Artifact From The Kvarkush Plateau - Alternative View

Artifact From The Kvarkush Plateau - Alternative View
Artifact From The Kvarkush Plateau - Alternative View

The Kvarkush Plateau is an amazing place, which is located on the border of the Perm Territory and the Sverdlovsk Region at an altitude of over 1000 meters. At the same time, on the plateau one can find not only the landscape characteristic of mountain tundra, but also absolutely bare stone placers.

Many of these placers look more like ruined cities or ancient megalithic structures, or even a landfill for construction waste than natural features. At the same time, many stones are very similar to artificial processed building blocks and slabs.


But the heaps of flat stones themselves are very reminiscent of ancient megalithic structures destroyed by a cataclysm or powerful weapon.

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And this is a "snack" for various "fighters against pseudoscience" and other pseudo-skeptics and pseudo-scientists - a stone with traces of machine processing, a real artifact from the Kvarkush plateau.


How did this stone end up in a remote and inaccessible mountainous area? And if one of the "specialists" from orthodox history tries to explain the appearance of such a unique block with flat surfaces and traces of cuts here by the ancient activities of the Ural peoples known to science, then let them first repeat this with the help of primitive copper tools.

It is quite another matter if this is the result of the activities of a highly developed civilization. Then it becomes clear that there are other rather strange “stones” on the plateau. However, orthodox science by any means and means tries to deny the existence of such civilizations in the distant past, including hushing up the many discovered artifacts that do not fit into the official version of history. How long will these attempts to deny the obvious things continue? Time will tell.

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