The World Of The Supernatural - Entities - Alternative View

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The World Of The Supernatural - Entities - Alternative View
The World Of The Supernatural - Entities - Alternative View

Video: The World Of The Supernatural - Entities - Alternative View

Video: The World Of The Supernatural - Entities - Alternative View
Video: Hitler's Monsters: A Supernatural History of the Third Reich 2024, October

Supernatural entities

For most of humanity, the other world is a mysterious and usually closed topic, but thanks to people who have the gift of clairvoyance, we know that the supernatural world exists. And the inhabitants of these worlds are not always well-disposed towards people. And sometimes we feel like something invisible, evil, is somewhere nearby. A person is afraid of everything incomprehensible and unknown, and at the same time, curiosity is stronger than fear, irresistibly wants to know - and what is there, on the other side of being, what kind of light at the end of the white tunnel, who are they inhabitants of the otherworldly, supernatural world?

And let's ask ourselves a question: “What if at this very time, there is a ghost next to me, and a completely unkind spirit looks over my shoulder? But what if your home is a portal to the world of the supernatural and it is inhabited by something that you do not lead, but THEY exist here and now? How to find out about it? But in reality, do you know how to distinguish a non-evil ghost from demonic energy or a malevolent entity? Is it possible to classify all those who are invisible to us in real life? Let's try to do this …

Residual ghost

This is one of the most common and, at the same time, the most frightening inhabitants of the afterlife, arising at a time when the soul of a person after death is trapped in its earthly attachments. In other words, it is the soul of a person who has unfinished business on the earthly plane. For example, this is when a person died in a dream or died suddenly, for example, as a result of an accident, he simply did not have time to realize what happened and, as a result, cannot come to terms with his death. Such a soul, for a long time, is not able to break away from the earthly world. The ghost lives through the last minutes of his life over and over again, trying to continue his existence in his usual rhythm.

The activity of such a soul (ghost) for the most part is always the same and cyclical, because he remembers only separate, definite moments, "imprinted" in his energy memory. As an example, one can cite such a case - in one of the sanatoriums of the Moscow region, a ghost settled, who constantly pressed the fire alarm button. And this is not because the ghost of the deceased wanted to somehow harm the vacationers - not at all! Simply, these actions were the last that he remembered in his earthly existence, and the spirit, apparently, continuing to give signals, guided by his residual memory and understood that this action is extremely necessary (probably in the old days, he died in a fire in this sanatorium) …

So: a residual ghost is an energy clot left by a person who is completely unprepared for his death, does not realize that he has died, and does not want to leave this world of his own free will. These kinds of ghosts, as a rule, appear in the form of a human figure or some kind of sounds, voices, noises, moving objects (for example, luminous balls), acting uniformly, with a clear periodicity.

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Shadow ghosts

As a rule, they take a person by surprise, thereby catching up with a feeling of fear and threat to life, however, in fact, any attacks from such entities have never been noted. These shadow "clots" differ from "ordinary" ghosts in that the former simply do not have any shape or shape. Shadow ghosts are chaotically moving black spots that can pass through walls (which is especially terrifying). In everyday life, we can meet them quite often, remember that many of us had to notice some movement with our peripheral vision (corner of the eye).

It is believed that these entities are not (or for the most part) the spirits of deceased people, but, rather, could originally have been otherworldly or demonic beings. Although, of course, you can argue with this. As you know, everything with which we have to interact in everyday life has a certain energy. And of course, ghosts have it too. After all, after the death of a person, an energy trail, trace or imprint remains, for which the ghosts are forced to cling. Such an "energy portal" for them is such a window into our world, and in some cases they simply find themselves there closed, looped (like residual ghosts). Therefore, we can say that the shadow entities are still “traces” of once living people.

For example, Carl Jung in his scientific works considers the shadow as some kind of source of vitality and energy, while arguing that the shadow is a "compressed" or "flattened" version of a person, his dark and usually not the best side, overcrowded, pain, fear, depression, or anger. As you can see, the shadow entities are such a projection of the human shadow side, which is inside us. Emotions that are commonplace for all of us, such as sadness, anger or fear, come out in the form of energy, forming such periodically arising "dark shadows".


Poltergeist (noisy spirit) - usually called a separate type of inexplicable and frightening manifestations of activity in an enclosed space. For example, if in the apartment it is not clear how objects begin to move (and fly), dishes fall from the shelves, turn on, turn off the light, household appliances, etc. - all this is usually attributed to the "tricks" of the poltergeist. A particular danger is that his behavior is absolutely unpredictable, uncontrollable, and sometimes quite aggressive. It was mentioned above about the release of energy, but if in the case of shadow entities the energy is quiet and completely harmless, then in the case of a poltergeist, on the contrary, it is powerful and negative.

There is an opinion that our own emotions, raging in our souls and thoughts, can sometimes be so strong that we on our own, without someone's help, let alone otherworldly, provoke this kind of activity. Many could hear about cases when in the room in which there is a person who is angry to the limit, the electricity suddenly turns off or, on the contrary, all the lights flash brightly, electrical appliances burn out. This often happens to adolescents, during puberty, when they are more exposed to hormones and mood swings. And yet this is only one of the explanations for the origin of the poltergeist.

Ghosts of loved ones

They do not always carry with them something evil and life-threatening. As a rule, an intelligent ghost is a strong energetic connection with the deceased, once close and loved. Most likely, many of us could notice that a deceased loved one as if continues to be invisibly nearby, as if protecting, protecting. Sometimes the spirit can give any advice, warn of danger. Sometimes this can happen unconsciously - you simply "connect" to the energy of a person who has left this world under the influence of longing, pain from loss and the desire to feel and see him again. With your emotions, you seem to tune in to the “wave” of the deceased and attract his energy to you.

These ghosts often give signals, thereby signaling their presence, interact with the world of the living. Moreover, they are clearly aware of the difference between "this and that" reality, consciously remaining "tied" to the earthly world. Most likely, they do this to support and protect their loved ones. And yet, despite the seeming benevolence of intelligent ghosts, one must be careful in dealing with them, because dark demonic entities are able to "disguise" as "good ghosts" and are able to look quite convincing, and at the same time are even more dangerous. And besides, the ghost of a loved one, be that as it may, needs energy to stay in the physical world, and he will have to take this energy from you.

Demonic entities

They are able to take the form of all the types of ghosts given earlier. And to feel, to feel the difference, basically, it is possible only subconsciously, intuitively - the appearance of such entities usually causes a person's unreasonable mental anxiety, fear, confusion of thoughts, heaviness in the chest. A semblance of an incipient illness, with subtle symptoms (fatigue for no reason or prolonged depression), and then slowly but surely progresses to a serious condition. Here are just a few signs that you may have encountered a demonic entity or are constantly being influenced by heavy, evil energy:

Feeling of moral exhaustion and incomprehensible physical fatigue.

An attack of nausea, vomiting, resulting in a complete lack of appetite. An unpleasant smell that appears from nowhere (for example, the smell of burning or sulfur).

Feeling stuffy in the room, as if there are many people in it.

Feeling of constant pursuit, surveillance.

An attack of gratuitous, progressive depression.

A fit of causeless anger.

Suicidal thoughts.

This negative influence can turn even from a strong and strong-willed person, kind and sympathetic, into a real misanthrope, whose heart and mind are overwhelmed with a feeling of enmity and hatred towards everything around him.

The main goal of demonic entities is the complete corruption of the spirit by instilling negative, negative emotions, the destruction of positive qualities. Demonic entities are eager to get someone else's life, and since they are not able to experience the high vibrations that arise with love, kindness, joy, compassion … then they try to destroy them and replace them with feelings of envy, anger, lust, hatred …