Ark Or Spaceship, Built By Noah? - Alternative View

Ark Or Spaceship, Built By Noah? - Alternative View
Ark Or Spaceship, Built By Noah? - Alternative View

Video: Ark Or Spaceship, Built By Noah? - Alternative View

Video: Ark Or Spaceship, Built By Noah? - Alternative View
Video: The Ludicrous Logistics of Actually Making Noah's Ark "Work" 2024, September

Chinese archaeologists said that they found the remains of the biblical Noah's ark, in which Noah, his family, and animals around the world supposedly escaped from the Flood, which allegedly occurred on Earth about 4-5 thousand years ago.

The remains of a structure were discovered at an altitude of 4 thousand meters on Mount Ararat, occupied by Turkey.

According to the data of hydrocarbon analysis, the materials of the find are + - 4 thousand 800 years old.

“We are not one hundred percent sure that we are talking about the Ark, we are 99.9% sure of that,” said a spokesman for a group of archaeologists.

The found "Ark" consists of several parts, in which different types of animals could be placed.

The place where the wreckage was found is not suitable for human life, therefore archaeologists exclude the possibility that the find could be destroyed housing.

But the discovery of the Ark has been reported many times by different researchers, and all of these discoveries were made in different places.

In 2006, the Americans announced the discovery of this object on the Caspian mountains of Elburz occupied by Iran. But most of the seekers of "Noah's Ark" prefer Mount Ararat. They support their theory by the fact that the archives of American intelligence store images of a strange object on the mountain, taken in the late 50s, which was called the "Ararat anomaly." CIA In 1997, publicly promised to declassify the pictures of Ararat, however, as always, they lied.

Promotional video:

American astronaut James Irwin, searching for the "Ark", filmed an unusual brown object on Mount Ararat in 1989. After reviewing the recording, some Western experts suggested that the remains of "Noah's Ark" are indeed on Ararat.

As early as this January, Irving Finkel of the British Museum stated that Noah's Ark was most likely something like a giant round cane raft. He could read such a description of a ship escaping from a flood on a Babylonian clay tablet, about 3700 years old.

We followed and are following all these events, but we see that, unfortunately, qualified scientists did not want to deal with this problem. And we (the collective of the "Pink" magazine) were forced to engage in our own research of this issue.

The first thing we did was send our research group to the already discovered samples, and instructed a group of linguists to sort out and answer the question: Is there a possibility (and what is it) of a real description of these events by religious literature.

We got the first answer from linguists.

There is a possibility of such an event, but we understand it in a completely different way from what the ancient literature itself describes.

So, in the best-preserved (for religious reasons) texts of the Jewish Pentateuch, in the chapter Bereshit, the waters of the Flood, to the water we are talking about today, have nothing to do with it. Most likely, the story of the flood describes space travel and the colonization of the earth by some representatives of a civilization dying on another planet.

By this time, our research teams returned with samples of the alleged "arks". And then the discovery awaited us. In the cells of the object, the photographs of which are so carefully hidden by the CIA, despite the general similarity of the structure with tree cells, no chloroplasts, no chromoplasts, no proplasts, no leukoplasts or traces of these organelles were found.

That says either about the unfamiliar, unusual for terrestrial plants, the cellular structure of this object, or about the fact that the product itself was grown as a structure of plant cells - initially.

I will translate into Russian.

There is a possibility that some civilization has learned to grow spaceships like trees. In order to prevent these "trees" from growing spontaneously, breaking the structure, they were modified so that they grew exclusively in the right direction and exactly until the moment when nutrients entered these cells.

This, incidentally, explained the good preservation of the "ark" to our time.

Apparently, it is better for the earthly civilization to start growing the forms it needs than to cast them from steel.

This discovery of a new technology belongs to our magazine.

This always happens when scientists start to deal with the problem, rather than diggers and tourists.

Rostovtsev Sergey