Scientists Have Discovered Two Of The World's Oldest Pyramids Under The Snows Of Alaska - Alternative View

Scientists Have Discovered Two Of The World's Oldest Pyramids Under The Snows Of Alaska - Alternative View
Scientists Have Discovered Two Of The World's Oldest Pyramids Under The Snows Of Alaska - Alternative View

Video: Scientists Have Discovered Two Of The World's Oldest Pyramids Under The Snows Of Alaska - Alternative View

Video: Scientists Have Discovered Two Of The World's Oldest Pyramids Under The Snows Of Alaska - Alternative View
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Scientists said they were able to find the oldest pyramids in the world in Alaska. Thanks to global warming, archaeologists were able to discover what had been hidden under the snow cover for centuries.

Experts were delighted when they were lucky enough to find two pyramids in Alaska. Global warming led to the melting of snows, which in this particular case helped archaeologists to make this unique discovery.

Earlier, the pyramids were found by a geological group, but then only the upper part of the ancient structure was visible. Analysis of the rocks confirmed that it was not without manual work. The experts noted that the stones were neatly laid out, just like in other similar pyramids found in different parts of the globe.

Anthropologist Linda Molton Howe said that the indigenous population of Alaska has long been talking about the pyramids in this region. What else is evidenced by the surviving myths, which describe the pyramid as a certain part of the Bermuda Triangle, in which the evil spirit of Kushtak rules. He will captivate lost travelers when they come too close to his domain.