South America - The Territory Of A Long Stay Of A Highly Developed Civilization In The Past? - Alternative View

South America - The Territory Of A Long Stay Of A Highly Developed Civilization In The Past? - Alternative View
South America - The Territory Of A Long Stay Of A Highly Developed Civilization In The Past? - Alternative View

Video: South America - The Territory Of A Long Stay Of A Highly Developed Civilization In The Past? - Alternative View

Video: South America - The Territory Of A Long Stay Of A Highly Developed Civilization In The Past? - Alternative View
Video: City of the Future: Singapore – Full Episode | National Geographic 2024, September

South America is perhaps a slight exaggeration, since the most interesting are the territories of modern Peru, Bolivia and, in principle, Ecuador can be attributed to this list.

I'll start with the most important thing - this is, of course, Peru. And then you can slightly touch on the two remaining states.


Even now, Peru is far from the largest state, and the territory of the state is small, while most of the ancient objects in the world are concentrated there, relatively such a small territory, this cannot be seen anywhere else.

In a nutshell, I will talk about the main objects and how they can be compared with this version and a highly developed civilization. To begin with, Sacsayhuaman and Ollantaytambo, according to historians, were built at about the same time around the 16th century AD.

Again, according to the official version, in the 16th century, in general, there were not even 1 billion people in the world, which I certainly do not believe in, but that is not the point. Imagine how many people were in Peru alone?


All this I mean is that if you ignore almost everything and just take the numbers, it is simply impossible to create two such objects in the 16th century, on the same territory, at approximately the same time.

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But this is if you ignore the facts. For example, I did not say that in Sacsayhuaman and Ollantaytambo, megaliths were cut down in quarries and this has already been proven, then they were somehow moved, processed and installed.

For example, the distance from Ollantaytambo to the quarry, from where the megaliths were mined, is located in a gorge, at a distance of 10 kilometers, is not it impressive? But this did not prevent the construction of incredible structures.


So far I have only mentioned two, some of the most famous sites in Peru, not to mention many others. Although the official history, in my opinion, no longer stands up to such facts.

And if we talk about other structures, for example, the Coricancha temple, Machu Picchu, there are many traces of various unknown technologies only in the city of Cusco, not to mention Peru itself, etc.


It is clear that a lot of inexplicable and contradictory history can be seen in Egypt, India and other places, but in Peru there is really too much of everything and people, even half of what they have now, could not create and build simply in any way in the past.

Even if they worked with a hammer and chisel for millennia, there are traces of what cannot be processed and made without high technology and machining.

This I, again, do not touch upon such things as, for example, traces of stone softening technology throughout Peru or, for example, Tambomachai, where, judging by the traces, they used some powerful weapon and much more.


I will not paint for a long time, since everyone should understand where I am leading. Therefore, it is worth mentioning about Bolivia and Ecuador.

Perhaps I don’t know something, but for me in Bolivia only Tiwanaku and Puma Punku are interesting, since as far as I know, only they can be attributed to the highly developed civilization of the past.


But these two objects also have a lot of interesting things. For example, blocks scattered to the sides in Puma-Punku, as if from an explosion or a strong blow, as well as processing, masonry and some other technologies.

In Ecuador, many artifacts unexplained for history were found, but there is little information about any structures. I can only single out a part of the pyramid that the researchers found, but officially it has not yet been allegedly found, and the information has apparently disappeared forever.


Again, an elementary comparison of the same Bolivia with Peru says a lot. Although the area of Peru is approximately the same as that of Bolivia, there are dozens of times more ancient incredible objects there, I would even say they are everywhere.

What conclusion can be drawn? It is too obvious to me that in Peru there are many traces of everything that is unknown and incomprehensible to us, but the civilization of the past did it all somehow. And it is clear that these were not the Incas, as all historians try to declare with one voice.


Perhaps, in Peru, the ancient buildings are simply the best preserved, but the fact is that there are many of them, and this suggests that in the past, on the territory of modern Peru, there was a civilization, most likely many times higher than our level of development.