How Does A Space Jet Come About? - Alternative View

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How Does A Space Jet Come About? - Alternative View
How Does A Space Jet Come About? - Alternative View

Video: How Does A Space Jet Come About? - Alternative View

Video: How Does A Space Jet Come About? - Alternative View
Video: MIGFLUG - Fly a MIG-29 Fighter Jet to The Edge of Space for $20,000 2024, September

Life and death are always around

Life and death are much more closely related to each other than we would like. In biology, for example, without the death of individual individuals, not only the development of the genus, but also its very emergence, is impossible. Who would have thought that something similar takes place in space? Since the Universe cannot arise from nothing, it must exist forever. This means that she is always old and always young, or, if you want to hear it differently, young and old are always adjacent to each other. Just as in biology, the new arises from the old. Moreover, in astronomy this happens quite literally. Moreover, the “old” may not disappear at all, but continue to exist along with the “young” and with the development of the “young”.

What can be called old in astronomy? These are undoubtedly very massive formations, bodies, some of which modern astronomers tend to call black holes. For a very long time, they have been accumulating their mass and therefore simply cannot help but be old. Since it is commonly believed that such formations are very stable, and since these formations themselves are not young, it is natural to associate these formations with the death of matter.

And the young? These are hot interstellar dust and hot, not too large stars.

I have already written about the partial local rejuvenation of the universe [1] [2]. As a result of this process, when two very massive bodies fly past each other (or almost collide), a kind of "big bang" occurs, which has nothing to do with the "birth of space and time," but the explosion is nevertheless very large, and as a result, many new stars and even galaxies can be born. These two bodies themselves, having lost part of their mass, scatter again and continue their existence, again continuing to accumulate their mass. But, someday, after many billions of years, these two massive bodies may meet again and give rise to a new explosion. It is possible that in the interval between these events they will meet with other very massive bodies. But such an event can occur very rarely in the part of the universe known to us.

As you can see, as a result of such an event, the "old" continues to exist, but at the same time gives rise to the "new".

Scheme of the appearance of a space jet

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All this is good, but what does the space jet have to do with it? And here's what.

The space jet, like many other natural phenomena, of course, is an apparent phenomenon. And that is why it was so long impossible to solve. For example, electrostatics, such as we know, is also an apparent phenomenon. You can see for yourself by looking at the following figures.

Figure: 1. Here a) electric field of a single positive charge: (graphical representation) b) electric field of a single negative charge, c) electric field of two charges of opposite sign. d) electric field of two positive charges
Figure: 1. Here a) electric field of a single positive charge: (graphical representation) b) electric field of a single negative charge, c) electric field of two charges of opposite sign. d) electric field of two positive charges

Figure: 1. Here a) electric field of a single positive charge: (graphical representation) b) electric field of a single negative charge, c) electric field of two charges of opposite sign. d) electric field of two positive charges.

You just have to imagine that something is always flowing in and out with constant intensity into the balls shown in the figures, and you will understand that this is impossible. Nothing can flow into a limited volume forever, and nothing can flow out of it forever. From this it follows that although these drawings reflect reality, this picture is apparent, not directly corresponding to reality.

Take, for example, the movement of the sun and moon across the sky. By looking at these movements, we can imagine that both the Sun and the Moon revolve around the Earth. You all know that this is only a partial truth. Only the Moon revolves around the Earth. But is it so easy for us to find out that "exactly the same" movement across the sky of the Sun is deceiving? It took humanity thousands of years to figure out what the difference is. Therefore, it is not surprising that when we meet a new apparent phenomenon, we are deceived again and again, taking it for the present, or, as they say, taking it at face value.

Realizing that in Fig. 1 depicts seeming pictures, in the book [2] by logical reasoning it was possible to find a possible reason for the emergence of these seeming pictures and on this basis, from a single point of view, present a diagram of the emergence of both electrical and nuclear forces, as well as the forces of gravity.

The reader can now imagine how important it is for understanding nature to find out the actual picture of an apparent phenomenon. In this situation, it is possible to present a very simple picture, which almost every reader is ready to believe, except, of course, venerable academics and doctors, who are obliged to believe only dogma, for which they receive good money, high-profile titles, and, of course, sometimes Nobel prizes. The main thing is not to contradict the dogma.

So, what could be the true picture of what we see in the next photo 1.

Photo 1. Photo of a space jet
Photo 1. Photo of a space jet

Photo 1. Photo of a space jet.

Well, first of all, I must say that we do not see anything at all, with the exception of two rays emanating from a very bright central point. Therefore, nothing is clear. Therefore, we will try to imagine the true picture, and then, proceeding from it, we will return to the picture we see.

Imagine, for a start, a certain rotating body, of which there are many in the universe. For example, our Earth. Due to the fact that it rotates, it is not an ideal ball, but is, as it were, somewhat compressed in the region of the poles. This is due to the fact that the centrifugal force in the equatorial region is directed against the forces of gravity. As a result, each piece of matter in the equatorial region is, as it were, lighter than the same substance in the poles region. As a result, the equilibrium figure is no longer a ball, but an ellipsoid. Or, as they say "more precisely" - a geoid. In Russian - the figure of the Earth has the figure of the Earth.

Imagine now that the Earth's rotation is increasing. The equator will gradually increase in size, and the distance between the poles will decrease and decrease. Many people know that with enough rotation, any steel disk will someday rupture. We will not bring our poor Earth to this, even in mental experience, and dwell on the moment when it is about to burst. If at the same time there is a poorly attached man on the equator line, he will fly tangentially to the equator line and, without any presence of a rocket, will turn into an involuntary astronaut.

Does everyone agree with that? Now let's stop our thought experiment on this and replace our Earth with a very massive celestial body (OMNT), something like such popular black holes. We know that such bodies attract from space not only interstellar dust, but also larger objects. Falling on OMNT, they accelerate strongly and, upon impact, acquire a very high temperature. Even when falling to the Earth, such bodies can partially or completely melt. When falling on a MNT, they most likely turn into a completely ionized gas, into a plasma. The gravity of the OMNT holds this plasma, and it is there, obviously, under very high pressure.

We have already brought our BMNT to the state where it is about to burst, but since, presumably, its surface is covered with something similar to plasma, to gas, it does not burst. The gas located at the equator, at a certain moment, begins to break away along the entire equatorial line along the tangent and fly away into space.

Due to the very large size of our DMNT and the sufficiently high speed of its rotation, the particle velocities on the equatorial line can be very high, and, possibly, are comparable to the speed of light. The mass of particles continuously detached from the MNT in the equatorial region, flying away, but remaining in the equatorial plane, forms a thin disk ever increasing in size. All particles, due to the high temperature, glow and we can see this disk. Its thickness (let's be modest), say, some two kilometers. Naturally, the thicker the disc, the better you can see it. So, purely conditionally, two kilometers. And its luminosity is proportional to its thickness.

Now attention! We begin our OMNT to slowly rotate around an axis that divides the equator in half. We turn, we turn … We turned ten degrees, twenty, thirty … Now 80 degrees, we turn further …

And suddenly - a blinding light hit in the eyes … What happened?.. A space jet suddenly appeared near us!.. Miracle? Not. We created this jet ourselves with the help of our thought experiment. At ninety degrees, we saw the disc no longer from the side, but its cross section. We found ourselves in the plane of the disc. And now we see a "luminous layer", the "thickness" of which is not 2 kilometers, but many thousands of kilometers, millions of kilometers. The luminosity has increased by a corresponding number of times. We now see not a disk, but only its cross section, and it appears to us in the form of two very bright rays!

But let's return once again to our particles flying out along the equator. Since the plasma, the gas on the surface of the MNT is under high pressure, the mass of the detached particles is something like a gas under a slightly lower, but still higher pressure. It continues to expand. And therefore, the rays, as they move away from the MNT, are not flat with a thickness of two kilometers, but gradually increase in thickness. We see conical rays. Look at the photo. Everything matches. Now look at the center. In the direction of MNT, we also see a layer of glowing gas, the thickness of which is equal to the radius of the formed glowing disk. Therefore, the center seems to us a very bright point.

So, the two beams of the jet speak only of the orientation of the disk, which consists of many particles ejected along the equator of the MNT. We simply do not see disks with a different orientation, because their luminosity in our direction is thousands and millions of times less, and therefore are not visible at such a distance. We see only those disks that lie approximately in the same plane with our Earth.

Johann Kern, Stuttgart