A Signal Is Heard All Over The Earth On Short Waves. Is The Martian Invasion Beginning? - Alternative View

A Signal Is Heard All Over The Earth On Short Waves. Is The Martian Invasion Beginning? - Alternative View
A Signal Is Heard All Over The Earth On Short Waves. Is The Martian Invasion Beginning? - Alternative View

On the morning of February 28, radio amateurs from all over the world, with great surprise, discovered a very strange 7.220 MHz radio signal clogging up the entire radio signal at short waves, the bandwidth is about 10 kHz:

TUNER number 1

TUNER number 2

The situation with this signal turned out to be very, very strange, giving rise to a lot of discussions and speculations.

The modern radio air is clogged with all sorts of garbage and there you can find any kind of noise. The same frequency of 7.220 MHz is used by a lot of radio stations

and even more: with a low power of the transmitter, waves shorter than 250 meters propagate no further than the horizon, therefore at one time it was believed that they were unsuitable for communication and gave the entire spectrum to radio amateurs.

Finally, the signal source can be all sorts of military personnel who decide to transmit a digital message on a shortwave carrier frequency. Well, since there are a lot of military men in the world, the topic is kind of closed - let them have fun as they can.

Promotional video:

The only concern expressed in this regard concerned the events in Turkey, against the background of which a particularly nervous public suspected the exchange of signals between nuclear submarines.

However, boats and radio stations, most likely, have nothing to do with it, because, according to the radio specialists who have unsubscribed on the topic, the signal is of the same strength throughout the planet and passes without fading, which is not typical for short waves. This suggests that either the transmitter is very, very powerful, such as HAARP, whose signals do not lose power when reflected from the ionosphere, or the signal source is external.

Radio amateurs write that HAARP is unlikely, since such installations have a kind of "dead zone" (in the figure it is indicated by a yellow arrow), and now there are no "dead zones":


Therefore, if this is not HAARP and network services show the same signal strength around the world, then the signal is most likely external. And if the signal is external, where is it from?

First of all, people now think of aliens, because, according to services that track meteorites, something is hanging over the territory of the United States now and giving a repeating signal:


Since the stream of meteorites cannot fall into the same place, then you need to think about some object that hangs over the planet within sight of livemeteors.com and similar resources. Perhaps this pepelats is the source of the mysterious signal?

Based on these GLP considerations, social networks, as well as a number of other forums, suggest that the alien landing has either begun or is already beginning.

We cannot confirm or refute this hypothesis, so we continue, as always, to follow the development of events: in our strange and crazy time, this may well be the case.