When Did The First Photos Of Hallucinations Appear? - Alternative View

When Did The First Photos Of Hallucinations Appear? - Alternative View
When Did The First Photos Of Hallucinations Appear? - Alternative View

Video: When Did The First Photos Of Hallucinations Appear? - Alternative View

Video: When Did The First Photos Of Hallucinations Appear? - Alternative View
Video: How much of what you see is a hallucination? - Elizabeth Cox 2024, September

Many believe that the first to photograph hallucinations was the Russian psychiatrist Gennady Krokhalev, who was engaged in similar research in the 1990s, photographing the hallucinations of alcoholics. However, in fact, the first such experience took place back in 1880 in Paris and was associated with the Parisian photographer Pierre Boucher, who was the first to get photographs of his own hallucinations.

Here is how his experience is described in the book "100 Great Secrets of Consciousness", published under the editorship of A. Bernatsky:

So it turns out that, in fact, hallucinations can be photographed. And this completely refutes the scientific definition of the hallucinations themselves as "imaginary perception" or "perception without an object" for an absolutely dispassionate camera perfectly captured these objects. And of course, academicians, as the most zombified with a blind faith in the inviolability of scientific dogmas, would not have believed even if they personally conducted such experiments. But, as a rule, they do not reach the test of practice. It is quite enough for them to give unfounded one of their favorite definitions like “This cannot be, because it can never be” or to label everything incomprehensible to their narrow horizons as “pseudoscience”, “superstition” and “charlatanism”.

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But mentally adequate people understand perfectly well that if reality does not correspond to the outdated paradigm, then the paradigm itself must be changed, and not try to deny and suppress everything that goes beyond its narrow framework. At the same time, the academic "elite" in all countries is fully aware of all those "forbidden knowledge" from which it diligently protects the common people on the instructions of their masters. For without all this, the servants of darkness would not have been able to entangle most of humanity with their vampiric net, using people as living "batteries".

Because the recognition of the existence of subtle essences and beings, as well as the further development of technologies for their perception, will invariably reveal the existence of a subtle-energetic vampiric network of dark forces. That is why the servants of these forces will continue to convince us about the unreality of "forbidden knowledge" and those who want to continue their life at the level of dumb cattle can continue to blindly believe them.

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