German Gambit! Why Didn't Hitler Drop The Atomic Bomb? - Alternative View

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German Gambit! Why Didn't Hitler Drop The Atomic Bomb? - Alternative View
German Gambit! Why Didn't Hitler Drop The Atomic Bomb? - Alternative View

Video: German Gambit! Why Didn't Hitler Drop The Atomic Bomb? - Alternative View

Video: German Gambit! Why Didn't Hitler Drop The Atomic Bomb? - Alternative View
Video: How close was Germany to build the Nuclear Weapon in WW2? 2024, September

In December 1938, German physicists Otto Hahn and Fritz Strassmann carried out the first artificial fission of the uranium atom nucleus in the world. This event gave rise to Hitler's nuclear program. Dubbed the "Uranium Project" - (German: Uranprojekt Kernwaffenprojekt).

The Fuhrer, as an experienced strategist, understood that the development of nuclear weapons would give him a chance in the coming world battle.

But for a number of reasons, the Germans made an atomic bomb only at the beginning of 1945, at the very end of the war.

Several factors played a role, the lack of resources and funding, the defeat of the Jewish component of German science, espionage and sabotage by opponents. Let us recall at least the destruction of the "heavy" water plant in Norway by the British …

In the presence of Hitler, in March 1945, two explosions occurred in the city of Ohrdruf in Thuringia, and an atomic charge was tested. On the one hand, the results were encouraging, on the other hand, they raised a number of new questions.

In the photo, the Fuhrer in Thuringia testing an atomic bomb
In the photo, the Fuhrer in Thuringia testing an atomic bomb

In the photo, the Fuhrer in Thuringia testing an atomic bomb.

The Nazis had several low-power charges, of the order of 0.5-1 kilotons. But the question arose of their delivery and priority use, since there would still not be enough atomic bombs for all the enemies.

In addition, it was considered inappropriate to drop an atomic bomb on enemy troops. The fronts were stretched for hundreds and thousands of kilometers, the saturation of the troops was not so critical for causing cardinal damage. A neutron bomb would have come up, but it wasn't there yet.

Promotional video:

The Nazis realized that at the front, the atomic bomb would not help save the day. All that remained was to hit the rear. Conduct atomic bombing of enemy capitals.

By the way, the Americans did exactly the same with Japan. They did not hit the troops, but destroyed 2 cities, and Japan surrendered. Mikado lost his nerves.


Hitler could not reach America, far.

England and Russia remained.

There was no point in bombing England, since she was not the strongest player, but Hitler could have tried to drop several atomic charges on Moscow.

It is not a fact that this would have led to some dramatic changes during the war. Even if German planes would break through to Moscow, even if Stalin died during an atomic strike, it is not a fact that this would stop the war.

Yes, there would have been hundreds of thousands of additional casualties, massive destruction, shock and pain, but not defeat.

The fate of Victory was not decided in the rear. This could further increase the pressure of the Soviet and American troops. The red army was unstoppable

It is symptomatic that German propaganda, starting from the age of 43, constantly spoke about the "Weapon of Retribution". Not about the weapon of Victory, but Retribution. Hitler understood Germany's doom and thought in terms of not victory, but retribution.

On the picture. The Fuhrer arrives at a secret facility. The atomic bomb was produced here
On the picture. The Fuhrer arrives at a secret facility. The atomic bomb was produced here

On the picture. The Fuhrer arrives at a secret facility. The atomic bomb was produced here.

And then Hitler realized that he did not have enough atomic bombs to inflict irreparable damage on Russia.

An absolute maniac and villain, the Fuehrer repeatedly said that the German people no longer have a right to exist, since they could not win the war, and it was not the fear of retribution for the Germans that stopped Hitler from using the atomic bomb. Not.

On the picture. The Fuhrer examines the atomic bomb
On the picture. The Fuhrer examines the atomic bomb

On the picture. The Fuhrer examines the atomic bomb.

The same arguments worked in the Fuehrer's refusal to use chemical and bacteriological weapons. The Fuehrer was deeply indifferent to the fate of the Germans, who would suffer from the reciprocal use of weapons of mass destruction.

Just before the capitulation of Germany, the Fuehrer cold-bloodedly drowned 200,000 peaceful fellow citizens in the Berlin metro. women, old people, children, Hitler was not indifferent to only one life of his own
Just before the capitulation of Germany, the Fuehrer cold-bloodedly drowned 200,000 peaceful fellow citizens in the Berlin metro. women, old people, children, Hitler was not indifferent to only one life of his own

Just before the capitulation of Germany, the Fuehrer cold-bloodedly drowned 200,000 peaceful fellow citizens in the Berlin metro. women, old people, children, Hitler was not indifferent to only one life of his own.

Just before the capitulation of Germany, the Fuehrer cold-bloodedly drowned 200,000 peaceful fellow citizens in the Berlin metro. women, old people, children

Hitler was not indifferent to only one life of his own.


During the last year, when the fate of the war was sealed, the Fuehrer was frantically looking for a way out. He really wanted to live. Negotiations were held in all directions. Hitler frantically shuffled the deck. …

The British, you can't get through these … scummy … And they do not solve anything, in fact

representative function

Americans are the same Jews., And there is nothing special to offer them. They already have their own atomic bomb, but they won't be able to drop a German bomb on Washington. no delivery means., No, not good …

But you can talk to Stalin. After all, what did he do?

Attacked the USSR? Well, who doesn't happen to …

So Stalin himself prepared for an attack on Germany. He will understand.

Concentration camps and Jews? Just think … Stalin did the same, his own man, for this he will not condemn.

But you can offer Stalin. Something.

First of all, an atomic bomb.

On the picture. The Fuhrer examines the atomic bomb
On the picture. The Fuhrer examines the atomic bomb

On the picture. The Fuhrer examines the atomic bomb.

We do not drop it on you, but quietly pass it on. It will be very useful to you very soon, when the Americans begin to rattle theirs. There is very little left …

Well, there is another or third, on trifles, agents, accounts, codes, but this is so, in addition to the main prize. We are not throwing an atomic bomb on Moscow. All. Point. In exchange for such a little, the life of one person.

German gambit

As a wise politician, Stalin agreed. And it's true that the ruined cannot be returned, but additional problems with the atomic bomb on the Kremlin - does he need it? And intelligence informs, amers weave a web, hold a stone in their bosom., Germany will be finished, for the USSR they will take. Well, actually, it happened. And before his bomb, as to China on foot, he already threw Beria on it, and the whole resource, but a stone flower does not come out.

Therefore, the question of whether Hitler had an atomic bomb is not at all a question. Was. In the photo we see the Fuehrer examining item number 1.


Physicists advise. The Fuhrer thinks painfully. Drop the Fuehrer atomic bomb at the end of the war, and the point of no return would have been crossed. It would not have been possible to reach an agreement. And here it is!


Essentially unnecessary Bomb in exchange for the Life of the Fuhrer. Schicklgruber's Gambit!


Hitler received the necessary guarantees and spent the rest of his days in the USSR. It was one of the Soviets' most guarded secrets.

On the picture. Hitler in 1956 meets with N. S. Khrushev
On the picture. Hitler in 1956 meets with N. S. Khrushev

On the picture. Hitler in 1956 meets with N. S. Khrushev.


The world knows only one reliable post-war photo of the living Fuhrer.

Commentary by Professor WEISRUSSLAND

Dyatlov Pass. Echo of war

Tourists on the Dyatlov Pass were killed just because they touched this secret. In the area of Mount Ortoten, there was a secret bunker where Adolf Hitler spent a couple of winter months. He worked a lot with documents, and sometimes went outside and went skiing. The places reminded him of his native Tyrol. But rumors spread. Muncie did not keep their mouths shut. The Dyatlovites, leaving for the route, hinted that they would return famous. They meant that they would catch a mysterious skier with a small mustache. And it was impossible to close their mouths. These were sincere, honest and whole-hearted guys, they, obeying their duty, would be silent about any tests of secret weapons, about any explosions, missiles and other state secrets, but they would not be silent about Hitler !!! It was over the edge. At the very top, a covert operation was planned. It was simply impossible not to let the students in, the forbidden fruit is sweet. Would go next time, or in a different composition. It was necessary to carry out an action of intimidation, to close the square for further visits by the curious, to dismantle the Fuehrer's shelter and traces of his stay in the Urals. Following the group of Dyatlovites, the liquidators advanced. In a given square, they overtook the Dyatlov group and dealt with them. Further, a matter of technology. They simulated an avalanche, the death of students from the cold, sabotage of the investigation. Further we know everything. The Fuhrer was transferred to another refuge, in the Crimea. There, in a good climate, he lived for quite a long time, and even, they say, had children. In a given square, they overtook the Dyatlov group and dealt with them. Further, a matter of technology. They simulated an avalanche, the death of students from the cold, sabotage of the investigation. Further we know everything. The Fuhrer was transferred to another refuge, in the Crimea. There, in a good climate, he lived for quite a long time, and even, they say, had children. In a given square, they overtook the Dyatlov group and dealt with them. Further, a matter of technology. They simulated an avalanche, the death of students from the cold, sabotage of the investigation. Further we know everything. The Fuhrer was transferred to another refuge, in the Crimea. There, in a good climate, he lived for quite a long time, and even, they say, had children.

There are persistent rumors that the new president of Ukraine is his grandson. Indeed, the similarities are obvious. Who knows, who knows, everything can be …