Big Pharma Vs Humanity - Alternative View

Big Pharma Vs Humanity - Alternative View
Big Pharma Vs Humanity - Alternative View

Video: Big Pharma Vs Humanity - Alternative View

Video: Big Pharma Vs Humanity - Alternative View
Video: 5 Things Big Pharma Can Expect from the 2020s / Episode 13 - The Medical Futurist 2024, September

ANP: Big Pharma's chemical war against America has killed more Americans than all world wars and terrorist attacks combined!

And now we're getting more evidence that Congress wants Big Pharma's Death Clock to keep ticking.

In this new piece of news, Mac Slavo on SHTFPlan reports that what has long been talked about has been confirmed: Internet search engines are defending the “big pharmaceutical mafia” by censoring news about all natural, natural, in health.

Pointing in their history that censorship is nothing new in search engines as we have evidence that they tried to rig the 2016 election by burying negative Hillary Clinton articles in their search results, censoring natural news and health information for protection the profits of the “big pharmaceutical mafia” should be seen as a crime against humanity, seeing how many people are killed by their poisons. And millions of Americans are still dying in vain from diseases such as cancer, diseases that we have seen can be cured naturally.


As the Pharma Death Clock reports, “Big Pharma’s chemical war against humanity dwarfs the number of casualties that have occurred in all world wars and terrorist attacks combined.” While pharmaceutical companies receive billions, people die in millions. Why are the Big Pharma mafias still allowed to terrorize and kill millions of Americans?

Big Pharma has huge profits from human suffering and mass death from chemotherapy. Yes, a real chemical war is being waged using deadly poisons, while many people have used natural products to fight this disease and conquer it.

And who started this chemical war with humanity and put humanity on poisons?

Promotional video:

How Rockefeller Created Modern Medicine and Killed Natural Medicines

As Jason Velei recently reported in Natural News, "The ongoing and irresistible censorship of the Internet is largely sowing the seeds of tyranny in America." The government's war on natural remedies has been going on for almost 100 years, and we have 100% proof that tyranny is still alive and well in America and Big Pharma is behind it.

And yet, considering the absolutely devastating opioid crisis that has become one of the leading causes of death for Americans, we get further confirmation that the US government wants to kill us all. At the same time, Congress, with its latest decisions, prohibits natural, natural medicinal products.

Why would Congress ban natural, natural medicines that are now helping tens of millions of Americans if they don't want millions of Americans dead? This only says one thing, Big Pharma has complete control over most of the US government and wants to hide its crimes against humanity.

What crimes some might ask? As we will see below, Big Pharma is organized crime!


In Deadly Medicines and Organized Crime: How Big Pharma Has Corrupted Healthcare, author Professor Peter Gotzsche MD “exposes the pharmaceutical industry and their charade of fraudulent behavior, as in research, and in marketing, where a morally abhorrent disregard for human life is the norm."

He went so far and dug so deep that he was able to call a spade a spade and called Big Pharma - organized crime, as we hear in the video below from himself:

Recall that we reported on ANP back in 2016, “those who corrupted the health of veterans and those who profit from the endless wars of this country are the same persons -“war criminal plutocrats”in Washington and“Big Pharma” …

We can also see on the internet blatant censorship of everything about the truth about Big Pharma and the truth about the mysterious deaths of nearly a hundred healing physicians (homeopaths) across America and around the world, as firmly confirmed by Erin Elizabeth of Health Nut News. while searching for "Dead Holistic Doctors 2018".

While we have absolute proof that more than 80 medical doctors died under mysterious circumstances, who can prove to us that this dizzying chain of doctors' deaths is not connected?

While ANP, Health Nut News and other independent news sites are unable to prove that these mysterious deaths are related, we saw a very clear pattern that the process is going on and doctors are dying like flies, and as reported by Healing Oracl, their number has already exceeded 100. if you count those who died under mysterious circumstances in Mexico and Europe.

Why do Internet search engines cover Big Pharma? If it is impossible to find the whole truth about Mafia-Big Pharma on the Internet, and Professor Gotzshe's book is true, then what does that mean ???

As we see in the unfolding scandal in the FBI and the Department of Justice, the fish rots from the head, corruption devours the body of power, and the corruption that Big Pharma has created is terrorism against the Americans.


And in the final part of this story, we learn that Big Pharma also helped to completely destroy health insurance in America, according to Michael Snyder in his recent article on the Economic Collapse Blog.

And USA Today reports that health insurance costs are rising by about $ 100 every month. Unsurprisingly, the impression is that the American middle class is being systematically destroyed.

It is becoming more evident every day that their “end game” involves the death of the middle class in America, and if they can kill millions more of us in the process with “pharmaceutical poisons,” so be it.