Base. The general ordered me not to chat about this case with reporters under any circumstances."

According to the witness, along with the destroyed disk, there was another one, well preserved.

The wreckage of the ship, along with photographs taken at the crash site, was stored at the said base in Daytona, Ohio. Access to this evidence of a cosmic advent was extremely limited. Even Senator Barry Goldwater, who was an Air Force general, was unable to enter the Blue Room. However, it seems that US President Jimmy Carter succeeded. He once agreed to meet with the author of the book "The Roswell Incident" Charles Berlitz, and he reminded him that Carter had promised to allow the public to become more familiar with UFO information even before taking office. But this time the president told Berlitz that he could not guarantee such access. Berlitz suggested that as president, Carter learned something that made him remain silent on the topic raised.

The same Berlitz, in an interview with the Globe magazine, published on February 17, 1981, said that another US president, Ronald Reagan, undoubtedly knows the secret about the alien ship and its crew. The impression Reagan got was apparently so great that he could not resist a hint of a "cosmic invasion" in his conversation with M. Gorbachev.

Globe journalists managed to get to one of the eyewitnesses of the Roswell incident. Nicholas von Pappen, the photographer who was tasked with filming the ship and all the surroundings in it, said that the appearance of the ship corresponded to the prevailing ideas about the design of the "saucer". He confirmed that its outer diameter was nine meters, and the inner diameter was six. The cockpit had an oval ceiling. It housed four pilot seats. The remote control has many buttons and levers. In the chairs, strapped in with belts, were the corpses of humanoids. They were very small in stature - no more than one meter and twenty centimeters.

“Their faces were very pale. The jumpsuits were tight-fitting. Their shoes were of the same material. Hands are like children, with neatly trimmed nails."

An eyewitness known as K. examined the bodies of humanoids at Wright Patterson in 1966. They, he said, were then stored frozen in transparent glass containers. According to him, there were up to 30 dead bodies at the base and a second alien aircraft that remained intact. At all US military bases, said K., mobile teams have been set up to hunt down UFOs that have landed on the ground. Leo Stringfeld, a journalist who spoke to him, also spoke with a doctor who performed a series of autopsies on the bodies of enlonauts in the 1950s. The doctor asked not to be named and shared with Stringfeld the results of his research.

So, pilots are 40 to 55 inches tall (1 inch - about 2.5 cm). The head is round and large. The brain volume is much larger than that of a human. The head and body are hairless, some have a small amount of hair on the crown. The eyes are slightly slanted, set wide apart, deep set. There are no auricles around the auditory openings. The nose is barely outlined by a slight bulge, no nostrils. The mouth is in the form of a narrow slit, without teeth. Neck, arms, legs are thin. The arms, however, are long, reaching down to the knees. The hands have four fingers. The two middle ones are longer than the others. The thumb is absent, there are small membranes between the fingers. The skin is gray or whitish, as well as brown, tough. There is blood, but the color and type does not resemble human blood.

Further testimony was obtained from Norma Gardner, Secretary of the Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, who confirmed the photographer's and doctor's findings. Norma Gardner visited the secret hangar in 1955. She registered all the items found in the ship - there were more than a thousand of them. She also saw a second alien ship in the hangar, the same one in good condition. Then she saw two humanoid corpses and read the autopsy reports. She told the press about these facts when she learned that she was sick with cancer and would soon die. Then she broke the vow of silence given to the military. "Now they won't do anything to me," she said bitterly.

Undoubtedly, the study of two ships found in New Mexico, and then a few more gave the US specialists a lot of material. It is believed that the study of the surface of the ships helped to find a way to treat the aircraft body, which made it invisible to radar. This is how the B-2 bomber was named “stealth”, which was used in the bombing of Yugoslavia in March 2000, as well as in the attacks on Afghanistan in 2001. (One stealth was shot down in Yugoslavia with what is said to be a Soviet S-300 missile, whose radar is capable of picking up the silhouette of an aircraft despite being camouflaged.)

The study of the fragments of the ship puzzled scientists. Although the materials included titanium and some other familiar metals, they were extremely difficult to process and study.

Back in September 1947, shortly after the Roswell disaster, with the knowledge of President Truman and Secretary of Defense Forrestal, as well as the CIA director, the systematization of UFO data was put on stream in the United States, clear instructions were developed for notification of all cases of falls on American territory of spaceships and the presence of pilots on them. By a special directive, all messages on this topic were ordered to be accompanied by the top-secret code "Majestic-12".

This was also practiced under the new President Eisenhower (November 1952). By then, following Defense Secretary Forrestal's suicide, General Walter B. Smith had taken his place in the Majestic Group, and Admiral Roscoe H. Hillencotter had become its leader. Dr. Winniver Bush was appointed the leading expert on the origin of the ships and the study of the bodies of the victims. The Majestic group also included Generals Twining, by then the commander of the US Air Force, and Vandenberg. Among the members of the group was Donald Menzel, an astrophysicist who, as we recall, denied the reality of UFOs in the Condon Commission. What it was like for him to contemplate the "plates", as well as the humanoids that Dr. Bush examined, in close proximity! This program was called "Aquarius" (was it because the corpses were stored in glass capsules?)

The Bush group, which also included Dr. Bronk, coined the term "extraterrestrial biological being" for aliens. Of course, the dead ships were also considered extraterrestrial. Members of the "Majestic" assumed that the main home of the aliens was Mars, although Menzel was inclined to believe that they came from another star system.

Some researchers tend to see the Majestic 12 as more than a UFO sighting society. Such an explanation, for example, is given in the "Explanatory Ufological Dictionary with Equivalents in English and German", compiled by S. K. Lichak with the assistance of leading Russian ufologists V. G. Azhazhi and B. A. Shurinov (paragraphs No. 45 - "Bilderbergs" and No. 46 - Bilderburgers). The compiler attributes to the group the functions of the renowned Bilderberg Club, the unofficial government of the world. This seems to be inaccurate as the history of the Bilderberg Club has been fairly well studied. The decision to create it was made in 1952 in Paris, and the meetings began in May 1954 near the Dutch city of Osterbek in the Bilderberg Hotel, from which the club's name originated. It is composed of dignitaries from the European and American financial and political circles, and they deal with major international issues. Until recent years, these were mainly relations between the West and the Soviet Union. The steering committee is 25-30 people. The meetings are classified. A distinctive feature of the club is membership in Freemasonry. And the Americans would hardly devote European Freemasons to their contacts with aliens. The program "Majestic-12" in the same dictionary has the names "Majority-12" and "Majestic-12". But back to UFO crashes. A distinctive feature of the club is membership in Freemasonry. And the Americans would hardly devote European Freemasons to their contacts with aliens. The program "Majestic-12" in the same dictionary has the names "Majority-12" and "Majestic-12". But back to UFO crashes. A distinctive feature of the club is membership in Freemasonry. And the Americans would hardly devote European Freemasons to their contacts with aliens. The program "Majestic-12" in the same dictionary has the names "Majority-12" and "Majestic-12". But back to UFO crashes.

The disasters were repeated, and the work of the main group "Majestic", as well as of the groups "Znak" (under the code "Blue Book") helping it, increased. Stringfield's book UFO Crash Syndrome (1980) stated that by that time there were 12 such crashes in the United States and 16 in other countries. The second after the Roswell disaster was called the disaster on the Texas-Mexican border (the same state of New Mexico). The remains of the starship were taken to one of the bases designated for such cases.

The document, signed by Admiral Hillencotter, states this as follows:

“On December 6, 1950, a second object, possibly of similar origin, flew at high speed along a long trajectory in the atmosphere, crashing into the ground in the El Indio Guerro area, near the border between Texas and Mexico. By the arrival of the research team, everything that was left of the object was almost completely burned down. The remaining materials were taken to the Atomic Energy Commission's base in Sandia, New Mexico for study."

The object's flight was originally detected by radars in Washington state. It was found that he flew in a southeast direction at a speed of 4000 km / h. The place of its fall was recorded by the F-94 fighter. It was located in Mexican territory 50 km from Del Rio, and was guarded by soldiers of the Mexican army until the arrival of the US Air Force.

According to the descriptions, a metal disk with a diameter of about 30 meters and a height of 9 meters was severely destroyed by an explosion and fire. Inside was found the body of a creature about 140 centimeters tall with a large hairless head, with four fingers on its hands, dressed in a suit of metallized fabric. They wrote that several more corpses were found. After the crash site was photographed, the remains of the object and the bodies of the creatures in the US Air Force vehicles were sent for study.

For reasons of secrecy, a version was launched that the object could be the remnants of a V-2 rocket launched from the White Sands test site with a monkey placed in a capsule. However, the UFO crash site was 500 kilometers away from the test site, while the Fau flight range did not exceed 300 kilometers. US ufologists also obtained negatives of two photographs of the creature from a Navy photographer who was filming the crash site. An indirect confirmation of the authenticity of this case is the appeal of US Secretary of State Marshall to the Mexican government for permission to evacuate from the territory of Mexico the remnants of an allegedly out of control of an experimental aircraft.

In 1951, Marshall told Dr. Alexander that he was aware of three cases of forced UFO landings that resulted in the death of their crews, and that the United States had obtained these objects along with the bodies of enlonauts.

The memorandum of the FBI officer Hottel from the staff of the strategic aviation command, sent on March 22, 1950 to the Director of the FBI E. Hoover, has survived, as follows:

“One Air Force researcher reported that three so-called flying saucers were picked up in New Mexico. They were round in shape and about 17 meters in diameter with an elevation in the center. In each of them there were three humanoid creatures 1 m in height, dressed in metal suits made of very thin material, similar to the anti-overload suits of test pilots.

There is an assumption that these crashes in the state of New Mexico occurred as a result of the impact on the control systems of flying saucers located in this state powerful radar (and, apparently, not only one radar. - LZ)."

The fruit of the study of the remains of "flying saucers" in Roswell was a memo dated October 30, 1947, Brigadier General George F. Schulgen, addressed to the intelligence services of the Air Force. On January 29, 1985, this document was declassified in accordance with the Law on Free Access to Information. (Schulgen GF Intelligence Requirements on Flying Saucer Type Aircraft. Quoted from the book by BA Shurinov "The Riddle of Roswell." Smolensk, 1997.) This is what Shulgen's note said:


A. Material type: metal, ferrous metal, non-ferrous metal, non-metal.

B. Composite or multilayer, using various combinations of metals, metal foil, plastics, and perhaps balsa wood or similar materials.

C. Unusual fabrication techniques to achieve extreme lightness and structural stability.


A. Special devices such as retractable canopies to provide an unusual view of the pilot and crew.

B. Unusual properties or devices for opening and closing doors.

Landing device:

A. Indicate the type of landing gear: conventional - three-wheeled, multi-wheeled, unusual - tripod or tail crutch.

B. Arrangements for taking off from ice, snow, sand or water.

Power point:

A. Nuclear engine (atomic energy). Nuclear engines will probably not resemble any of the usual types of motors, although nuclear power can be used in combination with any of the following types (piston, jet engine). The aircraft may lack a fuel delivery system and a fuel storage tank.

The propulsion system may be an integral part of the aircraft and may not be perceived as an element separate from the aircraft."

"UFO. They are already here … ", Lolly Zamoyski