What Was Ancient Russia 30,000 Years Ago - Alternative View

What Was Ancient Russia 30,000 Years Ago - Alternative View
What Was Ancient Russia 30,000 Years Ago - Alternative View

Video: What Was Ancient Russia 30,000 Years Ago - Alternative View

Video: What Was Ancient Russia 30,000 Years Ago - Alternative View
Video: History of Russia (PARTS 1-5) - Rurik to Revolution 2024, October

In 1964, sensational news about a rare discovery in the field of archeology spread around the world. On the territory of the Vladimir region, the expedition of the famous Soviet scientist, professor of archeology ON Bader, discovered near Vladimir, one of the northernmost sites of ancient people.

Sungir, one of the richest and most well-researched sites of ancient people in the whole world. After the reconstruction of the external appearance of ancient people, the scientific world gasped!

The appearance of these people was no different from modern Russians, and they dressed stylishly, even in today's glamorous times, in leather sheepskin coats with fur, trimmed with multi-colored mammoth bone beads. A spear from a straightened mammoth fang found in a burial generally baffles scientists. Nowadays there are no such technologies for straightening tusks.

The Sungir site completely refutes the imposed stereotype that there was no history before the advent of Christianity in our Russian territories. We are strenuously assured that we, they say, came from nowhere and ran in skins through the forests with digging sticks. Beasts, in general. And this suits many.

30,000 years ago, our ancestors already had a developed culture at a time when there was still no Greco-Roman and Hindu-Babylonian world. But it is known for sure that at that time the local Negro tribes in the literal sense of the word sat on palms and ate dates, spitting down the bones. Those. - were natural troglodytes. But now we are assured that the culture was brought to the north from the south.