Christianity - Doctrine Created By Saul (Paul) - Alternative View

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Christianity - Doctrine Created By Saul (Paul) - Alternative View
Christianity - Doctrine Created By Saul (Paul) - Alternative View

Video: Christianity - Doctrine Created By Saul (Paul) - Alternative View

Video: Christianity - Doctrine Created By Saul (Paul) - Alternative View
Video: 19 Surprising facts about Paul, Apostle of Christ 2024, October


So Jesus brought a whole new system to the Jews -

a system that can change their lives, i.e. give them the missing elements - Spirit and Conscience (the Jews have a dual system consisting of Body and Soul; and the Gods sent Jesus to them with a special mission, to give the Jews the missing elements). Therefore, Jesus constantly repeated:

“I have brought you the Holy Spirit,” and the one who will receive the Holy Spirit will already awaken the Conscience. But what did the Jewish people expect from Jesus?

Roman occupation

The Jews expected Jesus to be the deliverer of the Jewish people from the Roman occupation. In those days, Judea, Idumea, Israel, Galilee - everything was under the rule of Rome. And the Torah just said that the Mashiach would come, i.e. The Messiah, who will deliver the people from the enslaver, and give them whatever they want, for them will come like a paradise on Earth. Therefore, when Jesus appeared and began to preach, to explain his teaching to them, at first a multitude of people followed him - the Bible says that up to 5 thousand people gathered to listen to his sermon, whom he fed with two loaves of bread and five fish. Those. here the point is not even how much he used products, but how many people gathered around him.

Over time, the local Jewish authorities, which lived well under the Roman occupation, realized that what Jesus preached undermined their foundations, especially against Rome, he did not speak out, which means, in their opinion, did not fit into the picture of that Messiah, which the prophets predicted. Why? Because when he was asked the question: "Should I pay tribute to the Roman emperor?", Jesus said: "Caesar is Caesar's, but God is God." I'm leading you to God - that's one thing, but what Caesar is supposed to pay, pay him. Thus, Jesus preached the

acceptance of the Roman occupation for granted, and this did not suit many and they began to withdraw.

Promotional video:

Those who understood Jesus' preaching that it was possible to absorb the missing energy systems into oneself followed him. They started selling their houses, gardens, herds, giving money to the Community, or giving alms, and began to live in communes, i.e. everything that is they used for this particular commune - the Community.

  • And note, 2000 years after Jesus spoke about this, Israel nevertheless adopted this system, it is called "kibbutz" - communal settlements where everything that is earned goes to this kibbutz (collective farms or state farms are the same kibbutzim).
  • The difference from the Slavic Communities is that the Slavs, though all together, but each works for the good of his Clan, helping his neighbor. And since they help each other, there is mutual assistance, then everyone prosper and

everyone has wealth. And in the kibbutz, there is a different system - there you are given everything you need in a kibbutz, and you invest everything you can for the benefit of this kibbutz. Those. Israel still, to one

degree or another, took from Jesus the very idea of building a kind of benevolent society, but gave it its own significance.

Further, since Jesus did not organize an uprising, and many accepted part of his ideas, and someone completely, it turned out that those who before him were in the partisan detachments (who attacked the Roman troops, killed the soldiers, i.e.. led some kind of active activity against the invaders), having

listened to Jesus, they laid down their arms and left for him, i.e. resistance itself was undermined. And this was unpleasant, unprofitable for the highest Jewish rule, i.e. yes, they received power from Rome, but they wanted to have complete power, but then internal resistance fell.

But Rome was fine with it, so the Romans did not say anything against Jesus. Those. Jesus talked about some kind of Kingdom of Heaven, which means not earthly, which means that it did not threaten Roman rule. At the same time, he said that we must love everyone, and everyone means enemies, and that means Rome. Therefore, the same procurators reacted calmly to all actions and actions of Jesus.

Jesus Barabbas and Jesus of Nazareth

And so, the preaching of Jesus does not suit many: the Romans, as they were the rulers, so they remained; the local government was a puppet, and they just wanted to breathe calmly, and

every day in the synagogues (ie the meeting house) they were told: “The savior, about whom the fortunetellers said, will come, and he will deliver us and lead us to dawn, we will be the most powerful.

Therefore, when Jesus appeared and other instructors, teachers, everyone went to him.

And notice, Jesus Barabbas, who is called simply Barabbas in the Bible, was also perceived as a certain kind of Messiah. It was later announced that he was a robber, but he also came into the world and said: “My goal is to liberate”, and with arms in hand he proved that he was defeating the Roman soldiers.

And Yeshua Ha-Nozri, who was later named Jesus Christ, he said: “Let everything be as it is. You must not develop the external world, but develop the internal one in order to find the Spirit - the third element, and through it the fourth. And those who do not do this will remain soulless and

shameless. Those. Jews expected great deeds from Jesus, all the more so he demonstrated all sorts of miracles for them, but he could not save a small miracle from Roman rule. Moreover, he began to take soldiers from the ranks of the resistance who believed him and went after him. Therefore, Yeshua was crucified, and Barabbas was released.

The followers of Yeshua did not call themselves Christians, but Nazarenes or Nazarenes, i.e. followers of Jesus of Nazareth

Those. the spiritual and secular power of the Jews decided to get rid of these passive, who did not want to fight against Rome. How?

First, they deprived them of their Teacher, crucified them. But what they wanted to get didn't work out. The body of Jesus was stolen at night, others say that he was resurrected, and still others say that he was walled up, but was simply transferred to another grave and buried. Those. there were many opinions, but it was predominantly that he was resurrected, and this spurred an even greater influx into the Nazarene communities, and an outflow from the armed ranks of the resistance. Those. those who

professed Nazareneism, their main principle was - not resistance to evil, but, as it were, passive resistance.

This principle was used in India in 1948 - passive resistance, when all the Indians sat down and no one did anything, and there are a billion of them. Those. we will sit until the British leave. And the British had to leave. This is how India gained independence

Saul (apostle Paul)

The death of Jesus did not help, the outflow from the ranks of the resistance continued, Rome remained. Then the priests of the Jews send their special teams, which begin to destroy the followers of Jesus of Nazareth, or, as he is also called, the Great Fisherman (his constellation

Pisces). But the more the Nazarenes were killed, the more the question arose: "Why are they ready to die with the name of their Teacher and sincerely believe in what he said?"

The Jew Saul, the envoy of the Sanhedrin, noticed that the ideas that Jesus preached have a very strong effect on the psyche, on the brain. Saul realized this during interrogations, before executing him, he began to collect information for himself. But once from a nervous strain, blindness attacked him (he overdid it - for several days he was engaged in massacres, executions, and his body could not stand it, temporary blindness set in).

Followers of Nazarene, i.e. Jesus, they immediately announced that it was his Lord punished. Saul, being in a state of blindness, immediately rethinks everything, and he was a true Jew, a supporter of the Torah, and here, having accepted the teachings of Christ, he found common ground and created a new

teaching. He came to the Nazarenes, repented, as it should be, and they forgot the commandment of their teacher: "They come to you in sheep's clothing, but inside there is a ravenous wolf." Those. Saul came, they gave him the community name Paul, and he immediately begins to preach, but:

1) Paul preaches not so much the teaching of the Nazarene as his own teaching - a mixture of Judaism and Nazareneism;

2) changes the symbol, if the Nazarenes have a fish, then Paul introduced the cross, and explained it this way: people may not understand the “fish”. Yes, a fisherman, a catcher of human souls, but they executed him on the cross, so Paul introduced a new symbol - the cross, as a symbol of execution.

3) Paul began to use this sermon not among his fellow Jews, but began to tell his system to Jewish women, who were in the form of wives or concubines of

Roman military leaders or soldiers. And every woman, having received this knowledge, one way or another, begins to tell her husband or man about it.

Those. it turned out that the Jews (Sanhedrin) sent Paul to the Nazarenes, and on the basis of the Torah and the teachings of Jesus, he created an ideological weapon - a system with which it was possible to deliver Judea, Israel from Roman rule, remove the Romans from Palestine. How?

Destroying Rome from the inside. Any power belongs to God, but everyone lives a worldly life, no one thinks about a spiritual one. Therefore, when women spoke to the Roman military commanders and soldiers, they perceived a lot, it fit with their religious worldviews. But they had polytheism, and then how - now, you bring the gods' services, and what do they give you? They give you strength in battles, give you support, you bring them certain demands, and what next, after

your death? You, as it were, are destroying the Soul, and here you will save the Soul. And it turned out that the sermon was talking about? An earthly person has no control over you, even if it is your commander; only God has power over you.

And Roman Law also said: Gods rule. But at the same time the Jewish women told them: you declared the emperor God, but he is not God, he is the same person, and God is the one who is there in heaven. Thus, by bringing confusion into the minds, superimposing Judaism with the teachings of Christ on Roman

beliefs, they brought chaos into the thoughts of Roman soldiers and Roman military leaders.

Those. what was going on in their heads: “Why observe discipline if here, on this Earth, you only live once, and then where? What will happen after death, isn't it time to think about the Soul? And there was, as it were, the collapse of the Roman army, i.e. discipline disappeared, for example, you have to go to the formation, and the soldiers went to the catacombs to listen to the service. And where were the soldiers and military commanders sent who lost discipline? Back to Rome. And from Rome they sent new, disciplined ones. But the territory of Palestine is still under Jewish control, and after

a while he received the house of the previous boss, and the Jewish concubine remained here, because in Rome he had a wife, a family, and the Jewish concubine seemed to change hands, and she again continued to tell another husband, a man about the new system that Saul (Paul) created.

  • The institution of Jewish wives - this system was created a long time ago, long before the birth of Christ, and the Jews used the same system against the Roman military leaders. And they still

    use it: Gorbachev's wife Raisa Maksimovna, Yeltsin's - Naina Iosifovna, Stalin's wife was shot and given to him Rosa Koganovich, Lenin's - Krupskaya.

Christianity in Rome

What happens next? The Romans return to their home in Rome, and those who are already brainwashed by the new religion begin to gather in communities. And who is already being patronized? Jews who profess both Nazarene and Christianity. The Nazarenes were attracted because they were pure followers, and they did not pay attention to some discrepancies, i.e. the sermon was structured in such a way that they used the words of Jesus to confirm the Torah, because the words of Jesus: “Do not think that I have come to break the Law (i.e., the Torah), I have not come to break, but to fulfill”, and “until everything is fulfilled that it is said in the Law, not one iota or not one line will cross."

Those. they interpreted these words in their own way, and people who themselves were not listeners of Jesus, but received a figurative form from someone, they perceived that Jesus is a continuation, like the

Messiah, only the high priests of Judaism did not accept him, and the Romans crucified, and everyone else understood him correctly, and he is for Judaism. Although Jesus was talking about something completely different.

And it turned out a new system that flooded Rome, and not only Jews, but also rich Romans entered there, because those rich Romans who came from Palestine and Jewish women who were brought with them to Rome from there by single men (after all - for God there is neither a Hellene nor a Jew, that is, no matter what body you are born in), and in conversations with each other, women taken from the Jewish environment as concubines, wives, they already imposed a new faith on the Romans. And they did it cunningly: “Now you turn to your Roman Gods, do they help you in any way? And you just turn to ours. And then what prayers did you use? Which influenced the Soul, the psyche very strongly. Some fell into a trance. And they saw that when they just came to a Roman temple, they were asked to give money, bring treasures, and the priest would do everything for you. And here is not a priest,and you yourself turn directly to the Lord, i.e. as a direct link, and many see it in visions. Moreover, there were still so many miracles. And the outflow even began from the Jewish community.

Ie there is a further destruction of the empire from within.

But what do the Jews do next? They launched this system, for over 100 years it supported the idea that it was, as it were, one of the offshoots, part of Judaism, and then once, and sharply delimited when they already realized that the clock was running, and the Roman system was being destroyed from the inside. Then they do the following.

Representatives of the Roman-Jewish community come to the centurion, to the proconsul, and say: “A sect of Jews has appeared among us, but there are also Greeks and Romans, but they have nothing to do with us, the Jews. We are respectable citizens of Rome, we observe Roman law, Roman laws, we pay all taxes and taxes, but they don’t pay anything, and if we eat, like the Romans, fruits and vegetables, meat, then these people drink human blood, they eat human meat, and they even ate their Teacher”.

The Roman military leader does not believe: “What are you, how can this be? You are engaged in a slip. " They answer: "Come on, you will hear it yourself, they have a meeting today in the catacombs." They change him into a toga, bring him to the end of the meeting, when the sacrament begins there, and they say: listen. He

sees that the leader of the meeting holds out the cup and says: “Drink, this is the blood of our Teacher, which is shed for us. And eat, this is the body, the flesh of our Lord. " For the Roman it was a shock, and he says: "If these animals ate their teacher and drank his blood, then they are real animals, and the animals should be sent to be eaten by lions in the Colosseum."

Further, everyone who was at this meeting, who could be arrested and thrown into the arena, but part of them fled, and in order to distract the guards and free those arrested, they set fire to Rome. And then, as it happened many times, everything was blamed on Nero, that it was Nero who set fire to Rome in order to get rid of the

Christians. After all, Christians (i.e. not Nazarenes, but specifically Christians, i.e. they followed the teachings created by the Jew Paul), they like to appear as persecuted, so that everyone would express sympathy and support to them. This is one of the methods of their ideological weapon, i.e. influence the psyche of people: "You live well, and we suffer, but do you really have no mercy in you to help us, who are suffering?" Therefore, even whole clans, groups of the so-called mendicants were created, who went everywhere with outstretched hands, and collected for their communities

food, things, money: "Give who can what." They collected and carried everything into a common cauldron, they did not take anything for themselves, because they were fed well, living conditions were excellent.

Those. hired people who, disguised as beggars, walked and appealed to the inner feelings of a person, and people, imbued with their pleas, tried to help them. And it still works. Why?

Mutual compassion in white people is very strongly developed, therefore sometimes they do not even pay attention to their appearance, but only to the words that are spoken to them, to their deep meaning and content.


What happened in the end? Instead of the system of Spiritual transformation for Jews (gaining the Holy Spirit, and then Conscience), which Jesus preached (symbol - fish), Paul created a system

(symbol - cross), which parasitizes on the information of the Nazarene, and is an ideological weapon for destroying the foundations of other systems … Because, mind you, Jesus said: “

Do not go to the way of the Gentiles,” that is, do not go to other nations. And Paul said, "Go to all the nations." And why: talk about the transformation of the Soul? Not. He said: "Baptize them in the name of the Father, and the Son and the Holy Spirit."

And then he introduced the teaching of John. But John preached his system, many years before Jesus began to preach, therefore he was called John the Baptist, i.e. the one who was in front of him, or John the Baptist, or Ivan Kupala, as he is called in the Slavic manner, or in English - John Baptist (John is John, and the font is Baptist). That is why preachers say that the Baptist church existed even before Christ. And although it appeared in the 19th century, there are some Baptist offshoots who claim that their Baptist church existed even before the birth of Christ.

The founder of this church is John the Baptist, who was then executed. But since he said: “I am telling you about who will come after me,” then Jesus is the one he is. Those. as if they combined everything here.

From the Lessons of the Asgard Spiritual School