Is Magic Glass Friend Or Foe? - Alternative View

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Is Magic Glass Friend Or Foe? - Alternative View
Is Magic Glass Friend Or Foe? - Alternative View

Video: Is Magic Glass Friend Or Foe? - Alternative View

Video: Is Magic Glass Friend Or Foe? - Alternative View
Video: ПРОПЛАЧЕННЫЙ ОБЗОР Spider-Man Friend or Foe от Westl 2024, September

The magical properties of mirrors have been known to people since antiquity. Sorcerers used them in white and black magic, they used to guess, predict the future. Popular wisdom says: breaking a mirror is unfortunately. And if you look in a broken mirror, you can see … damn it!

Do "magic glasses" really have a fantastic, unknown to us power? And if so, what is there more in them - good or evil?

Magic accessory

For centuries, people have regularly received evidence that a mirror is an unusual item. Having tuned in a certain way, through it you can get to another world. Which one? It's hard to say … Let's call it parallel, or Through the Looking Glass - as you like. The main thing is that the essence remains - there are secrets in the mirror surface, which humanity cannot yet reveal. However, people successfully use the magical properties of mirrors.

Recall, for example, the famous Christmas divination for the betrothed. It was (and remains!) Popular not only in Russia, but also in France and Germany. And this ritual came to us, most likely, from the Ancient East.

It doesn't matter what the mirror is made of. Anything - from precious metals, polished stone or glass covered with amalgam - can help you find yourself "on the other side" of everyday reality. In addition, a mirror is an accumulator and conductor of energy; it can serve both good and evil.

Mirrors made of polished granite were popular among the priests of Babylon and Ancient Egypt, the Chinese preferred jade … And the famous Queen of Sheba, according to legend, used a silver mirror framed with precious stones for divination.

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Light my mirror, tell me …

Do you have a problem? races tormented by some question? Sit in front of a mirror and mentally ask him - what is the coming day for you? But do not rush with the answer of your magical interlocutor. Look for a long time and intently into the depth of the mirror, and you will surely see a picture, a sign, a certain symbol that will be relevant to your question. Unfortunately, mirrors do not give a direct answer, and not every person is able to find the key to decrypting a message that came from Through the Looking Glass.

By the way, if you see something incomprehensible and even frightening in the mirror, you should not be upset. Indeed, behind the accidentally opened door to the world of the Looking Glass, events can occur that have nothing to do with us. This can happen if you are not concentrating enough on your question, thinking about an outsider.

House guards

Much is being written and said now that a mirror can be both a defender and an aggressor, so we will touch on this topic only slightly.

Can I hang a mirror in front of the front door? There are two mutually exclusive points of view. According to one of them, energy enters the house through the front door, and if a mirror hangs opposite it, then the energy, reflected from it, flies back. There is no peace in such houses.

Now let’s state another point of view. If the mirror hangs in front of the door, it absorbs the negative energy of those entering - whether it is the owner of the house who has returned after a quarrel with the boss, or an envious girlfriend who has come to look at your new renovation. It is important to remember that it is undesirable to look into this "mirror-screen". As well as letting strangers in whose sincere attitude you are not sure about the mirror hanging in the bathroom or bedroom. What opinion should I listen to? Listen to yourself! If you like the location of your mirror, don't outweigh it.

An unsuccessful idea is to put a cabinet in your home with mirrored doors, in which the image is doubled or tripled. If it is just "for decoration" - that's okay, but if you look into it every morning, then do not be surprised that after a while you will have headaches.

And one more nuance: the mirror should not hang so that the tallest family members “cut off” their heads or something else. This leads to diseases of those parts of the body that are not completely reflected.

Mutual dislike

Sometimes a mirror can bring misfortune to its owner. An energetically strong person who is hostile to you and often visits you leaves some of his negativity in the mirrors. This negative accumulates and gradually begins to radiate into the surrounding space, primarily on you and your loved ones.

But it turns out that it also happens that a mirror begins to harm its owner on its own initiative. This usually happens if it feels that for some reason you don't like it. The mirror, first of all, is the protector of the house, therefore it is taken to harm the household only when they do not favor it. Mirrors are not people, they do not betray. They initially choose to be on your side or against you. And nothing can be done about it. Therefore, if you feel like the magic glass is opposed, it is best to throw it away. But do not break! You can give it as a present - but only to the person who feels great looking in the "capricious" mirror.

Don't reflect me

There are people who don't like looking in the mirror. Their energy is, as they say, "on a different wavelength" than the energy of the mirror. Of course, this creates certain domestic inconveniences.

If communication with mirrors makes you fearful and stressful, you should seriously think about it. Perhaps the world through the looking glass is alien to you, you are afraid of it. Maybe it is from this world that problems come to you. To change this situation, try cleaning the mirror with a lit candle: first move it along the frame, then over the entire surface. In the end, you can "close the mirror" by holding a candle in front of it crosswise diagonally. If the feeling of fear persists, try to look in the mirror less often. As not with all people, and not with all the worlds one can find a common language …

By the way, remember how this mirror came to you. A “magic glass” donated or inherited can bring with it a strong negative charge, and often without the knowledge of the donor.

One of my friends broke up with her husband. Before leaving his apartment forever, she, standing in front of a large antique mirror, sincerely wished her “ex” the same mental suffering that he had caused her. Three years have passed since then, but the man is still afraid to go to the mirror, because he sees his wife's face distorted with hatred. None of his subsequent women could linger in the house for a long time: each of them in front of the mirror felt unwell - both morally and physically. The magic glass remained faithful to its former mistress and survived from the home of any stranger. So take an interest in the history of the mirror that annoys you. It is possible that he has his reasons for this.

On the other side

If you don't even believe in omens, you shouldn't beat the mirrors anyway. When the gate to another world collapses, the space-time and energy continuum is curved, and entities seep into the resulting rift and begin to poison your life. It's not that they want to harm you. You just get in their way.

If you broke the mirror on purpose, in a fit of anger, the situation is even worse. After all, your condition attracts an additional amount of negativity from the split gate. It is difficult to say whether it is possible in this case to cleanse the house (and evil lives in the house, and is not associated with a specific person). Most likely, you will have to invite a specialist who can correct the energy-spatial curvature. Incidentally, this is not an easy matter.

Precisely because mirrors are gates to other worlds, they are curtained in the house where the deceased lies. The soul of the deceased does not want to leave the body and breaks back, but the easiest way is to get back through the mirror in which the person was reflected during his lifetime and which still keeps the path back.

Faithfully and truly

Agree, we are not always happy with our reflection. Even a very beautiful girl may not like herself in one mirror or another. This happens because any mirror, first of all, reflects our soul, our inner state, and not our outer appearance. It is for this reason, according to legends, that vampires are not reflected in mirrors: their soul is dead, and therefore there is no main component necessary to "show" a person.

Through a mirror, a subject with an "evil eye" can jinx himself. But this happens only in a situation when the mirror is set up against this person. Usually it is still able to "extinguish" the consequences of the self-eye.

In order for the mirrors to serve you faithfully, it is enough to follow simple rules: handle them carefully, respectfully, do not forget that they must be wiped and cleaned regularly (especially if they hang in the hallway).

The broken mirror must be buried in the ground, away not only from your home, but also from residential buildings in general.

And then the mirrors will be your protection in the house and, if you have the appropriate knowledge and skills, the gateway to the world where you can get useful information about the future.

Nadezhda Doronina. Magazine "Secrets of the XX century" № 36 2010