In The Village Of Boltovo, A Resident Built A Pyramid Of Wood In His Garden - - Alternative View

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In The Village Of Boltovo, A Resident Built A Pyramid Of Wood In His Garden - - Alternative View
In The Village Of Boltovo, A Resident Built A Pyramid Of Wood In His Garden - - Alternative View

Video: In The Village Of Boltovo, A Resident Built A Pyramid Of Wood In His Garden - - Alternative View

Video: In The Village Of Boltovo, A Resident Built A Pyramid Of Wood In His Garden - - Alternative View
Video: Egyptology - Pyramid Construction 2024, September

A resident of the Novosibirsk region assures that the passage of time is slowing down in it. For example, village milk does not sour, and meat can lie for more than a week and not spoil

All residents of the region are talking about the local "Cheops" from the village of Boltovo, Suzunsky district. 47-year-old chauffeur Vladimir Bodrov erected a real huge pyramid in his garden in six months. For the Bolt people, it is now almost the main symbol of the village, a local landmark, so to speak. Neighbors pester Bodrov: let him into your pyramid, they say, it is curative. And he just throws up his hands in confusion, not knowing how to relate to the popularity that has fallen on him:

- I'm not a doctor, but if you want to - come in …

There are many pilgrims in the Bodrovs' garden. Following them, the journalists of Komsomolskaya Pravda went to a small Siberian village: to find out what kind of outlandish structure “grew up” in the middle of the village and wonders really happen there?

The pyramid cost 100 thousand rubles

The way to a small village, which is home to about a thousand inhabitants, is long and dusty - from Novosibirsk four hours on gravel and clay. Even a sophisticated "navigator" feels like Susanin, as soon as we crossed the town of Iskitim, we turned, as it turned out, in a completely different direction. Only local ethnographers know how to get to Boltov, thanks to them and the patience of our driver, we got to one of the wonders of the world on a local scale by noon. The pyramid, as they said, stood exactly in the middle of Vladimir Bodrov's garden. Wooden, seven meters high, covered with a film from the rain. However, there were hardly any of them in Boltovo this summer. The heat is literally Egyptian, and midges and gadflies scurry about in the hot air, from which there is no escape even in houses. But in the pyramid itself there are no insects. And the locals explain this fact simply:to see the building and has healing and mystical properties.

“Not a single fly,” says Vladimir Bodrov. - She's so unusual. Insects do not fly there. Only crickets. But this, they say, is a good omen: luckily.


Promotional video:

Vladimir is an ordinary rural chauffeur. I built a pyramid with my own money. I put it off for more than one month, because this venture cost him crazy money by rural standards - 100 thousand rubles! At first, the villagers believed that the peasant was not much of that: it’s not known what the money was in. And now they envy in a white way. And they themselves ask for an excursion to a local attraction. Bodrov does not take money for the inspection of the pyramid, and he warns the “pilgrims”: he is not responsible for any healing properties of the structure. Residents say: as soon as you go into the pyramid, your head stops hurting, your back unbends and it seems like it becomes easier to breathe.

- I still want to go to this pyramid, - an employee of the local village council tells me. - One friend goes there all the time. He assures that he just steps inside and immediately becomes easier. Sleep there for an hour, so the strength is restored, the mountains are ready to move later. And, most importantly, her migraine goes away.

Vladimir Bodrov confirms that the locals really go to the pyramid like to a hospital. And he himself noticed that if you lie on the second tier of the northern side of the structure, it becomes easier. However, the Siberian does not know whether it is connected with self-hypnosis or really with the miraculous properties of the building.

How nails interfere with a miracle

Bodrov got the idea to build an analogue of the wonder of the world in his garden when he saw a film on TV. It told about the miraculous healings and magical properties of the pyramids. Then the daughter brought the Siberian from Novosibirsk a book, which told how to build a "home pyramid" without a single nail for an ordinary person.

- Instead of nails, I used plastic dowels, - Vladimir admits and explains: - The metal in the pyramid cannot be used, as it will disturb the magnetic field. So, don't expect miracles from buildings with nails. For half a year I built a pyramid from pine boards, following the instructions in the book. And the result is worth it and brings benefit to the villagers.

Vladimir Bodrov assures that the pyramid can be used in agriculture. No joke, but according to the assurances of a Siberian, the village milk does not sour in it and can stand for a day. And the meat can be stored for 10 days.


- Rustic milk, if left on the table for four hours, will turn into yogurt. And here it can stand for a day, - the Siberian boasts. - I also conducted an experiment with pork - so the meat lay for 10 days and did not deteriorate. I saw on TV that there was only one explanation for that. There is no microbe in the pyramids, which is responsible for rotting and souring food. Therefore, the food does not spoil.

In a word, as if it was not a wooden pyramid, but some kind of freezer. And this despite the fact that the heat inside the building is now crazy. Hell as in a bath.

- During the day, it is above 50 degrees Celsius there, - warns Vladimir, inviting us to go inside. Within a minute we feel the whole truth of his words. And we catch ourselves thinking that we have been in a sauna.

There are three floors inside the Bodrov pyramid. On the second, there is a two-tier couch with a pillow and a sheet. There is a carpet on the wooden floor.


- It is on this bed that my fellow villagers come to lie down, - Vladimir shows. - I also rest on it sometimes.

And if in summer it is hot in the pyramid, then in winter it is the opposite - like the North Pole. And again, according to Vladimir, inexplicable things happen: water does not freeze in such cold weather.

“I believe that the water is charged inside there,” Bodrov admits. - Therefore, I put bottles with mineral water in the pyramid. Then we drink it with the whole family and it seems like we really feel better. In general, it seems to me that it would be nice if scientists studied all the properties of the pyramids. And if there were businessmen who found application for them in agriculture, it would be great! I do not regret that I spent all my savings on the construction of this miracle. After all, a person has always been attracted by everything unknown, and when this mysterious is in your garden - in general it takes pride!