How To Pray Correctly - Alternative View

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How To Pray Correctly - Alternative View
How To Pray Correctly - Alternative View

Video: How To Pray Correctly - Alternative View

Video: How To Pray Correctly - Alternative View
Video: How to Pray Powerful Prayers That Move God 2024, September

Sincere prayer is perhaps the most personal and intimate act that a person can perform. Here's what will help you tune in to the right wave in prayer …

The best way to ascend

to heaven is to kneel.

And each religion has its own customs and practices, rituals and doctrines associated with prayer.

God always hears prayers. But He will be able to answer them only when you believe, or at least sincerely hope for His help. At the same time, as it is not difficult to guess, the form of prayer is not nearly as important for God as the very act of your appeal to Him.

Here's what will help you tune in to the right wave of prayer:

Find a secluded spot

Your sincere, soul-revealing prayer should not be public. Prayer in the presence of other people is completely different from the one you say alone - where no one can see or hear you. You can retire at home. You can even sit on a park bench. Just find a quiet place where no one will disturb you.

Promotional video:

Pray out loud

Many argue as follows: “The Almighty, All-Seeing God already knows everything I think about. Why then say something to Him? But the meaning of a prayer spoken aloud is not to be heard, but to clearly articulate your thoughts. Speak prayer messages aloud. If you cannot find a secluded place, then you can pray in silence. But at the same time, try to express your thoughts as clearly and coherently as if you were speaking them.

Turn to God

Many don't. But prayer is a conversation with God, and any conversation should begin with an appeal. You must understand who you are addressing your words to. If you are of a certain religion, use a name that is familiar to you. If not, then a simple call to God will be a wonderful way to connect with divine energy.

Express gratitude

Your urge to pray most often arises when you need to ask for help, and there is nothing wrong with that. But train yourself to begin any prayer with gratitude. Remember that form is secondary, the main thing is sincere gratitude for all the good things that are already in your life. You will notice that it instantly lifts your spirits, uplifts and helps you to better feel the divine essence. In addition, gratitude has incredible power - like a magnet, it attracts more and more good. Thank God for the blessings sent to you, and your prayer will definitely be heard.

Ask for help

If you believe in the existence of God, then you must understand that He is able to influence the life of every person. Especially God is in a hurry to act on behalf of those who ask Him for help. Surely this is one of the main reasons why you turn to Him.

If you want to become wiser, ask Him about it. If you want someone close to you to get well, pray to God for help. If you need food, shelter, or just someone who will love and care for you, pray to Him and He will definitely hear you!

Consider Completing Your Prayer

Many religions have their own traditions for completing prayers. If you are of a certain religious belief, feel free to use the patterns prescribed by the tenets of your faith.