Whose Face Does The Sphinx Have? - Alternative View

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Whose Face Does The Sphinx Have? - Alternative View
Whose Face Does The Sphinx Have? - Alternative View

Video: Whose Face Does The Sphinx Have? - Alternative View

Video: Whose Face Does The Sphinx Have? - Alternative View
Video: Whose Face Is on the Sphinx? 2024, September

One of the oldest and most mysterious statues in our history is the Sphinx, a lion with a human face. This grand sculpture is over 20 meters high and 75 meters long and is located in the Giza pyramid complex. Earlier it was believed that the Great Sphinx was erected in the era of the Old Kingdom under Pharaoh Khafre (Khafren) in the XXV century BC.

And on whose human face is the Sphinx? Let's see what science knows about this …


For starters, the official historical background

The Sphinx is a grandiose sculpture (over 20 meters high, 57 meters long) located in Egypt in the Giza pyramid complex. According to some researchers, this is one of the oldest and most mysterious statues.

Now the Great Sphinx is badly damaged. The face is disfigured. The Tsar's Urey in the form of a cobra raised on his forehead has irrevocably disappeared; a festive dress that goes down from the head to the shoulders is partially broken off; only fragments remained of the beard.

The wounds on the face of the Sphinx resemble chisel marks. In the fourteenth century, a certain devout sheikh mutilated him in such a way in order to fulfill the behest of Muhammad, which forbids portraying a human face. The Mamelukes used the Sphinx's head as a training target for their cannons.

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Even seven hundred years ago, the destruction was not completed to the end, and Abdul Latif, a physician, philosopher and traveler, wrote about the Sphinx that “his face is beautiful, and his mouth bears the stamp of grace”. The praise of one whose work "On the Human Body" has become a classic among the Arabs for centuries is to be appreciated.

During the times of the yoke of the Hyksos (1640 - 1520 BC), the head of the Sphinx was thrown between the paws, and the sands of the desert hid the entire monument, and the Sphinx disappeared from the inhabitants of Egypt for several centuries. Thutmose IV at the end of the 15th century BC e. ordered to unearth it.

Then he was freed from the captivity of the sands by the Sais rulers in the 7th century BC. e. After them - the Roman emperor Septimius Sever at the beginning of the 3rd century AD. e. The last time such excavations were carried out by the Egyptian Antiquities Service was in 1925-1926.

David Roberts
David Roberts

David Roberts.

The Sphinx is a collective image in which the Age of Taurus is imprinted (four stations of the Sun in the Zodiac Houses: Taurus - the vernal equinox - the body of the Sphinx; Leo - the summer solstice - the front and rear paws of the Sphinx; Scorpio-Eagle - the autumn equinox - the invisible wings of the Sphinx; Waters - winter solstice - the human face of the Sphinx). In addition to all this, the face of the Sphinx bears a collective portrait image of Imhotep, the image of the pharaoh, the image of Baboon (associated with the god Thoth) and the image of Horus (the sun god). This is the majestic mystery of the Sphinx, therefore the name of the Sphinx "Shepes ankh" - "Living image" associated with the creator god Atum (Sun), Ptah, Thoth. This is the Divine Trinity, where Imhotep was the One, the Son of God.

The Sphinx is, according to one of the versions, the deified Imhotep, who guards three large Pyramids at once on the Giza plateau, and the latter symbolize the phallus of Orion-Osiris. Therefore, the Sphinx was identified with the god Harmakhis, a phallus god who has the name "Horus in the horizon", and in fact the god Hor-Horus is the phallus. For as soon as the phallus of Orion (Orion's Belt) appeared from the horizon in the east, this indicated that in a month the Nile would flood.


Now let's move on to interesting versions:

It all started with the fact that in 1817 the Italian Gian Battist Cavilla discovered a granite stele between the paws of the Sphinx, on the surviving part of which it was said that young Thutmose, resting in the shadow of the Sphinx, received the revelation that he would become a pharaoh if he cleared from the sand, this is a giant statue. One of the passages of this text read: “… which we carry to him: bulls… and all young vegetables; and the one whom we will glorify … Khaf … a statue made in the name of Atum-Khor-em-Akhet …"

The translation of these words was carried out by Thomas Jung, one of the most educated people of his time, who, not without success, made attempts to decipher the ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs. By adding the syllable “ra” to the already existing “Khaf”, Jung received the name of the pharaoh of the IV dynasty. But in this case, Jung's mistake is evident: in ancient Egypt, the names of the pharaohs were placed in the texts in special oval frames called cartouches, so it is not clear how they could at that time depict the name of such a famous pharaoh as Khafra without placing it in a cartouche.

At the same time, there are certain questions that invariably arise during a more detailed study of this sculptural monolith:

- not a single economic document has been preserved about the construction of the Sphinx, while the ancient Egyptians regularly carried out detailed documentation of all the most important events;

- neither in the Khafre pyramid, nor on the Sphinx itself, not a single text was found in which its construction was mentioned, as well as the construction of all three pyramids of Giza.

As for the correspondence of the faces of the Sphinx and Pharaoh Khafra, as a result of painstaking research, it turned out that the face of the Sphinx has nothing to do with Khafre. For a final answer to this question, a group of independent researchers invited in 1993 to Egypt a well-known specialist from the New York City Police Department, Frank Domingo, who for many years was engaged in drawing up composite images. Domingo conducted a comparative analysis of the face of the Sphinx and the diorite statue of Khafre.


Comparing these objects with the help of computer graphics, he came to quite unexpected conclusions: “After analyzing my drawings, diagrams and measurements, I finally came to a conclusion that coincides with my first impression, namely, that these works depict two different people …"

Thus, it turns out that Khafra has nothing to do with the construction of the Sphinx. But if Khafra did not build it, then who, when and why? The answers to these questions were hidden in the darkness of millennia, and only relatively recently, a group of scientists, apparently, managed to lift the veil over the mystery of the creation of the ancient colossi of Egypt.

There are suggestions that the Sphinx originally had the head of a lion, and the human head instead was carved out much later, which explains the violation of proportions between the giant body and the small head.

Now the sphinx, according to science, has the face of Pharaoh Khafre. In favor of this version is an inscription on the stele of Thutmose IV with the name of Khafre. R. Stadelmann hypothesized that the Sphinx depicts the Pharaoh Cheops. One theory, linking the sphinxes with the goddess Neith, says that the Sphinx symbolized Queen Cleopatra.

A number of versions, starting from the fact that the pharaohs were traditionally depicted as a lion, and the lion was a symbol of the sun god, it is believed that the Sphinx depicts the god Harmakis or Horus - the god of the rising sun. The theory that views Ancient Egypt as an African colony of Atlantis believes that the Sphinx is depicting one of the Magic Overlords of Atlantis.

The trail of original paint found behind the surviving ear suggests that the original Sphinx was brightly colored. But time, sand and people caused irreparable damage to the statue. Now the Great Sphinx is badly damaged - its face is disfigured, the royal ureus disappeared in the form of a cobra raised on its forehead, a festive dress that fell from head to shoulders was partially broken off.

Since the beginning of the 19th century, the Sphinx was cleared of sand three times already, it was finally possible to free the statue from the sand captivity only in 1925. In 1988, two pieces of stone weighing more than three centners fell off the lion's right shoulder.


In the early 90s, Boston University geology professor Robert Schoch and Egyptologist D. E. West worked on the study of the Sphinx. Thanks to their research, very serious objections have arisen against the currently accepted dating of the Great Sphinx. The work of Schoch and West is based on a careful study of the geology of the Sphinx, or rather the traces of water erosion, manifested in the form of deep grooves and depressions. According to West and Schoch, the Sphinx could not have been carved in 2500 BC, since at that time Egypt was extremely hot and there was practically no rainfall. According to paleoclimatologists, sediments capable of causing erosion of rocks were last seen in Egypt between 7000 and 5000. BC. Therefore, based on these indicators, Robert Schoch estimated the age of the Sphinx at about 7-8 thousand years. And although about 300 geologists in 1992 confirmed Schoch's arguments, most of the scientific world was unwilling to acknowledge the overthrow of the official scientific canons.

Later, Japanese archaeologists, headed by Professor S. Yoshimura, came to the stunning conclusion that the stones of the sculpture are older than the pyramid blocks, specifying that they did not mean the geological age of the rock from which the giant monument was made, but the time of stone processing. Subsequent studies of the base of the pedestal revealed traces of erosion from a large stream of water, possibly the very "biblical flood" that moved from north to south towards the current of the Nile. Geophysicists even named the date of the flood - 8 thousand years BC. e. The British, who repeated the analysis, moved the date of erosion by 10 thousand years BC. e. In turn, the French archaeologists noticed that the dating of the Egyptian Flood coincides with the date of the death of the legendary Atlantis according to Plato - 9600 BC. e.

A breakthrough in the study of the Great Sphinx was the sensational discoveries of Robert Bauval and Graham Hancock, which turn the established historical chronology upside down. Examining the pyramid complex at Giza, they found that the pyramids of Cheops, Khafra and Mikerin imitate the position of the stars in the Orion belt on earth as of 10500 BC.


In addition, in the process of research, it turned out that another important detail belongs to this period: the orientation of the Sphinx towards the constellation Leo, which in 10500 BC. just in the east. It turns out that the Sphinx was looking at its heavenly counterpart at that moment. Also, the bases of the pyramids are oriented with amazing accuracy to the cardinal points. The faces of both large pyramids are aligned. The line formed by the three pyramids next to the Pyramid of Mycerin, due to the precession of the earth's axis (the cycle of precession is about 26,000 years), sometimes coincides with the celestial equator. The other three small pyramids are located next to the pyramid of Cheops and the line they draw intersects the first at exactly right angles. Could this be a clever space-time map?


It is more than obvious that the ancient builders of the pyramids (whoever they were) were very good astronomers and attached great importance to the relative position and shape of the pyramids.

The results of the research of G. Hancock and R. Bauval, as well as R. Schoch and J. E. West caused a real stir in the scientific community. Despite the rather convincing arguments about the inconsistency of the officially established hypothesis of the creation of the Sphinx in the era of the Old Kingdom, academic scientists stubbornly refuse to recognize them.

Surprisingly, the results of these studies support the words of the American clairvoyant Edgar Cayce, who, in a trance state, claimed that the Sphinx was actually created in 10450 BC. e. immigrants from Atlantis and many of those who left the dying Atlantis, settled in Egypt. Edgar Cayce believed that it was in Egypt that the entire history of Atlantis is kept. The image of the Atlantean priest Ra-Ta, according to the "revelation" of E. Cayce, reproduces the Sphinx, which received the name in Ancient Egypt Ra-Gorakhti ("Falcon of the horizon of Ra").

E. Casey, argued that there are underground tunnels under the left front paw of the Sphinx. Evidence of this was published by Japanese scientists, announcing a second sensation: electronic equipment under the left paw of a stone statue discovered a tunnel leading towards the Khafre pyramid. In the next "revelation" E. Casey argued that there is some valuable information under the Sphinx, and it may be in a secret chamber under the front paws. A brilliant confirmation of this "revelation" was published by the geophysicist Dr. Thomas L. Dobecki, who discovered a cavity in the shape of a rectangular chamber under the paws of the Sphinx. It is located at a depth of less than 5 m and measures 9 x 12 m.


Scientists who studied the plan of the Giza architectural complex noticed certain features of the location of the pyramids and the Sphinx. The diagonals of the bases of the pyramids of Khufu (Cheops) and Khafre lie on one straight line, but the pyramids of King Menkaur do not. And this is not accidental, but indicates their unified construction plan. This concept is based on an isosceles right-angled triangle, the apex of which coincides with the projection of the apex of the Cheops pyramid onto its base. The pyramid of Khafre is "inscribed" at the western peak. It turns out that the eastern vertex of this triangle lies directly between the right paw of the Sphinx and the Nile River. It was in this place, 150 m east of the Sphinx, that Egyptian ameliorators drilled in 1980. They were able to go deeper than 15 m and pulled to the surface, to their surprise, a large piece of Aswan granite. However, in those places of the Nile Delta, where Giza is located, there is no natural bedding of granite, and, as you know, the Egyptians made sarcophagi for their rulers only from Aswan granite. Presumably, this is the Center that guards the Great Sphinx. According to scientists, in particular E. Menshov, the Center is a pointer to the underground necropolis of the god Osiris (in Egyptian mythology, Osiris was considered the ruler of the "Kingdom of the Dead") - a storehouse of knowledge that stores manuscripts and treasures of the ancients. Or, as E. Casey argued, the Hall of Chronicles is a repository of valuable knowledge and history of the Atlanteans. Copies of Atlantis documents, in accordance with the words of Cayce, were brought to Egypt by the Atlanteans and hidden in the "3rd Chronicle". Egyptians made sarcophagi for their rulers only from Aswan granite. Presumably, this is the Center that guards the Great Sphinx. According to scientists, in particular E. Menshov, the Center is a pointer to the underground necropolis of the god Osiris (in Egyptian mythology, Osiris was considered the ruler of the "Kingdom of the Dead") - a storehouse of knowledge that stores manuscripts and treasures of the ancients. Or, as E. Casey argued, the Hall of Chronicles is a repository of valuable knowledge and history of the Atlanteans. Copies of Atlantis documents, in accordance with the words of Cayce, were brought to Egypt by the Atlanteans and hidden in the "3rd Chronicle". Egyptians made sarcophagi for their rulers only from Aswan granite. Presumably, this is the Center that guards the Great Sphinx. According to scientists, in particular E. Menshov, the Center is a pointer to the underground necropolis of the god Osiris (in Egyptian mythology, Osiris was considered the ruler of the "Kingdom of the Dead") - a storehouse of knowledge that stores manuscripts and treasures of the ancients. Or, as E. Casey argued, the Hall of Chronicles is a repository of valuable knowledge and history of the Atlanteans. Copies of Atlantis documents, in accordance with the words of Cayce, were brought to Egypt by the Atlanteans and hidden in the "3rd Chronicle".keeping manuscripts and treasures of the ancients. Or, as E. Casey argued, the Hall of Chronicles is a repository of valuable knowledge and history of the Atlanteans. Copies of Atlantis documents, in accordance with the words of Cayce, were brought to Egypt by the Atlanteans and hidden in the "3rd Chronicle".keeping manuscripts and treasures of the ancients. Or, as E. Casey argued, the Hall of Chronicles is a repository of valuable knowledge and history of the Atlanteans. Copies of Atlantis documents, in accordance with the words of Cayce, were brought to Egypt by the Atlanteans and hidden in the "3rd Chronicle".

Another regularity indicating the non-random arrangement of the pyramids. If we take the distance from the Center to the southeast corner of the Khafre pyramid as one conventional unit, then to the southeast corner of the Khufu (Cheops) pyramid there will be 0.7 conventional units, and to the southeast corner of the Menkaur (Mikerin) pyramid - 1.5 … It turns out that distances with such ratios are well known to astronomers. So, the distance from the Sun to the Earth is taken as one astronomical unit. The distance from the Sun to Venus will be 0.7 units, and to Mars - 1.5. Our distances, in proportions, are strikingly close to astronomical ones. Thus, the pyramid of Cheops points to Venus, the pyramid of Khafre - to the Earth, and the pyramid of Menkaur - to Mars, and the symbolic Center - the Sun. Also back in 1880-1882, Flinders discoveredthat the sides of the pyramid were oriented with high precision to the magnetic poles.

1 - pyramid of Cheops, 2 - pyramid Khafre, 3 - pyramid of Mikerin, 4 - Sphinx, C - center
1 - pyramid of Cheops, 2 - pyramid Khafre, 3 - pyramid of Mikerin, 4 - Sphinx, C - center

1 - pyramid of Cheops, 2 - pyramid Khafre, 3 - pyramid of Mikerin, 4 - Sphinx, C - center.

What does this mean? Why is the Great Pyramid dedicated to Venus, while only the second largest pyramid is assigned to the Earth? Perhaps when life was on Venus?

Continuing the research of R. Bauval, L. Hunter proved that all the main stars of the constellation Orion strictly correspond to the location of certain temples in Egypt. Each temple is a large star in the constellation Orion. Moreover, it turned out that each such temple was made of a unique material that cannot be found in any other temple in all of Egypt. The base blocks of the three pyramids at Giza, including the Great Pyramid, are made of the same material. It is called a coin in a stone. It is limestone that looks like it has coins mixed in it.

Step pyramid of Djoser in Saqqara
Step pyramid of Djoser in Saqqara

Step pyramid of Djoser in Saqqara.

Meidum pyramid
Meidum pyramid

Meidum pyramid: But apart from this, if you look at the complex of pyramids in Giza from a bird's eye view, you can see that they are located on the spiral of the golden ratio, the beginning of which is in the southeast direction of the middle pyramid. And according to Drunvalo Melchizedek, if you draw this spiral further, then all the known and unknown megalithic buildings of the past (Stonehenge, Maku - Picchu, Easter Island, Mount Kailash) will be on its way.


Now let us turn to the notes of Herodotus about Egypt. The father of history in 445 BC e. told about the smallest details of the great pyramids and ranked them among the first wonders of the world. He wrote how long the giant pyramidal mountains of the pharaohs were erected and how many slaves worked on the stones. He scrupulously listed how much garlic, radish, dry cakes were delivered to them. But in his “History”, in which he wrote down “everything that he saw and heard in Egypt,” the Greek did not say a single word about the Sphinx. But Herodotus was not blind like Homer! Couldn't help but notice the giant lion in front of the pyramids? However, he did not see it!

Before Herodotus, Hecateus of Miletus was gaining wisdom in Egypt, and after him - Hecateus of Abder and the famous geographer and traveler Strabo. Their notes are detailed, but for some reason they don't mention the Sphinx either. Conspiracy of silence? But then there were already myths about the Sphinx in the Greek epic! What's the matter?

The mystery becomes even more mystical if we remember that Egyptian officials - the servants of the pharaohs meticulously recorded all the costs associated with the construction of pyramids and religious buildings, took into account the workdays, the weight of stones and the length of roads to the valley of the pyramids. So - not a single economic document of the era of the construction of large pyramids related to the Sphinx has been found by archaeologists. Is this an accident? Or is it something else?

The answer, however, is found in the work of the Roman naturalist Pliny the Elder "Natural History". He narrates in a narrative tone that in his time the Sphinx was once again cleared of the sands brought from the West from the desert. Once again! How many were there?

It turns out that Herodotus, Strabo and other Greeks simply did not see the Sphinx with their own eyes. He was under a layer of sand.

The mystery is partly explained in the old legends, spread first among the Egyptians, and then among the Arabs. The Sphinx is a living being, demigod, guardian of order. When he does not like something in the behavior of people, for example, their strife, wars, predatory raids on neighboring tribes or heretical hobbies for other people's idols, he jumps off the pedestal, leaves at night in the Libyan desert and buries himself deep in the sand …



The real essence of the puzzle is that the huge sculpture is covered with sand from time to time above the head. But this happens at the place where it was erected. Sands from hot Libya are carried in a huge mass today. Previously, they did not know how to erect barriers, forest belts, as now, and the Sphinx, when the Egyptians suddenly remembered about it, had to dig out with wooden shovels.

At the end of the last century, a stele was found in Egypt, the text of which was compiled in the 15th century BC. e. under the reign of Thutmose IV. Hieroglyphs inform that Pharaoh had a sign in a dream: if he cleans the Sphinx of sand, then his reign will be prosperous. And the sculpture was once again dug out, spending almost a year on it …

In the XII century BC. e. after the liberation of the Nile Valley from the next conquerors, the sculpture was dug up again. And from that time, a whole era began in the art of Ancient Egypt, associated with the production of thousands and thousands of small stone lions with a human head - from talismans for wearing on the chest to the size of a living African lion. Gi-gants don't do it. At the temple of Queen Hatshep-sut, the Egyptians erected a whole alley of granite sphinxes. And such alleys were then arranged at the funeral temples of all subsequent pharaohs.


Recently, information has been discovered that the Great Sphinx was dug out of the sand during the accession of the Ptolemaic dynasty in Egypt, then under the Roman emperors and Arab rulers in the Nile Valley. After prolonged sandstorms, the monument has to be cleaned up to this day, although now there is less sand than before.

What is sick of the Egyptian Sphinx?

Napoleon Bonaparte, and before him the Arab sages, amazed by the sight of the Sphinx against the backdrop of the majestic pyramids, expressed the idea that the stones processed by the hands of the ancient Egyptians are timeless. Yes, these monuments have been spared for millennia. But people themselves have damaged them. The facing from the stepped pyramids was stripped by the Arab caliphs for their palaces. One of the rulers of Egypt ordered to take off the nose of the Sphinx. At the beginning of the 18th century, another tyrant fired cannons at the face of the sculpture. Napoleonic soldiers fired guns into the eyes of the Sphinx. The English lords beat off the stone beard and took it to the British Museum …

Nowadays, the acrid smoke of the Cairo lime kilns penetrates the pores of the statue. They corrode stones and exhaust from car engines. The Sphinx is now clearly ill.

In 1990, a council of experts from Egypt, USA, France, Germany gathered. The team consisted of geologists, chemists, ecologists, antiquity restorers. The very idea of such a comprehensive survey arose after a large piece of stone broke off the neck of the Sphinx and fell down with a crash on a summer night in 1988. He was then weighed and horrified - as much as 350 kg! After that, UNESCO became concerned.

A camping laboratory with various analyzers and a powerful computer was installed near the monument. The French began their work by scanning a damaged head with ultrasonic emitters. There were dangerous cracks inside. The German professor F. Preuser discovered traces of the 1966 repairs - external cracks on the neck, sealed with poor cement, prone to rapid erosion. Americans were saddened by the condition of the Sphinx's paws.

What conclusions did the council make? The opinion of experts is as follows: to save the sculpture from destruction, hundreds of millions of dollars are needed, and for the first time, the monument should be closed with a plastic cap and tourist buses should be prohibited from approaching it. It has been damaged more in the 20th century than in the previous 4000 years …

Having made this conclusion, the members of the council went home. They could not get the money. The Egyptians undertook the restoration on their own. Large cracks were repaired with new synthetic compounds, the pedestal was strengthened, and the fallen fragments were found and replaced. The British were required to immediately return the beard and put it in place to strengthen the 900-ton head of the Sphinx.

The emergency condition and the beginning of the repair of the ancient sculpture caused a new interest of science in the mysteries of the Sphinx. Unexpected and sometimes hasty hypotheses appeared. But, as you know, it is impossible without them. According to one of them, the ritual essence of the Sphinx is to be the guardian of the necropolis, founded even before the erection of the great pyramids. Traces of such a necropolis have been found, but not investigated due to lack of funds. Then it was suggested that the Pharaoh's beard was attached to the head under the Ramses in order to give the rounded non-Egyptian features a resemblance to the pharaohs of the 19th dynasty. And one more thing: it has been suggested that in ancient times the stone lion was painted with ocher, which means: it was erected before the coming of the Egyptians to the Nile Valley. Nobody began to dispute the presence of ocher on the statue, but a discussion about the age of the sculpture flared up …


Meanwhile, the Egyptian Ministry of Culture drew up a master plan for the restoration of the Sphinx, designed for ten years. When some travel companies allocated funds for repairs, they decided to spend them on protecting the pedestal from brackish subsoil waters. A group of foreign hydrologists and geologists was invited. And then a new mystery of the Sphinx began …

He is a contemporary of Atlantis

About a year before the hydrologists arrived in Egypt, a cavalcade of orange vans drove up to the foundation of the sculpture. People in sunglasses, tropical helmets and overalls with hieroglyphs on their backs quickly spilled out of the cars. True, these were Japanese letters. Tokyo archaeologists headed by Professor S. Yoshimura enlightened the massif of the Cheops pyramid with echolocators, after which they decided to examine the stones of the Sphinx. And three days later, the Japanese came to a stunning conclusion: "The stones of the sculpture are older than the blocks of the pyramid." Let's make a reservation: Japanese experts did not mean the geological age of the rock from which the lion with a human face was made, but the age of the sculpture, that is, the time of processing the natural stone.

Then the Tokyo scientists announced the second sensation: electronic equipment under the left paw of a stone statue discovered a narrow tunnel leading towards the pyramid of Khafre. It starts at a depth of two meters and slopes downward. It is impossible to trace it further. Professor S. Yoshimura promised to create a new device specifically for the study of this structure. Thus, rumors circulated among the Arabs for a long time, asserting that under the Sphinx there is a tunnel dug by the Egyptians, through which water could be let in when an attempt was made to rob the burial chamber in the pyramid of Khafre, was confirmed …

After a while, a team of hydrologists settled down at the pedestal of the ancient lion. And a new sensation: traces of erosion from a large water flow were found at the base of the pedestal. As soon as this message was published in the Washington Gazette on the study of nature by new methods, a statement appeared in the press that the Nile used to be wider and flowed around the rock from which the infinitely mysterious Sphinx was cut.


How so? After all, there is a desert all around! What's the Neal?

“Most likely there are traces of not the Nile, but the flood,” the hydrologists suggested, “of a mighty flood of water. And he walked from north to south. It was not the flood of the Nile, but a biblical catastrophe!” After analyzes and consultations with geophysicists, the probable date of the flood was named: eight thousand years BC. e.!

The British, repeating the analysis, pushed this date back to twelve thousand years into the depths of the centuries, and noted that traces of water erosion occur on the worked part of the rock on which the Sphinx rests. French archaeologists have noticed: the dating of the Egyptian flood coincides with the date of the death of the legendary Atlantis according to Plato …

No, nothing is new under the moon. Back in the XII century, Europeans got acquainted with the Arab legend, according to which the pyramids were built to save the Egyptians during the flood, and the Sphinx was built to warn people in advance of the possibility of a catastrophe. It is no coincidence that his eyes are not only wise, but also eternally alert … And yet … The Sphinx has a third eye directed to the Cosmos!

The mystical Sphinx has been watching the eternal sun rise for several millennia. But he is not silent. He continues to ask riddles and waits for the Oedipus of the next century.

Let's wait and hope!

By the way, it was the cleaning work that helped the staff of the Department of Antiquities of the ARE to make an amazing discovery. A bulldozer between the Sphinx and the pyramid of Khafre accidentally uncovered traces of an urban settlement - one of the very first in Egypt. In times preceding the great pharaohs, its inhabitants somehow angered their king, and he ordered to raze him to the ground. The traces of the city are so blurred by time and people that it is still difficult to determine its origin. One thing is clear: it is much older than the pyramids.

Already the first comparisons of all these phenomena, facts, historical records and legends made scientists doubt the well-established opinion that the Sphinx was erected in the era of Djoser, Khafren and Cheops.