About The Situation In Which We Are All - Alternative View

About The Situation In Which We Are All - Alternative View
About The Situation In Which We Are All - Alternative View

Video: About The Situation In Which We Are All - Alternative View

Video: About The Situation In Which We Are All - Alternative View
Video: 7-11-21 ~ The FRIGHTENING Curse on those who follow “another Gospel” 2024, September

When you begin to deeply study any sphere of modern life that is significant for society, you very soon come to the understanding that extremely destructive processes are often hidden behind outwardly dry and even positive formulations. This applies to almost everything:

1. The sphere of education today is actively reoriented to the education of narrowly oriented specialists, devoid of a creative component (the Bologna system and the Unified State Exam). Teachers are overwhelmed with paperwork and turned into “providers of educational services”, depriving them of credibility and closing opportunities for realizing educational potential. At the same time, electronic technologies (projects like the Moscow Electronic School) and the promotion of online education are being actively introduced, gradually creating a system in which education with a live teacher will be paid and intended for the elites, while the masses will be left with education through the online format. The most detailed this topic in her lectures is revealed by Associate Professor of MGIMO O. Chetverikova. She also has several books on this topic, such as "Digital Totalitarianism" or "Transhumanism in Russian Education."

2. The principle of benefit is implemented in the economy, according to which the main criteria of quality and efficiency are tied to making a profit. In the context of the dominance of a usurious system in the world with an unfair redistribution of funds in favor of banking institutions and Russia's integration into this system (an independent Central Bank, pegging to foreign currencies, a market economy, etc.), the level of wealth of an individual and the country as a whole weakly depends on how he works. We live badly or well not because we work this way, but because we are governed in this way, including through the management of the financial system. And in this area, the level of Russia's sovereignty is extremely low. Professor of MGIMO V. Katasonov talks about this with sufficient reasoning in his lectures and books.

3. Demography and family policy. The country is dying out, the population is shrinking, even taking into account the migration component. The number of divorces is off scale. There are many reasons for this, but the main one is that the liberal / selfish ideology officially dominates in Russia, which preaches "vulgarity, vice and high life." At the same time, the Juvenile Justice system is being introduced, which drives a wedge in the attitude of adults and children. These topics are covered in detail by such projects as RVS (All-Russian Parental Resistance) and RIA Ivan-Chai.

4. Mass media and the sphere of culture. Maintaining the work of radio stations, newspapers and, moreover, television channels with a large staff of journalists is very expensive, which is why all large media outlets are somehow tied to big capital and work in its interests. The state acts only as a partial regulator of this process, often supporting absolutely opposite tendencies, largely due to the absence of an official ideology and the prohibition on regulation of this sphere, prescribed in the constitution. As a result, if in the political plane on the same TV at least some variety reigns, then in the aspect of all entertainment content a purely individualistic message to society dominates (propaganda of alcohol, glamor, perversion, the cult of money, the cult of appearance, violence, cynicism, vulgarity, etc.) etc.). Such spheres of mass culture as cinema, music industry,game industry, etc. Since the 90s, they have been lining up according to the Western model and today they are completely oriented towards the Western format, primarily in the aspect of instilling consumer and base values in society.

The Internet is in some way an alternative, but only in that part of it where projects are based on the personal initiative of individuals or small groups. Large sites on the Internet also find themselves tied to external sources of funding with all the ensuing consequences.

Approximately 90% of the country's adult population does not have a SYSTEMIC understanding of everything that is written above and lives with its own personal current issues, periodically voicing dissatisfaction on certain topics with standard phrases and stamps broadcast on TV and major media. They serve as that easily manipulated mass, based on the artificially formed public opinion of which any destructive innovations can be gradually introduced. Or which you can simply ignore, in view of its apathy towards socially significant issues.

Less than 10% of the adult population have to some extent detached themselves from the mainstream media and are trying to figure out what is happening. They float in a chaotic information flow, in which many information traps have been built, which will lead a significant part of the seekers in the wrong direction and make them "harmless" for further destructive processes.

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Less than 1% of the adult population tries to do something, relying on various ideological and worldview platforms and personal understanding of the processes. Unfortunately, their potential is often aimed at fighting each other instead of solving specific problems in these areas and helping the creative forces existing in them to gradually change the situation.

The “Teach good” project also tries to take its place in this. Its main activity is aimed at helping the named 90% get out of the formed false matrix and give the first basic idea on the named topics. For this you need:

- To abandon the thoughtless consumption of entertainment content, to understand the management essence of the media and mass culture (cinema, music, TV, etc.) and understand how society is governed in a non-structured way.

- Find time and desire for self-education and personal transformation towards good-naturedness. Since without the stage of preparation and accumulation of knowledge, constructive and systematic participation in any creative activity is unlikely and ineffective.

One of the important elements of the two named stages is the rejection of any dope and tools for artificially distorting the work of the psyche - that is, the promotion of conscious sobriety in society, for which we cooperate with various teetotal projects such as "Common Cause", SBNT and others.

We also pay special attention to the topic of protecting children from the main information threats and providing the parental community with the necessary information base and theory to create a favorable information environment around their children.