Alien Gods In Ancient Japan - Alternative View

Alien Gods In Ancient Japan - Alternative View
Alien Gods In Ancient Japan - Alternative View

Video: Alien Gods In Ancient Japan - Alternative View

Video: Alien Gods In Ancient Japan - Alternative View
Video: Are Our Gods Actually Aliens? – Sadhguru Answers 2024, September

Smiling Japanese people believe that their ancient ancestors came from the "Abode of the Gods" and worship their mikado as a direct descendant of Amaterasu, the shining sun goddess, ruler of the Heavenly Plains. Conscious of their divine origins, the children of the gods developed their exotic culture in complete isolation. Today, when strong Western influence is transforming Japan, the spirit of bushido, a kind of chivalry, still instills in the Japanese a sense of superiority over other, less significant mortals in the world. These sons of the Sun may never again achieve military superiority, nevertheless, more than any other people, they feel in their souls a closeness to the inhabitants of heaven, raising them above the common people of the Earth; deep down, the Japanese consider themselves aliens from outer space.

Ancient traditions say that many thousands of years ago the Japanese islands formed a distant colony of Lemuria, the empire of the Sun. The first colonists, white-skinned people, brought with them from their homeland a highly developed civilization, which basically retained the Lemurian culture until the arrival of the Europeans just a century ago. The Japanese flag of the rising sun still symbolizes the sacred emblem of sunken Lemuria. Like the Hindus, Chinese, and Egyptians, the Japanese also boast twelve dynasties of god-kings that ruled for 18,000 years, suggesting the dominance of aliens from outer space.

Ethnologists agree that the first ancestors of the Japanese were the white-skinned Yamato, who in the Neolithic era subdued the aborigines, the hairy Ainu, a primitive backward people, almost extinct at the present time. Millennia of mixed marriages with yellow-skinned, high-cheeked, slanting Mongols have resulted in that characteristic mutation we call Japanese, but an astounding number of them look almost European. Analysis of the Japanese language suggests that it bears a resemblance to the Babylonian language, and the ideographic writing exactly resembles Assyrian, which leads to reflections on the Tower of Babel and the lost tribes of Israel. People who survived some terrible cataclysm in the Middle East three or four thousand years ago,crossed Central Asia and sailed along the long Siberian rivers to those fertile islands off the coast of China. Others, Caucasians and Semites, got there through India, Malaysia and the Pacific Ocean. It has even been claimed that Jesus survived the crucifixion and died in northern Japan, a suggestion by a curious Christian sect that existed centuries before the Portuguese missionaries landed on the islands. Ancient tombs sometimes contain relics typical of the Mayan Indians in Mexico, which is hardly surprising, since some kind of connection with the American continent probably existed. Of course, now it is difficult to present reliable facts, but the collected evidence still tends to testify in favor of the fact that about three thousand years ago, in the age of Solomon, Troy, the Indian Mahabharata and the British king Bloodud,Japan was part of a global culture that was influenced and controlled by humans from outer space.

Excavations of ancient dolmens and burial mounds show that during the 3rd millennium BC. e. The Yamato possessed a sophisticated culture, displaying the art of fine ceramics, magnificent armor and weapons made of bronze and iron with great technical skill, exquisite mirrors and magnificent jewelry rivaling the treasures of the 9th Dynasty of Egypt of today. There was no Stonehenge in Britain yet. A thousand years still had to pass before the beauty of Elena sent thousands of ships to burn the high towers of Troy. Not far from the city of Ur in Chaldea (an ancient region in southern Babylonia. - Per.) Abraham tended his flocks and talked with "God" - Yahweh, who doomed him, the son of Israel, and other children of Israel to forty years of suffering. While the "angels" (aliens?) Rescued Lot from Sodom, which they destroyed,talked with Moses and the prophets, the Yamato people on their island of cherry blossoms continued to develop the civilization of Lemuria, the disappeared empire of the Sun, and they certainly greeted these people from the stars.

Haniwa, clay figures of surprisingly small people, are found in burials from prehistoric times. These terracotta figurines, called dogu in the Jomon period, have the faces of white aristocrats, not Mongols. At first, archaeologists believed they were ceremonial substitutes for human sacrifice. Their resemblance to the famous "Martian" depicted on the rock of the Tassilin-Ajer plateau in the Sahara, with incomprehensible petroglyphs in a cave near Fergana in Uzbekistan and Aztec figurines in Ancient Mexico suggests that these little people wore space suits and helmets. as Oannes, who, according to Berossus (Babylonian priest, 350-280 BC - Trans.), taught the people of Babylon. I must say that such images from the Neolithic times could depict the sun god,however, they could just as easily have been portraits of real aliens from space. Prominent Japanese explorer Yusuke J. Matsumura and his fellow scientists at the Yokohama Space Brotherhood Association conducted an in-depth analysis of the Jomon figurines, a report on which is included in Volume 2, No. 1–4 of their Brothers magazine. In his convincing research, Isao Wasio notes that in the Tohuku area, these figures "wear" sunglasses; those found in Aomori Prefecture are apparently wearing diving helmets and suits that closely resemble the spacesuits of modern American astronauts. Yusuke J. Matsumura compared these figurines to rock paintings and carvings found in the prefectures of Fukuoka, Kyushu, Hokkaido, and many other parts of Japan. Similar reports were presented by Alexander Kazantsev,the famous Soviet researcher who claimed that "highly developed aliens from Mars have visited our Earth many times."

Evidence of visits by space aliens to our planet in ancient times may be before our eyes, but some prejudice in our way of thinking prevents us from recognizing this, just as specialists with their scientific minds cannot recognize spaceships that they clearly saw with their own eyes. In the Chip-San Tomb in the suburbs of Yamagi City, Kumamoto Prefecture, Kyushu Island, on a mural dating from about 2000 BC. e., depicts the king of ancient Japan, who, raising his hands, greets the seven solar disks. This mural is similar to the prehistoric murals found in Etruria, India, and Iran. Another picture shows seven people with a large circle formed from their hands; they gaze up at the sky calling for UFOs to appear in Izumizaki, Fukushima Prefecture. Archaeologists have suggestedthat such scenes symbolize the cult of the sun, but the new modern coverage of the problem of alien interference in the affairs of earthlings suggests that these sparkling balls represent spaceships, which turns our understanding of the past. The very word "Chip-san" in the pre-Ain language supposedly meant "the place where the sun went down."

The report of the Research Section, published in the journal "Brothers" (Volume 2, No. 1-4), reads:

“The bay of Yatsushiro-kai on the island of Kyushu in Japan has been called the Sea of Shiranubi-kai, or the Sea of Unknown Fire, since ancient times, and a mysterious fire, the nature of which has remained unclear, appears here on a certain day, namely closer to dawn on August 1, old calendar.

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Modern researchers suggest that this "unknown fire" is a fire ignited from space, which is completely controlled by "flying saucers", and it is associated with those "wheels of fire" that have visited our Earth throughout its history.

In a special study of solar disks with and without wings, Yusuke J. Matsumura offers a compelling comparison with the solar disks of Ancient Egypt, Iran, and Israel, undoubtedly proving that the disks did not represent the sun, but flying saucers. It is striking that the solar discs found in ancient tombs bore an extraordinary resemblance to the circular symbols of the modern air force - a truly prophetic coincidence. Dr. Yoshiuki Tenge states in Brothers Magazine (Vol. 2, Nos. 1-4):

“The sun signs painted inside the ornamented ancient tombs on Kyushu Island have been found to represent flying saucers thousands of years old. Meanwhile, the legend of the Ainu in Hokkaido says that Okiku-rumi-kamui (the ancient god of the Ainu) descended from heaven and landed in Hayo-pir in Hokkaido aboard the shining Sinta (the cradle of the Ainu), on which we found the same sign of the Sun. He taught the Ainu to live righteously and killed the evil god; he himself was a space brother who had flown in on a flying saucer, which the Ainu called Sinta at that time."

The Yokohama Space Brotherhood Association offers a revolutionary interpretation of the stone circles found in different parts of the world.

“If you look at the images of the ruins of double or triple circles found in the city of Kawagoe in Sayatama Prefecture, Japan, or in Glatley, Dorchester County in England, at Stonehenge also in England or the stone circle in Oyu, Akita Prefecture in Japan, you can see that SPACE CIRCLES are closely related to each other."

The oldest Japanese literature, the Kojiki, or Records of Ancient Deeds, written in archaic Japanese letters, is based on centuries-old legends preserved by bards and folk reciters, and was compiled in 712 by the gifted and imaginative governor of the royal court of Hieda-no-Are, a man with amazing memory and limitless imagination. He dictated a mixture of myths and legends to a nobleman named

O-no-Yasumaro, who dedicated his masterpiece to the formidable Empress Gemo. Shortly thereafter, in 720 AD, the same traditions were revised and rewritten in Classical Chinese, the language of scholars, and entered thirty books known as Nihonseki, authored by Prince Toneri and Yasumara-Futono-Ason. They are dedicated to the empress and prove for all subsequent generations her divine origin from Amaterasu, the sun goddess.

The Japanese cherish these ancient chronicles, but we in the West are not impressed by them. Imagine our Western culture without any written documents before the 8th century, the century of Charlemagne! No Bible, Homer, Aeschylus, Aristotle, Virgil, Cicero, Pliny, ancient thinkers who created our art, politics, civilization! The glory of Greece, the splendor of Rome would be just a dream, an obsessive memory, half-forgotten, like Atlantis! The ancient tombs of Japan show us neither the hieroglyphs nor the Rosetta stone, which revealed the wonders of Egypt; the sakura flower does not fall on clay tablets like the cuneiform library describing the deeds of Assyria; probably civilizations of which there was no memory left, arose and disappeared into oblivion. How many great kingsoutstanding philosophers and beauties lived and loved in Ancient Japan? What bloody wars have stained its sun-warmed soil? Whose ghosts lingered here in passing, and then carried away through the dusty corridors of time, never to return? For the Japanese of our day, ancient times have left no legacy comparable to ours from Greece and Rome; no revelation came from God that was equal to our Christianity; no words of wise philosophers imitate our democracy. Japan's written documents span only twelve centuries. For the Japanese mind, the ancient world remains a kingdom of never return? For the Japanese of our day, ancient times have left no legacy comparable to ours from Greece and Rome; no revelation came from God that was equal to our Christianity; no words of wise philosophers imitate our democracy. Japan's written documents span only twelve centuries. For the Japanese mind, the ancient world remains a kingdom of never return? For the Japanese of our day, ancient times have left no legacy comparable to ours from Greece and Rome; no revelation came from God that was equal to our Christianity; no words of wise philosophers imitate our democracy. Japan's written documents span only twelve centuries. For the Japanese mind, the ancient world remains a kingdom of myths.

The Japanese may argue that the oldest literary works in England, Beowulf and Bid's History, are from the same period as their own. The whole world forgets that the Druids in Britain copied the centuries-old manuscripts into the Ogama Manuscript in the huge library in Bangor, destroyed in 607 AD. e., when the archbishop and priests from his entourage were killed by the Saxons, allegedly with the support of Rome. Geologists believe that our Earth is 4,500,000,000 years old. Paleontologists believe that humans have existed for 20 million years, so it seems likely that civilized communities lived on the blossoming Japanese islands many thousands of years ago. In the teachings of the yogis, there are four main races of people that preceded our race. The legends of all peoples hint at periodically repeating cycles of human development, destroyed by cataclysms; then,reborn, it moves in a spiral in the chain of evolution until it is periodically stopped by other catastrophes, the preludes of rebirth at an even higher stage of development. And while this is generally true, this cosmic forward movement is hampered by a temporary backward movement in evolution - some primitive peoples of our day in Africa and America seem to be degenerated descendants of great peoples whose civilization surpassed our present one millennia ago; the fragmentary knowledge of healers and shamans seem to be remnants of the world psychic science, advanced in relation to modern science.this cosmic movement forward is hampered by a temporary backward movement in evolution - some primitive peoples of our day in Africa and America seem to be degenerated descendants of great nations, whose civilization was superior to our present one millennia ago; the fragmentary knowledge of healers and shamans seem to be remnants of the world psychic science, advanced in relation to modern science.this cosmic movement forward is hampered by a temporary backward movement in evolution - some primitive peoples of our day in Africa and America seem to be degenerated descendants of great nations, whose civilization was superior to our present one millennia ago; the fragmentary knowledge of healers and shamans seem to be remnants of the world psychic science, advanced in relation to modern science.

If our civilization is destroyed in a nuclear war, all the books in the world could disappear in this global catastrophe. In five thousand years, nothing may remain about our self-confident century, except for a few distorted memories of ancestors who misused the forces hidden in the atom and destroyed themselves. Now we are perplexedly looking at the inscriptions of the Etruscans, Mexican hieroglyphs, the Knossos linear script, the unusual symbols of Mohenjo-Daro (in the Sindhi language "Hill of the Dead", the ruins of one of the main centers of the Harappan civilization in the Indus Valley, which arose around 2600 BC.. - Per.). Perhaps tomorrow archaeologists will find pictograms of Ancient Japan that a computer can interpret, which will miraculously color a magnificent panorama of the past?

The Japanese myths in the Kojiki chronicles were certainly tweaked under the dominant Chinese influence, and these legends of past centuries were collected to glorify the ruling dynasty and develop national unity. Purely Chinese elements and an obscure chronology were soon inserted into the Nihonseki (or Chronicle of Japan), but Japan's proximity to the Chinese state on the mainland almost certainly suggests that the two countries had similar experiences with aliens from outer space. Secondary sources were the Kogushui, or Collection of Ancient Tales, compiled in 807, and Norito, very ancient liturgies, collected in 927 in Engishiki, or Engi Ceremonials. Additional material with a special charm was the Fudoki, or Records of Customs and Lands, which began compiling in 713.and which have collected colorful legends and folklore of various localities. Literary and romantic teachings were included in the Man'yoshu, a collection of poetry that appeared in the 8th century, which included poetry recited hundreds of years earlier. All these sources together make up the enchanting and mysterious mythology of Japan.

The Kojiki chronicles claim that chaos was originally shaped like an egg containing all the microorganisms for Creation, a striking resemblance to our cosmological theory of the expansion of the universe from the original superatom. On the plain of heaven, the gods were born - the owner of the august center of heaven, the supreme-august-miraculous-God and the Heavenly creator of wonders. After this Holy Trinity, several heavenly deities appeared. From the reed sprout, which hatched when the Earth was young and floated in space like a jellyfish, other deities were born. The commanders of the celestial deities, Izanagi and Izanami, stood on the Floating Bridge of Heaven (spaceship?) To plunge the jeweled celestial spear into an ocean of chaos, which they stirred until the liquid curdled and thickened and drops of solution fell back into ocean and,thickened, turned into the island of Onogoro. Izanagi and Izanami went down to the island, and made it the center of land, and erected on it a celestial august column and a hall of eight fathoms. The celestial couple longed to unite in order to produce humans for their island, but to their mutual embarrassment, Izanagi and Izanami discovered that they did not possess the delightful art of copulation, which is hardly surprising, since the natural method has not yet been tried out. Somewhat disappointed, the two deities watched the wagtail twitch its head and tail as it ran back and forth. Inspired by her movements, Izanagi and Izanami invented the pleasures of sexual intercourse to the delight of future lovers. They mated continuously, producing numerous gods, as well as islands, seas, mountains, and even fire. The birth of the fire god burned the intimate places of the August Goddess so much that Izanami died, leaving Izanagi to solve the task of creation alone without joy. From his left eye was born the sun goddess Amaterasu, the Heavenly Luminary; from the right - the goddess of the moon Tsuki-Yami, and from the nose - Susa-noo, the valiant husband.

Izanagi made Amaterasu the ruler of the Plain of Heaven, and Susanoo handed over power over the sea. Frustrated, the valiant husband demanded a meeting with his mother Izanami in the nether world. When his father refused him and chased him away, Susanoo ascended to heaven to say goodbye to his sister violently. Alarmed by his noisy approach, Amaterasu pulled out her sun-tipped bow and arrows. The sight of this charming Amazon aroused the romantic feelings of the valiant husband, who amicably suggested that they swear to avoid strife and direct their energies to a pleasant pastime together, producing offspring. This proposal was liked by Amaterasu, who gave birth to more than one deity. The valiant husband began to behave worse: he trampled the neat rice fields in the sky,filled irrigation ditches and desecrated the royal palace with excrement. In the end, this scandalous god tore the skin from the heavenly piebald colt, which fell, breaking a hole in the roof of the palace, onto the women who weaved the heavenly vestments. He inflicted mortal wounds on them, from which they died. Susanoo was condemned by the supreme council of the gods and suffered a heavy punishment: the nails on his fingers and toes were torn out, and he himself was thrown into Korea, and from there he got to Izumo and suffered even greater misfortune. The enraged Sun Goddess retired into the cave, leaving the world in darkness and sorrow, until finally other deities, seized with anxiety, lured her out of the cave with the help of a mirror. So the light returned to the Plains of Heaven and to the land of the cherry blossoms below them. This entertaining tale is the Japanese version of the heavenly war between the gods and the ensuing catastrophe on Earth. This is a much nicer description than the horrifying opposition in the sky depicted by the Chinese.

In this mythical age of the gods, Japan was known as Tovo-ashi-hara-no-chio-aki-no-mitsuho-no-kuni (Country of fertile reed plains, bountiful harvests and poured rice ears). For centuries this country has been called Yamato after the province where the first emperor, Jimmu, built his capital in 660 BC. e. The Chinese character wa, representing Yamato, also meant dwarf, and in 670 the Japanese asked the Chinese to call their country Nippon or Nihon, which meant "source of the sun" or "land of the rising sun." The Chinese and Koreans wrote Nippon or Nihon as Jih-pen, which later became Japan (Jepeng) in the Western version and still symbolized the main Japanese belief in their unearthly origin from the Sun, which we currently interpret as origin from aliens.

Susanoo, the "fallen god", banished from heaven for his fervor, saved the princess from the eight-headed and eight-tailed dragon. He built a beautiful palace at Suga on Izumo, married a princess and had many children. Other gods descended to Earth and entered into marriage with the daughters of earthly people, confirming the similarity of the legends about the connections of celestials with mortal people mentioned in

Genesis and ancient writings in Sanskrit and Greek. The most famous of the sons of Susanoo, Okuninushi, became the ruler of the country, angering the gods in heaven by neglecting their authority and following his own plans for the empire. The gods, offended by this rebellion, sent various deities to Earth to restore their dominion, but to no avail. These messengers were defeated by earthly rebels. In the end, the Sun Goddess of the Plain of Heaven ordered her grandson Ninigi no Mikoto to take possession of the land of the reed plains and restore the power of the gods. Prince Ninigi and Ama-no-Koyane, the ancestor of the court families, on a floating sky bridge (a spaceship?) Went down to the mountain village of Takachiho (Kyushu province) near the country of Kara (Korea). The Sun Goddess Amaterasu gave Niniga a swordmirror and jewel are three symbols of the supreme power. Soon he conquered the surrounding lands and laid the foundation for a divine dynasty in Japan.

A thrilling story about the arrival of celestials in spaceships to conquer the Earth, mired in lawlessness and sin, is found in the Nihonseki, or "Chronicles of Japan", covering its history from ancient times to 697. Excellent translation by U. G. Aston (Book 1) seems vaguely similar to Genesis, Hesiod's Theogony, and the conflict between gods and mortals mentioned by the Mahabharata.

In 667 BC. e. Nihonseki writes about Emperor Kami-Yamato - Ihara - Biko:

Upon reaching the age of forty-five, he [the emperor] addressed his older brothers and children with the following words: “Long ago, our heavenly gods Takami-musuli-no-Mikoto and Oho-hiru-me-no-Mikoto, pointing to this land of poured rice ears on a fertile reed plain, gave it to our heavenly ancestor Hiko-ho-no-ningigi-no-Mikoto. After that, Hiko-ho-no-ningigi-no-Mikoto threw down the heavenly barrier and, clearing the way in the clouds, set off. At that time, the whole world was in desolation. In this darkness, he established justice and began to rule this western border (Kyushu). Our ancestor emperors, like gods and sages, accumulated happiness and glory. Many years later. More than 1,792,470 years have elapsed since the day our celestial ancestor descended to earth. But the distant lands do not yet rejoice in the blessed power of the emperor. Each city was always allowed to have its own ruler, and each village - a foreman; each of them has its own territory and wages wars.

I heard from the sea elder (Shiho-Tsutsu-no-Ogi) that in the east lies a beautiful country, surrounded on all sides by mountains. In addition, there is One who flew to Earth in a heavenly rocking boat. I think that this land will undoubtedly be suitable for fulfilling a heavenly mission [that is, for further expanding the power of the emperor], so that his glory will encompass the entire universe. It is undoubtedly the center of the world. The man who flew to Earth was, I believe, Nigi-hoe-lu [which means "soft, fast sun"]. Why don't we go there and make it our capital?

All the princes replied: “Your truth. This thought constantly interests us. Let's go there quickly. This was the year of Kinoe Tora (51st), the Great Year.

The statement that the celestial ancestors descended from heaven in a heavenly rocking boat almost two million years ago will certainly amuse scientists who believe that civilization developed thanks to man himself several thousand years ago, and nevertheless the occult landing on Earth in ancient times teachings, Zen holy books and legends from all over the world.

Before Ninigi went to Earth, he was told that at the crossroads of heavenly roads there was an unusual deity, whose nose was as long as seven arms, and a light was burning in his mouth and back. This strange description may have to do with an alien in a spaceship from another galaxy, since none of the gods knew anything about him. The goddess Uzume-hime approached the stranger, who said his name was Saruto-hiko. He also intended to land in Japan and proposed to make a flying bridge or a heavenly bird-boat for the goddess.

The great-grandson of Prince Niniga, Emperor Jimmu, invaded Naniwa (Osaka) to conquer Yamato, but was first rebuffed by the tsuchi-gumo, "earth spiders", which were the Ainu aborigines who did not descend from the gods. Having finished the campaign of conquest, the emperor climbed the mountain and, looking at the beautiful panorama, exclaimed: "Uma-shi kunito Akitan-no-toname-suru ni nitari!" ("A beautiful country! It looks like copulating dragonflies!")

The Japanese believe that in 660 the heavenly gods helped Emperor Jimmu defeat his enemies, reminding us of the heavenly twins Castor and Pollux, who in 498 BC. e. helped the Romans defeat the Tuskulans at Lake Regil. The support of the gods for Jimmu was hardly decisive, as history adds that the emperor invited eighty "earthen spiders" to a feast and ordered them to be killed before the campaign of conquest was over.

In the IX century. BC BC, according to Yusuke J. Matsumura, Japanese aborigines called kumaso flourished in Kyushu, surpassing the Yamato dynasty in influence, when there appeared nine suns in the sky, which were an omen of great chaos on earth: on February 10, during the Yamato dynasty, riots broke out in the eighteenth year of the reign of Emperor Supinin. These nine suns, or solar discs as the ancients called them, were flying saucers.

Nine suns over Japan in the 9th century BC e. are analogous to the ten suns over China in 2346 BC. e., when nine of them were shot down by the "heavenly archer" Tszi-Yu. In both cases, the Earth was torn apart by strife. The appearance of nine plates in the 9th century. BC e. peaceful aborigines who worshiped the sun discs considered it a sign of heavenly displeasure towards the Yamato dynasty for the fact that she spiritually and physically enslaved her subjects.

Around A. D. 200, the following is written in Book 1 of Nihonseki:

In addition, in the village of Notorita there lived a man named Hashiro-Kuma-Wasi ["White-finned Eagle Bear"]. He was a powerful physique, had wings on his body, and with their help he could fly through the air. Therefore, he did not obey the orders of the emperor and robbed people.

Even the genius Leonardo da Vinci could not cope with the problem of human flight. Could that person be an alien?

In ancient times, when the "angels" helped King Arthur and Merlin, and later St. Patrick and St. Herman in their fight against the Saxons who invaded Britain, in the other hemisphere, the gods helped the Japanese. Around 220, the famous Empress Jingguo captured Korea - and the gods were in front and behind this military expedition. The king of Silla (Korea) was defeated by these unearthly aggressors and quickly surrendered.

An intriguing reference to an explicit alien in 460 is in Nihonseki (Book 1):

Fourth spring, second month. Emperor Oho-hatsuse-Waka-Taka [“Hatsuse” is a place in Yamato, “Waka-Taka” means “young, brave”. - Per.] Went hunting with a bow and arrow on Mount Katsuraki. Suddenly a tall man appeared and stopped over a crimson valley. In face and manner he looked like an emperor. The emperor knew that it was a god, and therefore asked him: "Where are you from, Lord?" The tall man replied, “I am the God of visible people [that is, the one who took the form of mortal man]. First say your noble name, and then I will tell you mine. " The emperor identified himself by saying, "Our name is Waka-Taka-no-Mikado." And then the tall man said his name: "Your servant is God Hito-Koto-Musi" [literally: "master of one word"; a god who dispels evil with one word and good with another]. He eventually joined the emperor and hunted with him. They chased the deer, and each of them refused to shoot an arrow at him, giving the other this opportunity. They galloped side by side and spoke to each other with piety and respect, as if they were in the company of spirits. Then the sun went down, and the hunt came to an end. God served the emperor and accompanied him to the waters of Kuma. And then all the people said: "Worthy emperor!"

Doesn't this legend evoke memories of the celestials and princes of ancient India, the gods and mortals in Greece, the angels and kings of the Old Testament? Doesn't this sound like a faint echo of the encounters that take place between aliens and their "contactees" today?

This visit to Earth by an alien was mentioned again about a hundred years later in Nihonseki (556) during the reign of the emperor Ame-Kuni-Oshi-Hiroki-Hiro-Niha.

Minister Soga said: "Earlier, during the reign of Emperor Oho-hatsuse, your country was severely oppressed by Korye (Korea), so it was in a very difficult situation and was like a heap of eggs." The emperor then ordered the priests of the Shinto religion to respectfully consult with the gods. Having received divine revelation, the priests answered: "If, after a humble prayer to God, you, the Founder of the Country (Oho-na-mochi-no-Kami), come to the aid of the Ruler, who is threatened with destruction, then, of course, peace and tranquility will reign in your state." … Prayer was lifted up to God, help was provided, and peace was guaranteed to the country. The God who originally created this country is the God who descended from heaven and founded this state at a time when Heaven and Earth separated from each other and when trees and herbs were able to speak. I was recently informedthat your country has stopped worshiping him. But if you now repent of your past mistakes, if you build a temple to God and make a sacrifice in honor of his divine spirit, your country will prosper. You mustn't forget about it."

The interpreter of "Tau-se" here cites the following curious quote from a work called "Sei-to-ki"

During the reign of Emperor Kwammu (782–806), we [in Japan] and Korea had the same written works. The emperor did not like this, and he burned them, saying: "They talk about God who founded this country, and do not mention the gods, our ancestors." But perhaps this only relates to the legend of Tan-Kun, which says: “In the Eastern Part [Korea] there was no ruler at first. There was a Heavenly Man who descended under the sandalwood, and the people of this country made him their Master. He was called Tan-Kun [Sandal Lord], and the country was called "Teson" (which means "freshness"). This was during the reign of the Chinese emperor Tong-Yao (2357-2258 BC), in the year of Mon-Shem. The capital was originally called Fyon-yon; it was later called Pek-ok ["White Mountain"]. In the eighth year (1317 BC.) during the reign of Wu Ting of the Shan dynasty, he ascended Mount Asatay and became God.

It was believed that this god-man lived in Korea for a thousand years, and then he was apparently transported to heaven. We are reminded of the mysterious Count Saint Germain, who is said to have visited Earth for centuries, periodically returning to the planet Venus. Does this raise our doubts?

The only star god mentioned in Japanese myth is Kagase-Wo, who is said to be a subdued rebel. Perhaps this is a hint of some kind of conflict that took place in space. He was stripped of the titles Kami (God) and Mikado (August), which were prefixes to the names of other gods. The only celestial objects mentioned in the Kojiki or Nihonseki were Venus, Mars, Jupiter, the Pleiades, and the star alpha in the constellation Lyra, associated with a Chinese legend.

Nihonseki (Book 2) captivates us with the tale of a wonderful child born on the tenth day of the fourth month of 593 during the reign of Empress Toi-Mika-Ko-shiki-Yo-Hime.

Prince Mumayodo no Toyo Sumi was appointed Crown Prince. He had all the power, and he was entrusted with all the nuances of governing the country. He was the second child of the Emperor Totibane no Toyo-hi. The Empress Consort, his mother, was the Crown Princess of Anahohe-Hasito. On the day of the relief from the burden, the Empress wife went to the closed courtyard to check various services. As soon as she reached the stable gate, she suddenly and effortlessly gave birth to a son. Immediately after birth, he could speak and was so smart that when he grew up, he could simultaneously deal with litigations of ten people and make decisions without mistakes. He knew in advance what was going to happen. In addition, he learned the Inner Teachings [Buddhism] from a Korean priest named Hai-Cha, and studied the Far Classics [Chinese classics] with a theologian named Hok-ka. In both of these areas, he became a great expert. His father the emperor loved him and ordered him to occupy the Upper Hall in the South Wing of the palace. Therefore, they began to call him "The Chief Prince Kamu-tou-miya-Mumaya-do-Toyo-to-mimi" [Noble-Descendant-of-the-Empress-Toyo-at-the-Gate-Stables-from-the-Upper-Palace].

Despite the fact that this name was perhaps suitable for him, the prince certainly needed all his equanimity to endure such a title!

619: A bright human-like object seen over the Gamo River in Central Japan (Brothers Vol. 3, No. 1).

Like the Romans, Maya, and Chinese, the ancient Japanese had a superstitious reverence for miracles on earth and heaven, which, according to the prophecies, heralded bad events.

Year 650: According to Nihonseki (Book 2), Emperor Ame-Eruzu-Toyo-Lu stated:

When a Wise Ruler appears in the world and rules, the empire responds to his rule and gives auspicious omens. In ancient times, under the ruler of the Western Lands [China] Changwon from the Zhou dynasty, as well as during the reign of Ming-Ti from the Han dynasty, people saw white pheasants. In Japan, during the reign of Emperor Hamuto, a white crow made a nest in his palace. Under Emperor Oho-Sazaki (271), a dragon horse appeared in the west.

The dragon horse had wings on its head, it moved on water and did not sink. He appeared when an illustrious monarch was on the throne. Perhaps it was a UFO, or perhaps a comet, like a "long star", which was seen in the south of the country in 634 under the emperor Okinaga-Tohashi-khi-Hiro-Nuka; its people called "the broom-star". Three years later, in 637, in Nihonseki (Book 2) it was written:

A huge star flew from east to west, and a noise like thunder was heard. People who lived then said that it was the sound of a shooting star. Others said it was "thunder of the earth." In this regard, Buddhist priest Bing said: "This is not a shooting star, but the Heavenly Dog, whose bark is like thunder."

A week later, the sun eclipsed.

The learned priest Bing was no doubt misled by the very ancient Chinese Book of Mountains and Seas, which said:

There is a ginger dog at Heaven's Gate Mountain called the Heavenly Dog. The light from it pierces the Heavens, and as it sweeps across the sky it becomes a star several dozen genera long [a measure of length equivalent to 5.5 yards. - Per.]. She is fast as the wind. Her voice is like thunder, and the radiance from her is lightning.

This description is suggestive of a cylindrical spaceship!

Heavenly Dog was Sirius, but this classic reference to a star that hovered in the air, lengthened, glowed red hot, moved quickly, made thunderous sounds and emitted radiation, fits the description of the huge spaceship-bases that people periodically see in the sky these days.

Here's a comment from Nihonseki:

The Heavenly Dog, or Tenu, of modern Japanese superstition is a winged creature in human form with an extremely long nose that dwells on mountain peaks and other secluded places.

UFO researchers immediately recognize the similarity of this vision to an alien mentioned in ancient literature, which allegedly frightened peasants in France, America and Brazil today. Space ships in biblical times landed in the mountains, where angels called Moses and the prophets to hear divine revelations there. Most countries have at least one sacred mountain associated with the apparition of the gods.

The "extremely long nose" of the "winged creature in human form" was undoubtedly a reference to some kind of breathing helmet, since for some aliens our oxygen-containing atmosphere could be toxic. We are reminded of Oannes, a fish-bodied creature who, according to Berossus, taught the Babylonians crafts. Its resemblance to a fish probably meant that the stranger was wearing a spacesuit. Could it be one of those costumes that the Jomon-era dogu statuettes wear scattered throughout Japan? Since the long-nosed winged creature has become the cause of superstition, this means that its appearances in the mountains of Japan were not rare for several centuries and showed regular supervision of the children of the Sun.

In November 1837, an outlander, an elusive monster with superhuman powers, roamed the roads of Middlesex in England. Here is what J. Weiner wrote in his intriguing article in the "UFO Review" in May - June 1961:

“The stranger was tall, thin and strong. He had a protruding nose and bony fingers of enormous strength that resembled claws. He was incredibly agile. He wore a light cloak of the kind favored by opera lovers, soldiers and strolling actors. On his head was a tall, metal-like helmet. Under the cloak - tight-fitting clothes made of some kind of shiny material, like a thin oilcloth or metal mesh. A lantern was strapped to his chest. And here's the strangest thing: the ears of this creature were cut off or pointed, like an animal."

The old Duke of Wellington, who utterly defeated Napoleon at Waterloo, took a pair of pistols and, like a real fox hunter, set out to catch this jumping stranger, who effortlessly jumped over fences and houses. But after a few months, during which he harassed innocent people and frightened girls with his eyes, like red balls of fire, this ghost disappeared to appear in America in 1880, 1948 and 1953.

Perhaps the winged creature from ancient Japanese legends was tired of sakura flowers and rushed to more interesting places in the West?

Year 638:

On the twenty-sixth day of the first month of spring, a long star appeared in the northwest. Priest Bean said it was a broom star. When she appeared, hunger began.

Astrologer Bean probably saw a comet. Nihonseki (Book 2) pleases future UFO explorers with the following entries:

Year 640:

On the seventh day of the second month of spring, a star entered the moon.

Year 642:

In the fall, on the ninth day of the seventh month, during the reign of the Empress Ame-Toyo-Tokaro-Ikashi-ki-Tarashi-Hime, an alien star entered the Moon.

In the history of China, it is noted that the penetration of Venus into the Moon was considered by the soothsayers as a harbinger of pestilence among people. It is important that Venus was the only "star" that the Aztecs in Mexico worshiped with great reverence: they sacrificed the bleeding hearts of their captives to her. Venus's hostility towards Earth may have been some kind of half-forgotten racial memory of the war with the aggressors from this planet, which is mentioned in Greek ancient literature and in Sanskrit sources.

The Japanese believed in demons similar to the asuras or "rebellious gods" described in the Rig Veda, the Gandharvas - the heavenly warriors, Garuda - the monstrous "bird man", the heavenly ship of Indra, and people of the air, reminiscent of those "arrogant demons in glass ships" that are mentioned in Furious Roland (Canto 1, stanza 8) by Ariosto, the Italian Renaissance poet.

Nihonseki (Book 2) mentions:

Year 661:

Autumn, the first day of the eighth month. The Crown Prince, who had attended the Empress's funeral, returned to the Ihase Palace. That evening, a demon ["or spirit"] wearing a large hat appeared on the top of Mount Asakura and looked down from her at the funeral ceremony. All the people cried out in surprise.

This phenomenon is reminiscent of 1099, when Jerusalem was besieged by the crusaders. Matthew Paris wrote in his History of England that a radiant knight with a shining shield suddenly appeared on Mount Olive and signaled the discouraged crusaders to attack again. UFO researchers will immediately recall the amazing incident that took place on June 26, 1959 in New Guinea, when the Rev. William Booth Jill, an Anglican missionary, saw a huge disc with two pairs of support posts pointing diagonally downward, from which four people were standing on deck,”waved their hands at him. 661 - Japan, 1099 - Jerusalem, 1959 - New Guinea! Are these friendly aliens watching us all the time?

Three years after that vision in Japan, in 664, according to Bida's History of the Church (Book 4, Chapter 7), a light shone from heaven on the nuns in the cemetery of the Barking monastery on the River Thames; then he moved to the other side, shone on the monks and disappeared into the sky.

Year 671, August 11:

In many places in Japan, people saw a flaming object flying north. This was a year before the jinshin war.

Year 679, October 1:

A cotton-like substance ("angel hair") about 5 to 6 feet long fell on Naniwa, as Osaka was formerly called, and was driven back and forth by the wind (Brothers Vol. 3, No. 1).

VII century. n. BC, apparently witnessed UFO activity around the world. The sky lights seen by the Angles and Saxons also appeared over Japan. The Nihonseki compilers anticipated our Charles Fort and recounted many exciting events.

Year 680:

First day of the eleventh month. There was an eclipse of the sun. On the third day in the east, a glitter was seen from dog hour to rat hour [8pm to midnight].

Year 681:

Sixteenth day of the ninth month. A comet appeared, on the seventeenth day the planet Mars entered the moon.

Year 682:

Third day of the eighth month. Korean guests were entertained at Ttsukushi. That evening, at dusk, a huge star flew from east to west.

Year 682:

Eleventh day of the eighth month. Something in the form of a flame-colored Buddhist baptismal flag appeared. It floated in the void towards the north; he was seen in all provinces. Someone said that it plunged into the sea near Kosi. On this day, white steam rose to a height of four fathoms on the Eastern Mountains.

On the twelfth day, there was a strong earthquake.

A day later, Viceroy Tsukushi reported a three-legged sparrow. On the seventeenth day, there was another earthquake. On this day, at dawn, a rainbow appeared right in the middle of the sky opposite the sun.

It is worth noting that in Prodigiorum Libellus, Julius Obsek-vens writes about the bright lights over Ancient Rome shortly before the earthquakes. And since 1947, before earthquakes, observers have noticed UFOs in the sky, confirming reports of alleged aliens that their spaceships are monitoring the Earth's magnetic field and are very concerned about obvious damaged zones in the earth's crust.

Year 684:

Autumn, twenty-third day of the seventh month. A comet more than ten feet long appeared in the northwest.

Year 684:

Twenty-first day of the eleventh month. At dusk, seven stars approached in the northeast and disappeared.

Twenty-third day of the eleventh month. At sunset, a mug-sized star fell to the east. At the hour of the dog [19.00–21.00], the constellations were in disarray, and the stars began to rain down.

Eleventh month. During this month, a star was visible, which rose to the zenith and moved with the Pleiades until the end of the month, and then disappeared.

Year 692:

Fall. Twenty-eighth day of the seventh month. The reign of Empress Tokama-no-Hara-Hiro-no-Hime. The Empress's chariot returned to the palace. That night, Mars and Jupiter approached and moved away from each other four times at a distance of one step, then glowing, then disappearing.

The phenomena recorded in the Nihonseki chronicles continued to recur throughout the Middle Ages to the present day. The Yokohama Space Brotherhood Association noted at least seventy mysterious celestial phenomena from 858 to 1832. In the 19th and 20th centuries. these mysterious phenomena have become more frequent, and these days the serene skies of Japan, apparently, are visited by alien spaceships. Psychics claim that they have friendly communication with aliens, like their ancestors in ancient times.

The Japanese Historical Archives recount how Emperor Hwang, wanting to ride on the back of a dragon, first collected copper on a mountain - a metal associated with the planet Venus - and then cast a tripod out of it. And the dragon immediately flew to him. After the monarch used the "god" as an airship, seventy of his subjects also took flight.

Shintoism, or Kami-no-Michi (Path of the Gods), permeates almost all aspects of Japanese life, although Buddhism, especially Zen teachings, strongly influences the arts and sciences, inspiring all seekers of truth. There are many thousands of gods in Shinto; it embraces the cult of ancestors and the cult of nature spirits, making the Japanese mind susceptible to the existence of life throughout the universe, inhabitants in other dimensions and aliens from the stars. Shinto has a striking resemblance to the druidism of ancient Britain. The Japanese, like the Celts, believed in the sanctity of the ancestors of their kings and kept the memory of the golden age of alien kings. Even today, most Japanese people worship their Mikado as a descendant of Amaterasu, the sun goddess.

Currently, the Japanese value their glorious past and, through the Space Brotherhood Association, are planning a brilliant future when sunny Japan will lead all of humanity to a wonderful friendship with our brothers from space.

Raymond Drake