Archeology Is Banned - Alternative View

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Archeology Is Banned - Alternative View
Archeology Is Banned - Alternative View

Video: Archeology Is Banned - Alternative View

Video: Archeology Is Banned - Alternative View
Video: Are There Roman Ruins Beneath This Graveyard? | Time Team | Timeline 2024, September

According to the evolutionary theory adopted in modern science, homo sapiens appeared in Africa about 100 thousand years ago. However, over the past two centuries, archaeologists have discovered bones and other objects showing that people like us existed on Earth millions of years ago. At the same time, the keepers of the foundations of science stubbornly pretend that there are no such "wrong" finds and cannot be - after all, they contradict the views of most scientists on the history of antiquity and the origins of humanity. Amazing discoveries are hushed up, declared erroneous, and a bold cross is put on the careers of researchers who insist on their innocence.

Virginia Steen-McIntyre baiting

In the 1960s, archaeologists João Apenta Camacho and Cynthia Irwin-Williams found in Mexico, in the town of Hietlaco, 75 miles from Mexico City, stone tools that can be compared with the best examples of Cro-Magnon culture in Europe. This find would not be unusual if the American Geological Surveyors Harold Meld and Virginia Steen-McIntyre and the scientist Roald Frixel of the University of Washington had not determined the age of the artifacts at 250 thousand years.


Cynthia Irwin-Williams questioned this date, since, according to the classical theory, Homo sapiens could appear on the American continent no earlier than 22-25 thousand years ago. She demanded a new test, which gave the same result. Moreover, there could be no mistake, since the researchers independently applied four methods for determining the age of the samples: dating by uranium; nuclear particle track dating; dating by hydration of volcanic rocks; study of the weathering of mineral deposits.

However, evolutionists refused to believe the research findings. If we accept the correct date of 250 thousand years, then it would blow up not only the anthropology of the New World, but also the whole picture of the origin of man. Indeed, from the point of view of official science, human beings capable of making complex tools, such as those found in Hyetlako, simply could not appear earlier than 100 thousand years ago, and this could only happen in Africa. The publication of the report by Steen-McIntyre and her colleagues was years delayed. It was first presented at an anthropological conference in 1975.


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Four years later, Steen-McIntyre wrote to the Fulbright editor who was preparing a book with her article for publication: “The archaeologists have made a big fuss about Hietlako. I learned from second hand that various representatives of this profession consider me: 1) incompetent; 2) a gossip; 3) an opportunist; 4) dishonest; 5) a fool. Obviously, none of these opinions strengthen my professional reputation! My only hope to clear my name is to get the article about Hietlako in print so that people can judge the facts for themselves. She did not receive an answer to this letter, the book did not come out, and even the manuscript was not returned.

After all, an article by Virginia Steen-McIntyre, Roald Frixel, and Harold Mald was published in 1981 in Quaternary Research. It proved that the age of the Hietlako site is 250 thousand years. However, Cynthia Irwin-Williams and most American archaeologists continued to deny the dating suggested by Steen-McIntyre and her colleagues.

This confrontation turned into personal insults for Virginia Steen-McIntyre, harassment at the place of service, including the termination of funding. As a result, she lost her job and the opportunity to continue research. Her reputation was badly tarnished.

This event made it possible for the whole world to observe the process of counteracting inconvenient information in science.

Case destroyed

And even earlier, in 1953-1955, Thomas E. Lee, an anthropologist at the National Museum of Canada, conducted excavations at Sheguyandah, on Manitoulin Island in Lake Huron. Stone tools have been found in the layers of the glacial til - the deposits of stones left by the retreating glacier. Thus, it turned out that people lived in this region before or during the last North American glaciation - Wisconsin. Then their age is 75-125 thousand years. This conclusion contradicted the officially recognized theory, according to which homo sapiens could have appeared in this area no earlier than 25 thousand years ago. And the consequences were not long in coming.


Here is an excerpt from the memoirs of Thomas E. Lee: “The discoverer of the parking lot (Lee himself) was fired and remained unemployed for a long time, his publications were discontinued, several authoritative authors from among the" Brahmins "(scientific elite) put his findings in a false light; tons of artifacts disappeared in the storerooms of the National Museum of Canada; for refusing to fire the discoverer, the director of the National Museum (Dr. Jeke Rosse), who was about to publish a monograph on the parking lot, was fired and ostracized; famous and powerful representatives of official science tried to take possession of only some six samples from Sheguyandakh, which were not a secret to anyone, and the parking lot was turned into a tourist resort. Sheguyandah would force the "Brahmins" to admit that they are not omniscient. This would force them to rewrite almost all textbooks on the subject. The case had to be destroyed and it was destroyed."

Footprints in Laetoli

Despite the fierce opposition of retrogrades from science, more and more facts are becoming public knowledge that the history of mankind is much older than what is written in textbooks.

In 1979, members of an expedition led by Mary Leakey explored the town of Laetoli in northern Tanzania. In a fossilized layer of volcanic ash, they found footprints that are completely identical to those that could have been left by modern man. Meanwhile, the age of the layer in which they were discovered is from 3.6 to 3.8 million years.


National Geographic has an article by Mary Leakey entitled "Footprints in the Ashes of Time" on its pages. The author quoted Louis Robbins, a fingerprint specialist at the University of South Carolina, who said, "They found in such an ancient tuff looked so human, so modern." Mary Leakey was sure that the Laetoli prints were made by the ancestor of Homo sapiens: “At least 3,600,000 years ago, during the Pleistocene, the one whom I consider to be the direct ancestor of man walked, fully erect, on two limbs, with a free gait. The shape of his foot was exactly the same as ours."


The article caused a stormy controversy in the scientific world. The famous anthropologist Russell Tuttle of the University of Chicago took Mary Leakey's side, who argued: "The shape of the prints is indistinguishable from the shape of the footprints of a man who is used to being barefoot walking with long strides."

Their opponents, the evolutionists Stern and Susman, were convinced that Laetolian footprints were left by the foot of the ape-like Australopithecus afar. They suggested that ancient hominids walked through volcanic ash with their toes tucked under their feet, as chimpanzees sometimes do. For them, it seemed absolutely impossible that a person whose appearance is close to modern could wander around the Earth more than three million years ago. This scholarly controversy is not over to this day.

Forbidden Archeology

And already in our century, a scandal flared up associated with the sensational book Forbidden Archeology, written by American researchers of artifacts Michael Cremo and Richard Thompson. This book describes and analyzes the cases of stunning finds that prove that modern man appeared much earlier than it follows from the generally accepted chronology. Several years ago, materials from this book were used in the NBS show "The Mystery of Human Origins." The program caused a storm in the scientific community. The television corporation received a stream of letters from angry luminaries of science, who called the authors of the book and program scammers and swindlers, and the program itself was a hoax. Moreover, they tried to achieve a ban on further broadcasting of this TV show by contacting the Federal Communications Commission …


And yet I would like to hope that in the future the honest names of the researchers who dared to publish information about "inconvenient" artifacts will be restored, and the history of the origin of mankind will be revised.