Knowledge And Culture Came To Europe From Siberia - Alternative View

Knowledge And Culture Came To Europe From Siberia - Alternative View
Knowledge And Culture Came To Europe From Siberia - Alternative View

Video: Knowledge And Culture Came To Europe From Siberia - Alternative View

Video: Knowledge And Culture Came To Europe From Siberia - Alternative View
Video: "This is not wide spread knowledge" Jordan Peterson on Soviet History 2024, September

What hidden sacred meaning is encoded in Russian fairy tales and myths? Why is the Orthodox tradition so similar to the Indian one? Where should you look for the roots of the ancient Aryan culture and why are they so relevant today? Candidate of Historical Sciences Svetlana Zharnikova believes that a unique figurative code is hidden in Orthodoxy and "paganism", which allows you to look differently at the historical picture of the past.

Svetlana Zharnikova: When all our chroniclers, and they are, as a rule, monks, rushed into the Greek tradition, and all that was, these were not my words, the words of Yegor Klassen, and everything that was inherent in their ancestors was simply rejected … And Jean Sylvain Bailly writes that the north populated all of Europe, and that all knowledge came from the north. And the Greeks are vain in everything that concerns history, nevertheless, they slip that yes, these northern barbarians were their ancestors. If it is necessary to cut off a tradition, call it pagan, then it was cut off with the adoption of a different religious system. I am more than sure that our hierarchs of the church know the tradition well enough and understand perfectly well that, yes, Orthodoxy is much more than a thousand years old than Christianity, because Orthodoxy itself and the religious system that existed before is more philosophical, she is tougherand it is closer to modern ideas about the structure of the universe. If the Upanishads say that in the Mahabharata, in her, there, the first book, about Deparve, and there further, in the Forest Book, it is said that in the beginning there was the thought of the creator, and according to this thought voiced by him, that is thought turned into sound, this word, by his word a certain egg appeared, in which the eternal Brahmo was the true ever-present everlasting light, from which everything emerges and into which everything returns, it, and he had only one property - sound. And then there is movement or wind, which already has two properties: sound and touch, that is, inertia. And from them the third is born, or light, which already has three properties: sound, touch and image. And if the original sounds are seven, seven sounds and a chord, then the color is also correlated with it by the seven colors of the spectrum. Do you understand? And by the lightin fact, the most important property appears - the image. And light, being light, on the one hand, belongs to the world of images, absolute or ruling, and, on the other hand, to the physical world or phenomena, where transforming, changing, it weaves matter. Hence, the spacer is a woven strip with a complex geometric ornament that carries its own meaning, and the spacer is a sacred song, a hymn in Sanskrit. Do you understand?

And in the 12th century, in the teachings against paganism, which Boris Alexandrovich Rybakov notes in his "Paganism of the Ancient Slavs", it was said that Russian pagans on the first day of the week, Sunday, worship the light. Not to the sun, claiming that the sun is only a thing of light, that is, the material embodiment of light, but to another light, the original, depicting it in the image of a wife, here she is, our goddess stands with riders on the sides or with birds, which means that they consider him the beginning of all beginnings … But the most wonderful thing is that Shakti, that is, the creative force of Brahma, is the feminine principle, and the swan on the waters is fire. Fire or light is a swan on the waters. Well, here's your answer.

At the age of twenty, Alexander Sergeevich Pushkina wrote Ruslana and Lyudmila, which is more archaic than the Ramayana in some of its manifestations and is absolutely identical in its plot. You can spread any Pushkin's fairy tale like this, there, "The Sleeping Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs", where the seven stars of the Big Dipper, with which the goddess of the dawn of the evening Ushas spends the night in a stronghold on the mountain. The tale "About the fisherman and the fish", where the pike in our conspiracies is a golden fish, and the pike is a sage who swims along the milky way, and turning to whom you can get everything in the created world, but outside the physical world you cannot get anything, and therefore, the old woman gets everything she wants, but when she wants to become a goddess, that is, to become immortal, she cannot get it. And the same tale "About the Golden Cockerel", that is, everything, in principle, can be read,Yes, any of our fairy tales from the standpoint of these ancient Aryan texts can be easily disassembled and understood. And then you and I will understand that Koschey the Immortal is not at all a reptile, but Kashyapa is a sage, the son of Brahma, so it's no surprise that he has a daughter, Vasilisa the Wise. Vasilisa is a queen, translated from Greek. And the Wise is the mistress of wisdom or the mistress of beauty, Vasilisa the Beautiful. And what did Ivan Tsarevich do when he burned her frog skin, because a toad or a frog is called a woman of the first years of marriage, until she gives birth to a child, and here she is placed, this very woman in labor, or right here, on her head. That is, this is the giving birth principle, which should stimulate the generic function of a woman, a kind of higher feminine principle. But he burned her skin, she can no longer be in the female incarnation here, she flies away like a swan. And the swanwho is this? This is a fire on the waters, and she is the daughter of Koshchei Bessmetrny, so Ivan Tsarevich is simply destroying our universe, everything is stably marked there, yes, he takes the chest. And the same Upanishads say that this chest is this whole universe, where the sky is the lid, and the bottom is the earth. Who is in it? Hare. And the Hare is a symbol of the moon, that is, that which reflects the phallic symbol. And as a phallic symbol, we are adults, excuse me, how is information transmitted? Seed, right? And moreover, there is a huge amount of this information, hundreds of millions, and one program is chosen at conception. Is that so? This is elementary software, and it says about it that souls that come for a month, which correspond to a hare, and you and I in Pinega still give the groom a flax hare, and there are a lot of such nuances. That, in general, the souls that are to descend here have not yet fulfilled everything, they come with rain, or dew, or seed. Here's a hare. Then the duck. And a duck, a goose, a swan - this is this very light substance, and in it is an egg. Well, what happens then? If this universe is unfolding from a point, then how can we imagine the unfolding of this universe? We represent it in the form of a cone, and this is the same needle. Broken off the tip of the needle, so that's it, the deployment of this physical world has stopped, and where he will meet his Vasilisa, and what Vasilisa, we no longer know. That is, our cunning ancestors, as they say: "You drive him through the door, and it climbs through the window." So here, our cunning ancestors in their fairy tales preserved the information code that was even before the introduction of Christianity. That is, this information, sacred information abouthow the universe is built, how you should live, what you should do in this world, it remained. Why back in the 15th, 16th, and 17th centuries, in confession they asked: “Didn't you tell fairy tales? Didn't he sing heavenly songs? Didn't it hum in the harp?"

There was a French Marquis Bedard, at the beginning of the twentieth century, who spoke about Sanskrit, the language of the patriarchs of the North Pole, our mother and their intellects, referring to the Hindus and Indo-Europeans. And he worshiped Russian culture, because yes, he spoke precisely about the polar latitudes, where the white race was born, he believed. He just took transcripts, well, he communicated with the Brahmans already, as they say, in the highest stages of enlightenment, and he just took these very sound pieces and talked about what each of them means. And when in our international club of scientists we began to decipher elementary banal children's lullabies, there, "baiyu, baiyu, lullies, zainki resorted to", there, any-lyu-lyushki, and so on, and so on, we got such texts, from which we were stunned. That is, there is such pure rhetoric - be honest,be sincere, worship the heavenly law, you are subordinate to it, you are connected with everything: with the earth, with water, there, with animals, you are a part of this universe, be worthy, and so on and so forth. We sing songs to children, at what level do they perceive it? This is another question. You see, this is already at the level of esotericism somewhere. But the fact that the priest, the singer, the performer is in the same person, and therefore they, these wise men were treated, and the buzzing on the harp, and so on, and so on, it is necessary, in general, to see the desire to destroy, behold, to destroy this memory at all costs, because if the people feel the depth of their historical memory, they will not be victorious. We sing songs to children, at what level do they perceive it? This is another question. You see, this is already at the level of esotericism somewhere. But the fact that the priest, the singer, the performer is in the same person, and therefore they, these wise men were treated, and the buzzing on the harp, and so on, and so on, it is necessary, in general, to see the desire to destroy, behold, to destroy this memory at all costs, because if the people feel the depth of their historical memory, they will not be victorious. We sing songs to children, at what level do they perceive it? This is another question. You see, this is already at the level of esotericism somewhere. But the fact that the priest, the singer, the performer is in the same person, and therefore they, these wise men were treated, and the buzzing on the harp, and so on, and so forth, one must, in general, see the desire to destroy, behold, to destroy this memory at all costs, because if the people feel the depth of their historical memory, they will not be victorious.because if the people feel the depth of their historical memory, they will not be defeated.because if the people feel the depth of their historical memory, they will not be defeated.
