"Pharmaceuticals - Legalized Drug Trade" - Alternative View

"Pharmaceuticals - Legalized Drug Trade" - Alternative View
"Pharmaceuticals - Legalized Drug Trade" - Alternative View

Video: "Pharmaceuticals - Legalized Drug Trade" - Alternative View

Video: Why Portugal Decriminalized All Drugs | The War on Drugs 2024, September

Remember the movie "The Matrix"?

There was a moment when Neo got to know the team during a common lunch. Few paid attention to this, and this is the key moment of his exit from the matrix. They all ate something that looked like a very thin porridge, but at the same time one of them noted that they always eat the same food (!!!).

And when one of them decided to betray the team, his first desire was "to eat whatever he wants." And the moment he talked about it, there was chicken on the plate in front of him.

Supply system!

It affects the microflora of the body, the acidity of the body, and most importantly, the thinking system. This is the main and only way out of the matrix.

Tolstoy wrote about this in his book "The First Step", also a symbolic name, won't you agree? Arnold Eret wrote about this. He called this knowledge "Alpha and Amega" (Vadim Zeland - GP wrote about this)

Now remember another moment when Neo was planted with a parasite and his mouth grew together. This is also no coincidence. Here every smallest detail has its own deep meaning. The fact is that all 100 out of 100 people carry parasites in themselves, which are introduced into the hormonal background and control a person.

And remember how Morphius's team started to free Neo?

Promotional video:

They started by extracting this parasite. Do you know that 80% of all diseases are parasitic in nature? And the fact that pathogenic microflora acidifies the body?

And the fact that protein is not synthesized in an acidic environment? It is synthesized only in an alkaline environment. And the fact that 3,500 enzymes are disabled in an acidic environment? Pathogenic bacteria, changing the hormonal background, acidify the body and turn off the hormonal control system of the body, and releasing their waste products, in fact, take over the control of our body.

All this is programmed at the reflex level.

Medicine is so outdated and degraded, turning into a red rag to divert from the truth, that even people who have nothing to do with it already understand it. It has turned into an avid cynical business. The wrong food system and the wrong value system are being imposed on us.

This is done with the help of the media and lobbied by major pharmaceutical companies, the food industry and medicine. We are imposed on "essential amino acids", glucose as an energy source, and calorie counting, although all this is essentially a big scam.

Professor Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakin, who has worked in the system of medical care for cosmonauts for more than 30 years: “Be afraid to fall into the hands of doctors, not because they are bad, but because they are in captivity of their own delusions. Someone found it beneficial to create a system in which the fewer patients, the lower the salaries of doctors and the fewer of them in the staffing table. Unfortunately, medicine does not need a healthy person - medicine needs as many patients as possible. The sick is the provision of work for the huge health care industry, medical and pharmaceutical industries, that is, a market that lives at the expense of the sick."

Pavel Durov said: “Pharmaceuticals is a legalized drug trade. The tablets are always designed to deal with the effect, not the cause. The real cause of illness almost always lies somewhere in the way of life or the way of thinking. But pharmaceutical companies and their pharmacy dealers do not need you to address the real cause of the disease. A healthy person is a direct loss, but a dead person is also a loss, so they need you to live, but badly. With periods of temporary relief, which will bring you healing pills, which to maintain the effect you will need to take a little more each time. " Durov also said very accurately: "A characteristic feature of our civilization is the love of medicines, which are more dangerous than the disease itself."
