In Search Of Noah's Ark - Alternative View

In Search Of Noah's Ark - Alternative View
In Search Of Noah's Ark - Alternative View

Video: In Search Of Noah's Ark - Alternative View

Video: In Search Of Noah's Ark - Alternative View
Video: In Search of Noah's Ark (1976) 2024, September

In the historical chronicles of many peoples, numerous legends have been preserved that tell about global natural disasters that once befell the Earth. Basically, these raging elements were sent by the Higher Forces in order to punish sinners, and one of the "educational" methods that once led to the renewal of humanity on our planet is the Great Flood.


Quite a lot of legends and myths are connected with this phenomenon, and with a high probability it can be argued that the well-known biblical story about Noah's ark did take place in reality.


Descriptions of people like Noah are found in the writings of many ancient historians. For example, ancient Greek literary sources tell the story of Deucalion, a man who, like Noah, saved his family and various animals in the ark during the flood.

In India, back in the 6th century BC, legends were made about a man named Manu, who escaped during the flood on a ship he built. Having saved his life, he made sacrifices just like Noah. Burma also had its own Noah, and there he is called Poupou Nan Chaung.


The inhabitants of Australia, Central America, Africa, Europe and even Greenland have similar stories in legends. But in all these legends there is one common feature about the salvation of only one person (or together with his family) with the help of a homemade ship, raft, boat, etc. Moreover, the escaped righteous man is warned of the end of the flood by some sign, for example, a rainbow. Or a twig brought by one of the birds taken on the ship.

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The ethnographic data of the peoples of the whole world documentarily confirm the flood that once occurred on earth, which destroyed the ancient civilization. And this is facilitated by the numerous finds of archaeologists, who often find traces of the vital activity of dead ancient civilizations under a multi-meter layer of sand or silt. However, if the existence of a person who escaped from the flood no longer raises doubts among many scientists, then the disputes about where he sailed and where his ship stopped still does not subside.


From ancient sources it is known that the ark stopped at one of the high mountain peaks, and according to the widespread modern opinion, the remains of the ark are located at an altitude of about two thousand meters on Mount Ararat. Many eyewitnesses saw with their own eyes a huge ancient ship, half hidden by ice, and some even managed to chop off wooden fragments from the ark "for memory." After the earthquake in 1978, the ship of the biblical Noah on Mount Ararat became especially clearly visible.

However, the situation with the study of this vessel is complicated by the fact that the Turkish authorities imposed a ban on scientific expeditions in this area, since although the mountain is located in the western part of Armenia, it is nevertheless considered the property of Turkey. The fact is that Muslims are sure that the ark of the righteous stopped at Mount Judy, which is located in Turkey, and if it turns out that the ship resting on Mount Ararat is a real ark, then such a discovery could undermine the authority of the Muslim religion.


But it cannot be said that the Mount Judy hypothesis is taken out of nowhere. The fact is that specifically in religious sources it is not said about the place of arrival of the ark, it is only mentioned that it docked "in the Ararat mountains."

Bunyamin Achykalin, a professor from Turkey dealing with this issue, analyzed a large number of sources that mention the shelter of the ark. Among the documents he studied were ancient Egyptian, Yezidi texts and the Koran. The scientist draws attention to the fact that in these documentary sources it is Mount Judy that is mentioned, and only its name (and not Mount Ararat) is contained in the writings of the Christian theologian Joseph Flavius and some Muslim theologians.


However, Mount Ararat and Judy are not the only places in the world credited with stopping Noah's ark. The last berth of the ancient "ship" is also considered by some experts to be Mount Sinai in Palestine, Mount Kyzygurt in Kazakhstan, as well as one of the places on Alatau (Tien Shan).

According to the research carried out by the scientist Andrei Polyakov, one of the hypothetical places for the stopping of the ark is the Aska-Bikef cave in the Nakhichevan mountains, where local residents many years ago discovered mysterious prints in the rock mass, reminiscent of the structure of the sarcophagi of the ancient Egyptians.


Local legends say that once it was here that Noah's Ark landed, and the name of Mount Gyami - Gaya, in translation, sounds like "Rock-Ship", since it perfectly preserved the imprint of the bottom of a ship with a length of 1500 meters, which is very suitable for the size of the famous ark.

At the moment, scientists find it difficult to specify specifically the place where the famous ark did land, although it is possible that there were several such "ships" during the flood, which explains some confusion with the exact location of the stop of the legendary ark of Noah …